bug.yml 2.0 KB

  1. name: ๐Ÿž Bug Report
  2. description: Tell us about something that's not working the way we (probably) intend.
  3. body:
  4. - type: dropdown
  5. id: environment
  6. attributes:
  7. label: Environment
  8. description: Where are you using our software?
  9. options:
  10. - SaaS (https://sentry.io/)
  11. - self-hosted (https://develop.sentry.dev/self-hosted/)
  12. validations:
  13. required: true
  14. - type: input
  15. id: version
  16. attributes:
  17. label: Version
  18. placeholder: 21.7.0 โ† should look like this (check the footer)
  19. description: If self-hosted, what version are you running?
  20. validations:
  21. required: false
  22. - type: input
  23. id: identification
  24. attributes:
  25. label: Identification
  26. placeholder: Link to Sentry or org slug or slug id (non-PII)
  27. description: (Optional info) If you are using SaaS, in order to speed up investigations - could you please include a link to where you found the issue (if it applies) or your organization slug? If you are concerned with exposing your organization slug (which is included on links to sentry.io) you can share your organization ID which can be found in your client keys (DSN) which follow the format `https://{tag}@o{ORGANISATION_ID}.ingest.sentry.io/{PROJECT_ID}`
  28. validations:
  29. required: false
  30. - type: textarea
  31. id: repro
  32. attributes:
  33. label: Steps to Reproduce
  34. description: How can we see what you're seeing? Specific is terrific.
  35. placeholder: |-
  36. 1. foo
  37. 2. bar
  38. 3. baz
  39. validations:
  40. required: true
  41. - type: textarea
  42. id: expected
  43. attributes:
  44. label: Expected Result
  45. validations:
  46. required: true
  47. - type: textarea
  48. id: actual
  49. attributes:
  50. label: Actual Result
  51. description: Logs? Screenshots? Yes, please.
  52. validations:
  53. required: true
  54. - type: markdown
  55. attributes:
  56. value: |-
  57. ## Thanks ๐Ÿ™
  58. Check our [triage docs](https://open.sentry.io/triage/) for what to expect next.
  59. validations:
  60. required: false