requirements-dev.txt 767 B

  1. --index-url
  2. docker>=3.7.0,<3.8.0
  3. exam>=0.10.6
  4. freezegun>=1.1.0
  5. honcho>=1.1.0
  6. openapi-core>=0.14.2
  7. pytest>=7.2
  8. pytest-cov>=4.0.0
  9. pytest-django>=4.4.0
  10. pytest-rerunfailures>=10
  11. pytest-sentry>=0.1.11
  12. pytest-xdist>=3
  13. responses>=0.21.0
  14. # pre-commit dependencies
  15. pre-commit>=2.18.1
  16. black>=22.3.0
  17. flake8>=5.0.2
  18. flake8-bugbear>=22.7.1
  19. pyupgrade>=3
  20. isort>=5.10.1
  21. # For tools/. To be moved into redistributable dev environments.
  22. # note: wheel is pulled in by pip-tools
  23. pip-tools>=6.7.0
  24. packaging>=21.3
  25. # for type checking
  26. lxml-stubs
  27. msgpack-types>=0.2.0
  28. mypy>=0.982
  29. types-beautifulsoup4
  30. types-freezegun
  31. types-jsonschema
  32. types-psycopg2
  33. types-python-dateutil
  34. types-pytz
  35. types-pyyaml
  36. types-redis
  37. types-requests
  38. types-simplejson>=