123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314 |
- import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual';
- import {DataCategory} from 'sentry/types/core';
- import type {Organization} from 'sentry/types/organization';
- import oxfordizeArray from 'sentry/utils/oxfordizeArray';
- import type {
- OnDemandBudgets,
- PendingOnDemandBudgets,
- PerCategoryOnDemandBudget,
- Plan,
- Subscription,
- SubscriptionOnDemandBudgets,
- } from 'getsentry/types';
- import {BillingType, OnDemandBudgetMode, PlanTier} from 'getsentry/types';
- import {getPlanCategoryName} from 'getsentry/utils/dataCategory';
- import formatCurrency from 'getsentry/utils/formatCurrency';
- import trackGetsentryAnalytics from 'getsentry/utils/trackGetsentryAnalytics';
- export function parseOnDemandBudgetsFromSubscription(
- subscription: Subscription
- ): OnDemandBudgets {
- const {onDemandBudgets, onDemandMaxSpend} = subscription;
- const validatedOnDemandMaxSpend = Math.max(onDemandMaxSpend ?? 0, 0);
- if (!onDemandBudgets) {
- return {
- budgetMode: OnDemandBudgetMode.SHARED,
- sharedMaxBudget: validatedOnDemandMaxSpend,
- };
- }
- return parseOnDemandBudgets(onDemandBudgets);
- }
- export function parseOnDemandBudgets(
- onDemandBudgets: SubscriptionOnDemandBudgets | PendingOnDemandBudgets
- ): OnDemandBudgets {
- if (onDemandBudgets.budgetMode === OnDemandBudgetMode.PER_CATEGORY) {
- return {
- budgetMode: OnDemandBudgetMode.PER_CATEGORY,
- errorsBudget: onDemandBudgets.budgets.errors ?? 0,
- transactionsBudget: onDemandBudgets.budgets.transactions ?? 0,
- attachmentsBudget: onDemandBudgets.budgets.attachments ?? 0,
- replaysBudget: onDemandBudgets.budgets.replays ?? 0,
- monitorSeatsBudget: onDemandBudgets.budgets.monitorSeats ?? 0,
- uptimeBudget: onDemandBudgets.budgets.uptime ?? 0,
- budgets: {
- errors: onDemandBudgets.budgets.errors,
- transactions: onDemandBudgets.budgets.transactions,
- attachments: onDemandBudgets.budgets.attachments,
- replays: onDemandBudgets.budgets.replays,
- monitorSeats: onDemandBudgets.budgets.monitorSeats,
- uptime: onDemandBudgets.budgets.uptime,
- },
- };
- }
- return {
- budgetMode: OnDemandBudgetMode.SHARED,
- sharedMaxBudget: onDemandBudgets.sharedMaxBudget ?? 0,
- };
- }
- export function getTotalBudget(onDemandBudgets: OnDemandBudgets): number {
- if (onDemandBudgets.budgetMode === OnDemandBudgetMode.PER_CATEGORY) {
- const errorsBudget = onDemandBudgets.budgets.errors ?? 0;
- const transactionsBudget = onDemandBudgets.budgets.transactions ?? 0;
- const attachmentsBudget = onDemandBudgets.budgets.attachments ?? 0;
- const replaysBudget = onDemandBudgets.budgets.replays ?? 0;
- const monitorSeatsBudget = onDemandBudgets.budgets.monitorSeats ?? 0;
- const uptimeBudget = onDemandBudgets.budgets.uptime ?? 0;
- return (
- errorsBudget +
- transactionsBudget +
- attachmentsBudget +
- replaysBudget +
- monitorSeatsBudget +
- uptimeBudget
- );
- }
- return onDemandBudgets.sharedMaxBudget ?? 0;
- }
- export function isOnDemandBudgetsEqual(
- value: OnDemandBudgets,
- other: OnDemandBudgets
- ): boolean {
- return isEqual(value, other);
- }
- type DisplayNameProps = {
- budget: PerCategoryOnDemandBudget;
- categories: string[];
- plan: Plan;
- };
- function listBudgets({plan, categories, budget}: DisplayNameProps) {
- const categoryNames = categories.map(category => {
- const displayName = getPlanCategoryName({plan, category, capitalize: false});
- // @ts-expect-error TS(7053): Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expre... Remove this comment to see the full error message
- const formattedBudget = formatCurrency(budget.budgets[category] ?? 0);
- return `${displayName} at ${formattedBudget}`;
- });
- return oxfordizeArray(categoryNames);
- }
- export function formatOnDemandBudget(
- plan: Plan,
- planTier: string,
- budget: OnDemandBudgets,
- categories: string[] = [
- 'errors',
- 'transactions',
- 'attachments',
- 'replays',
- 'monitorSeats',
- 'uptime',
- ]
- ): React.ReactNode {
- const budgetType = planTier === PlanTier.AM3 ? 'pay-as-you-go' : 'on-demand';
- if (budget.budgetMode === OnDemandBudgetMode.PER_CATEGORY) {
- return `per-category ${budgetType} (${listBudgets({plan, categories, budget})})`;
- }
- return `shared ${budgetType} of ${formatCurrency(budget.sharedMaxBudget ?? 0)}`;
- }
- export function hasOnDemandBudgetsFeature(
- organization: undefined | Organization,
- subscription: undefined | Subscription
- ) {
- // This function determines if the org can access the on-demand budgets UI.
- // Only orgs on the AM plan can access the on-demand budgets UI.
- return (
- subscription?.planDetails?.hasOnDemandModes &&
- organization?.features.includes('ondemand-budgets')
- );
- }
- function getBudgetMode(budget: OnDemandBudgets) {
- return budget.budgetMode === OnDemandBudgetMode.PER_CATEGORY
- ? 'per_category'
- : 'shared';
- }
- export function getOnDemandBudget(budget: OnDemandBudgets, dataCategory: DataCategory) {
- if (budget.budgetMode === OnDemandBudgetMode.PER_CATEGORY) {
- switch (dataCategory) {
- case DataCategory.ERRORS: {
- return budget.budgets.errors ?? 0;
- }
- case DataCategory.TRANSACTIONS: {
- return budget.budgets.transactions ?? 0;
- }
- case DataCategory.ATTACHMENTS: {
- return budget.budgets.attachments ?? 0;
- }
- case DataCategory.REPLAYS: {
- return budget.budgets.replays ?? 0;
- }
- case DataCategory.MONITOR_SEATS: {
- return budget.budgets.monitorSeats ?? 0;
- }
- case DataCategory.UPTIME: {
- return budget.budgets.uptime ?? 0;
- }
- default:
- return getTotalBudget(budget);
- }
- }
- return getTotalBudget(budget);
- }
- export function exceedsInvoicedBudgetLimit(
- subscription: Subscription,
- budget: OnDemandBudgets
- ): boolean {
- if (subscription.type !== BillingType.INVOICED) {
- return false;
- }
- // no limit for invoiced customers with CC-charged on-demand
- if (subscription.onDemandInvoiced && !subscription.onDemandInvoicedManual) {
- return false;
- }
- const totalBudget = getTotalBudget(budget);
- if (!subscription.onDemandInvoicedManual && totalBudget > 0) {
- return true;
- }
- let customPrice = subscription.customPrice;
- if (subscription.billingInterval === 'annual' && customPrice) {
- customPrice /= 12;
- }
- if (
- (customPrice && totalBudget > customPrice * 5) ||
- (subscription.acv && totalBudget > (subscription.acv / 12) * 5)
- ) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- export function trackOnDemandBudgetAnalytics(
- organization: Organization,
- previousBudget: OnDemandBudgets,
- newBudget: OnDemandBudgets,
- prefix: 'ondemand_budget_modal' | 'checkout' = 'ondemand_budget_modal'
- ) {
- const previousTotalBudget = getTotalBudget(previousBudget);
- const totalBudget = getTotalBudget(newBudget);
- if (totalBudget > 0 && previousTotalBudget !== totalBudget) {
- trackGetsentryAnalytics(`${prefix}.ondemand_budget.update`, {
- organization,
- // new budget
- strategy: getBudgetMode(newBudget),
- total_budget: totalBudget,
- error_budget: getOnDemandBudget(newBudget, DataCategory.ERRORS),
- transaction_budget: getOnDemandBudget(newBudget, DataCategory.TRANSACTIONS),
- attachment_budget: getOnDemandBudget(newBudget, DataCategory.ATTACHMENTS),
- // previous budget
- previous_strategy: getBudgetMode(previousBudget),
- previous_total_budget: getTotalBudget(previousBudget),
- previous_error_budget: getOnDemandBudget(previousBudget, DataCategory.ERRORS),
- previous_transaction_budget: getOnDemandBudget(
- previousBudget,
- ),
- previous_attachment_budget: getOnDemandBudget(
- previousBudget,
- DataCategory.ATTACHMENTS
- ),
- });
- return;
- }
- trackGetsentryAnalytics(`${prefix}.ondemand_budget.turned_off`, {
- organization,
- });
- }
- export function normalizeOnDemandBudget(budget: OnDemandBudgets): OnDemandBudgets {
- if (getTotalBudget(budget) <= 0) {
- return {
- budgetMode: OnDemandBudgetMode.SHARED,
- sharedMaxBudget: 0,
- };
- }
- return budget;
- }
- export function convertOnDemandBudget(
- currentOnDemandBudget: OnDemandBudgets,
- nextMode: OnDemandBudgetMode
- ): OnDemandBudgets {
- if (nextMode === OnDemandBudgetMode.PER_CATEGORY) {
- let errorsBudget = 0;
- let transactionsBudget = 0;
- let attachmentsBudget = 0;
- let replaysBudget = 0;
- let monitorSeatsBudget = 0;
- let uptimeBudget = 0;
- if (currentOnDemandBudget.budgetMode === OnDemandBudgetMode.PER_CATEGORY) {
- errorsBudget = currentOnDemandBudget.budgets.errors ?? 0;
- transactionsBudget = currentOnDemandBudget.budgets.transactions ?? 0;
- attachmentsBudget = currentOnDemandBudget.budgets.attachments ?? 0;
- replaysBudget = currentOnDemandBudget.budgets.replays ?? 0;
- monitorSeatsBudget = currentOnDemandBudget.budgets.monitorSeats ?? 0;
- uptimeBudget = currentOnDemandBudget.budgets.uptime ?? 0;
- } else {
- // should split 50:50 between transactions and errors (whole dollars, remainder added to errors)
- const total = getTotalBudget(currentOnDemandBudget);
- errorsBudget = Math.ceil(total / 100 / 2) * 100;
- transactionsBudget = Math.max(total - errorsBudget, 0);
- }
- return {
- budgetMode: OnDemandBudgetMode.PER_CATEGORY,
- errorsBudget,
- transactionsBudget,
- attachmentsBudget,
- replaysBudget,
- monitorSeatsBudget,
- uptimeBudget,
- budgets: {
- errors: errorsBudget,
- transactions: transactionsBudget,
- attachments: attachmentsBudget,
- replays: replaysBudget,
- monitorSeats: monitorSeatsBudget,
- uptime: uptimeBudget,
- },
- };
- }
- let sharedMaxBudget = 0;
- if (currentOnDemandBudget.budgetMode === OnDemandBudgetMode.SHARED) {
- sharedMaxBudget = currentOnDemandBudget.sharedMaxBudget ?? 0;
- } else {
- // The shared budget would be the total of the current per-category budgets.
- sharedMaxBudget = getTotalBudget(currentOnDemandBudget);
- }
- return {
- budgetMode: OnDemandBudgetMode.SHARED,
- sharedMaxBudget,
- };
- }