123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119 |
- /* eslint-env node */
- /* eslint import/no-nodejs-modules:0 */
- import path from 'path';
- import process from 'process';
- import type {Config} from '@jest/types';
- import babelConfig from './babel.config';
- process.env;
- /**
- * In CI we may need to shard our jest tests so that we can parellize the test runs
- *
- * `JEST_TESTS` is a list of all tests that will run, captured by `jest --listTests`
- * Then we split up the tests based on the total number of CI instances that will
- * be running the tests.
- */
- let testMatch: string[] | undefined;
- if (
- typeof CI_NODE_TOTAL !== 'undefined' &&
- typeof CI_NODE_INDEX !== 'undefined'
- ) {
- // Taken from https://github.com/facebook/jest/issues/6270#issue-326653779
- const envTestList = JSON.parse(JEST_TESTS) as string[];
- const tests = envTestList.sort((a, b) => b.localeCompare(a));
- const nodeTotal = Number(CI_NODE_TOTAL);
- const nodeIndex = Number(CI_NODE_INDEX);
- const length = tests.length;
- const size = Math.floor(length / nodeTotal);
- const remainder = length % nodeTotal;
- const offset = Math.min(nodeIndex, remainder) + nodeIndex * size;
- const chunk = size + (nodeIndex < remainder ? 1 : 0);
- testMatch = tests.slice(offset, offset + chunk);
- }
- const config: Config.InitialOptions = {
- verbose: false,
- collectCoverageFrom: [
- 'tests/js/spec/**/*.{js,jsx,tsx}',
- 'static/app/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
- ],
- coverageReporters: ['html', 'cobertura'],
- coverageDirectory: '.artifacts/coverage',
- moduleNameMapper: {
- '^sentry/(.*)': '<rootDir>/static/app/$1',
- '^sentry-test/(.*)': '<rootDir>/tests/js/sentry-test/$1',
- '^sentry-locale/(.*)': '<rootDir>/src/sentry/locale/$1',
- '\\.(css|less|png|jpg|mp4)$': '<rootDir>/tests/js/sentry-test/importStyleMock.js',
- '\\.(svg)$': '<rootDir>/tests/js/sentry-test/svgMock.js',
- 'integration-docs-platforms':
- '<rootDir>/tests/fixtures/integration-docs/_platforms.json',
- },
- setupFiles: [
- '<rootDir>/static/app/utils/silence-react-unsafe-warnings.ts',
- '<rootDir>/tests/js/throw-on-react-error.js',
- 'jest-canvas-mock',
- ],
- setupFilesAfterEnv: [
- '<rootDir>/tests/js/setup.ts',
- '<rootDir>/tests/js/setupFramework.ts',
- '@testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect',
- ],
- testMatch: testMatch || ['<rootDir>/tests/js/**/*(*.)@(spec|test).(js|ts)?(x)'],
- testPathIgnorePatterns: ['<rootDir>/tests/sentry/lang/javascript/'],
- unmockedModulePathPatterns: [
- '<rootDir>/node_modules/react',
- '<rootDir>/node_modules/reflux',
- ],
- transform: {
- '^.+\\.jsx?$': ['babel-jest', babelConfig as any],
- '^.+\\.tsx?$': ['babel-jest', babelConfig as any],
- '^.+\\.pegjs?$': '<rootDir>/tests/js/jest-pegjs-transform.js',
- },
- transformIgnorePatterns: ['/node_modules/(?!echarts|zrender)'],
- moduleFileExtensions: ['js', 'ts', 'jsx', 'tsx'],
- globals: {},
- reporters: [
- 'default',
- [
- 'jest-junit',
- {
- outputDirectory: '.artifacts',
- outputName: 'jest.junit.xml',
- },
- ],
- ],
- testRunner: 'jest-circus/runner',
- testEnvironment: '<rootDir>/tests/js/instrumentedEnv',
- testEnvironmentOptions: {
- sentryConfig: {
- init: {
- dsn: 'https://3fe1dce93e3a4267979ebad67f3de327@sentry.io/4857230',
- environment: !!CI ? 'ci' : 'local',
- tracesSampleRate: 1.0,
- },
- transactionOptions: {
- tags: {
- branch: GITHUB_PR_REF,
- commit: GITHUB_PR_SHA,
- },
- },
- },
- output: path.resolve(__dirname, '.artifacts', 'visual-snapshots', 'jest'),
- },
- };
- export default config;