n1_api_call.txt 862 B

  1. Details
  2. -------
  3. http://testserver/organizations/sentry/issues/x/?referrer=alert_email&alert_type=email&alert_timestamp=1337&alert_rule_id=1
  4. Suspect Commits
  5. ---------------
  6. * feat: Do something to raven/base.py
  7. 1b17483 - dcramer@gmail.com
  8. Tags
  9. ----
  10. * browser = Chrome 108.0.0
  11. * browser.name = Chrome
  12. * client_os = Mac OS X 10.15.7
  13. * client_os.name = Mac OS X
  14. * device = Mac
  15. * device.family = Mac
  16. * deviceMemory = 8 GB
  17. * effectiveConnectionType = 4g
  18. * environment = production
  19. * hardwareConcurrency = 10
  20. * lcp.element = body > div#__next > h1
  21. * lcp.size = 5738
  22. * level = info
  23. * os = Mac OS X 10.15.7
  24. * os.name = Mac OS X
  25. * sentry:user = ip:
  26. * transaction = /
  27. * url = http://localhost:3030/
  28. Request
  29. -----------
  30. User
  31. -----------
  32. Unsubscribe: javascript:alert("This is a preview page, what did you expect to happen?");