test_http.py 2.9 KB

  1. import io
  2. import platform
  3. from unittest.mock import patch
  4. import brotli
  5. import pytest
  6. import responses
  7. from django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousOperation
  8. from urllib3.util.connection import HAS_IPV6
  9. from sentry import http
  10. from sentry.testutils.helpers import override_blacklist
  11. @responses.activate
  12. @patch("socket.getaddrinfo")
  13. def test_simple(mock_getaddrinfo):
  14. mock_getaddrinfo.return_value = [(2, 1, 6, "", ("", 0))]
  15. responses.add(responses.GET, "http://example.com", body="foo bar")
  16. resp = http.safe_urlopen("http://example.com")
  17. data = http.safe_urlread(resp)
  18. assert data.decode("utf-8") == "foo bar"
  19. request = responses.calls[0].request
  20. assert "User-Agent" in request.headers
  21. assert "gzip" in request.headers.get("Accept-Encoding", "")
  22. @override_blacklist("", "::1", "")
  23. # XXX(dcramer): we can't use responses here as it hooks Session.send
  24. # @responses.activate
  25. def test_ip_blacklist_ipv4():
  26. with pytest.raises(SuspiciousOperation):
  27. http.safe_urlopen("")
  28. with pytest.raises(SuspiciousOperation):
  29. http.safe_urlopen("")
  30. with pytest.raises(SuspiciousOperation):
  31. # '2130706433' is dword for ''
  32. http.safe_urlopen("http://2130706433")
  33. @pytest.mark.skipif(not HAS_IPV6, reason="needs ipv6")
  34. @override_blacklist("::1")
  35. def test_ip_blacklist_ipv6():
  36. with pytest.raises(SuspiciousOperation):
  37. http.safe_urlopen("http://[::1]")
  38. @pytest.mark.skipif(HAS_IPV6, reason="stub for non-ipv6 systems")
  39. @override_blacklist("::1")
  40. @patch("socket.getaddrinfo")
  41. def test_ip_blacklist_ipv6_fallback(mock_getaddrinfo):
  42. mock_getaddrinfo.return_value = [(10, 1, 6, "", ("::1", 0, 0, 0))]
  43. with pytest.raises(SuspiciousOperation):
  44. http.safe_urlopen("http://[::1]")
  45. @pytest.mark.skipif(
  46. platform.system() == "Darwin", reason="macOS is always broken, see comment in sentry/http.py"
  47. )
  48. @override_blacklist("")
  49. def test_garbage_ip():
  50. with pytest.raises(SuspiciousOperation):
  51. # '0177.0000.0000.0001' is an octal for ''
  52. http.safe_urlopen("http://0177.0000.0000.0001")
  53. @responses.activate
  54. def test_fetch_file():
  55. responses.add(
  56. responses.GET, "http://example.com", body="foo bar", content_type="application/json"
  57. )
  58. temp = io.BytesIO()
  59. result = http.fetch_file(url="http://example.com", domain_lock_enabled=False, outfile=temp)
  60. assert result.body is None
  61. assert temp.getvalue() == b"foo bar"
  62. @responses.activate
  63. def test_fetch_file_brotli():
  64. body = brotli.compress(b"foo bar")
  65. responses.add(
  66. responses.GET,
  67. "http://example.com",
  68. body=body,
  69. content_type="application/json",
  70. adding_headers={"Content-Encoding": "br"},
  71. )
  72. temp = io.BytesIO()
  73. result = http.fetch_file(url="http://example.com", domain_lock_enabled=False, outfile=temp)
  74. assert result.body is None
  75. assert temp.getvalue() == b"foo bar"