123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839 |
- import {render, screen, userEvent} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary';
- import PlatformList from 'sentry/components/platformList';
- import type {PlatformKey} from 'sentry/types';
- describe('PlatformList', function () {
- const platforms: PlatformKey[] = ['java', 'php', 'javascript', 'cocoa-swift', 'ruby'];
- it('renders max of three icons from platforms', function () {
- render(<PlatformList platforms={platforms} />);
- expect(screen.getAllByRole('img')).toHaveLength(3);
- });
- it('renders default if no platforms', function () {
- render(<PlatformList platforms={[]} />);
- expect(screen.getByRole('img')).toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- it('displays counter', async function () {
- render(<PlatformList platforms={platforms} showCounter />);
- const icons = screen.getAllByRole('img');
- expect(icons).toHaveLength(3);
- // Check tooltip content,
- const extra = screen.getByText('2');
- await userEvent.hover(extra);
- expect(await screen.findByText('2 other platforms')).toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- it('displays counter according to the max value', function () {
- const max = 2;
- render(<PlatformList platforms={platforms} max={max} showCounter />);
- const icons = screen.getAllByRole('img');
- expect(icons).toHaveLength(max);
- const extraCounter = platforms.length - max;
- expect(screen.getByText(extraCounter)).toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- });