index.spec.jsx 594 B

  1. import React from 'react';
  2. import {mountWithTheme} from 'sentry-test/enzyme';
  3. import IncidentsContainer from 'app/views/incidents';
  4. describe('IncidentsContainer', function() {
  5. describe('no access without feature flag', function() {
  6. it('display no access message', function() {
  7. const organization = TestStubs.Organization({projects: [TestStubs.Project()]});
  8. const wrapper = mountWithTheme(
  9. <IncidentsContainer />,
  10. TestStubs.routerContext([{organization}])
  11. );
  12. expect(wrapper.text()).toBe("You don't have access to this feature");
  13. });
  14. });
  15. });