123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191 |
- /* eslint-env node */
- /* eslint import/no-nodejs-modules:0 */
- import crypto from 'crypto';
- import https from 'https';
- import os from 'os';
- import type Sentry from '@sentry/node';
- import type {Transaction} from '@sentry/types';
- import webpack from 'webpack';
- const {
- } = process.env;
- const IS_CI = !!GITHUB_SHA;
- const PLUGIN_NAME = 'SentryInstrumentation';
- const GB_BYTE = 1073741824;
- const createSignature = function (secret: string, payload: string) {
- const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha1', secret);
- return `sha1=${hmac.update(payload).digest('hex')}`;
- };
- const INCREMENTAL_BUILD_TXN = 'incremental-build';
- const INITIAL_BUILD_TXN = 'initial-build';
- class SentryInstrumentation {
- hasInitializedBuild: boolean = false;
- Sentry?: typeof Sentry;
- transaction?: Transaction;
- constructor() {
- // Only run if SENTRY_INSTRUMENTATION` is set or when in ci,
- // only in the javascript suite that runs webpack
- return;
- }
- const sentry = require('@sentry/node');
- require('@sentry/tracing');
- const {ProfilingIntegration} = require('@sentry/profiling-node');
- sentry.init({
- dsn: 'https://3d282d186d924374800aa47006227ce9@sentry.io/2053674',
- environment: IS_CI ? 'ci' : 'local',
- tracesSampleRate: 1.0,
- integrations: [new ProfilingIntegration()],
- profilesSampler: ({transactionContext}) => {
- if (transactionContext.name === INCREMENTAL_BUILD_TXN) {
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- },
- _experiments: {
- // 5 minutes should be plenty
- maxProfileDurationMs: 5 * 60 * 1000,
- },
- });
- if (IS_CI) {
- sentry.setTag('branch', GITHUB_REF);
- }
- const cpus = os.cpus();
- sentry.setTag('platform', os.platform());
- sentry.setTag('arch', os.arch());
- sentry.setTag(
- 'cpu',
- cpus && cpus.length ? `${cpus[0].model} (cores: ${cpus.length})}` : 'N/A'
- );
- this.Sentry = sentry;
- this.transaction = sentry.startTransaction({
- op: 'webpack-build',
- name: !this.hasInitializedBuild ? INITIAL_BUILD_TXN : INCREMENTAL_BUILD_TXN,
- description: 'webpack build times',
- trimEnd: true,
- });
- }
- /**
- * Measures the file sizes of assets emitted from the entrypoints
- */
- measureAssetSizes(compilation: webpack.Compilation) {
- return;
- }
- [...compilation.entrypoints].forEach(([entrypointName, entry]) =>
- entry.chunks.forEach(chunk =>
- Array.from(chunk.files)
- .filter(assetName => !assetName.endsWith('.map'))
- .forEach(assetName => {
- const asset = compilation.assets[assetName];
- const size = asset.size();
- const file = assetName;
- const body = JSON.stringify({
- file,
- entrypointName,
- size,
- commit: GITHUB_SHA,
- environment: IS_CI ? 'ci' : '',
- node_env: NODE_ENV,
- });
- const req = https.request({
- host: 'product-eng-webhooks-vmrqv3f7nq-uw.a.run.app',
- path: '/metrics/webpack/webhook',
- method: 'POST',
- headers: {
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
- 'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(body),
- 'x-webpack-signature': createSignature(
- body
- ),
- },
- });
- req.end(body);
- })
- )
- );
- }
- measureBuildTime(startTime: number, endTime: number) {
- if (!this.Sentry) {
- return;
- }
- if (this.hasInitializedBuild) {
- this.transaction = this.Sentry.startTransaction({
- op: 'webpack-build',
- name: this.hasInitializedBuild ? 'incremental-build' : 'initial-build',
- description: 'webpack build times',
- startTimestamp: startTime,
- trimEnd: true,
- });
- }
- this.transaction
- ?.startChild({
- op: 'build',
- description: 'webpack build',
- data: {
- os: `${os.platform()} ${os.arch()} v${os.release()}`,
- memory: os.freemem()
- ? `${os.freemem() / GB_BYTE} / ${os.totalmem() / GB_BYTE} GB (${
- (os.freemem() / os.totalmem()) * 100
- }% free)`
- : 'N/A',
- loadavg: os.loadavg(),
- },
- startTimestamp: startTime,
- })
- .finish(endTime);
- this.transaction?.finish();
- }
- apply(compiler: webpack.Compiler) {
- compiler.hooks.done.tapAsync(
- async ({compilation, startTime, endTime}, done) => {
- // Only record this once and only on Travis
- // Don't really care about asset sizes during local dev
- if (IS_CI && !this.hasInitializedBuild) {
- this.measureAssetSizes(compilation);
- }
- if (this.Sentry) {
- this.measureBuildTime(startTime / 1000, endTime / 1000);
- await this.Sentry.flush();
- }
- this.hasInitializedBuild = true;
- done();
- }
- );
- }
- }
- export default SentryInstrumentation;