123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275 |
- import {Fragment} from 'react';
- import type {Theme} from '@emotion/react';
- import {css, useTheme} from '@emotion/react';
- import styled from '@emotion/styled';
- import moment from 'moment-timezone';
- import {openModal} from 'sentry/actionCreators/modal';
- import {Button, LinkButton} from 'sentry/components/button';
- import ButtonBar from 'sentry/components/buttonBar';
- import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale';
- import ConfigStore from 'sentry/stores/configStore';
- import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space';
- import {isActiveSuperuser} from 'sentry/utils/isActiveSuperuser';
- import {safeURL} from 'sentry/utils/url/safeURL';
- import useOrganization from 'sentry/utils/useOrganization';
- import type {Policy, Subscription} from 'getsentry/types';
- import {PanelItemPolicy} from 'getsentry/views/legalAndCompliance/styles';
- type PolicyRowProps = {
- onAccept: (policy: Policy) => void;
- policies: Record<string, Policy>;
- policy: Policy;
- subscription: Subscription;
- showConsentText?: boolean;
- showUpdated?: boolean;
- };
- // TODO(dcramer): we dont yet support multiple parent policies if a policy in the
- // chain does not require signature (and instead would just have you page through it)
- export function PolicyRow({
- policy,
- policies,
- showUpdated,
- showConsentText = true,
- onAccept,
- subscription,
- }: PolicyRowProps) {
- const theme = useTheme();
- const organization = useOrganization();
- const parentPolicy = policy.parent ? policies[policy.parent] : null;
- const curPolicy = parentPolicy && !parentPolicy.consent ? parentPolicy : policy;
- const user = ConfigStore.get('user');
- const companyName = subscription?.companyName ?? organization.name;
- const activeSuperUser = isActiveSuperuser();
- const hasBillingAccess = organization.access.includes('org:billing');
- const policyUrl = policy.url ? safeURL(policy.url) : null;
- // userCurrentVersion filters version select dropdown to only the current version + latest version
- if (policyUrl && policy.consent) {
- policyUrl.searchParams.set('userCurrentVersion', policy.consent.acceptedVersion);
- }
- const showPolicy = (e: React.MouseEvent) => {
- let dialog: Window | null = null;
- e.preventDefault();
- const name = 'sentryPolicy';
- const width = 600;
- const height = 600;
- const url = policy.url;
- // this attempts to center the dialog
- const innerWidth = window.innerWidth
- ? window.innerWidth
- : document.documentElement.clientWidth
- ? document.documentElement.clientWidth
- : screen.width;
- const innerHeight = window.innerHeight
- ? window.innerHeight
- : document.documentElement.clientHeight
- ? document.documentElement.clientHeight
- : screen.height;
- const left = innerWidth / 2 - width / 2 + window.screenLeft;
- const top = innerHeight / 2 - height / 2 + window.screenTop;
- dialog = url
- ? window.open(
- url,
- name,
- `scrollbars=yes, width=${width}, height=${height}, top=${top}, left=${left}`
- )
- : null;
- // @ts-expect-error TS(2774): This condition will always return true since this ... Remove this comment to see the full error message
- if (window.focus) {
- dialog?.focus();
- }
- };
- const showModal = () => {
- openModal(
- ({Header, Footer, Body, closeModal}) => (
- <Fragment>
- <Header>
- {curPolicy.slug !== policy.slug ? (
- <div style={{textAlign: 'center'}}>
- {tct("You must first agree to Sentry's [policy]", {
- policy: <a onClick={showPolicy}>{curPolicy.name}</a>,
- })}
- </div>
- ) : (
- <PolicyHeader>
- <h5>{curPolicy.name}</h5>
- <Button size="sm" onClick={showPolicy}>
- {t('Download')}
- </Button>
- </PolicyHeader>
- )}
- </Header>
- <Body>
- <PolicyFrame
- src={policyUrl ? policyUrl.toString() : undefined}
- data-test-id="policy-iframe"
- />
- {curPolicy.hasSignature && (
- <div style={{fontSize: '0.9em'}}>
- <p style={{marginBottom: 10}}>You represent and warrant that:</p>
- <ol style={{marginBottom: 10}}>
- <li>
- you have full legal authority to agree to these terms presented above
- on behalf of <strong>{companyName}</strong>;
- </li>
- <li>you have read and understand these terms; and</li>
- <li>
- you agree, on behalf of <strong>{companyName}</strong>, to these
- terms.
- </li>
- </ol>
- <p>
- If you do not have the authority to bind <strong>{companyName}</strong>,
- or do not agree to these terms, do not click the "I Accept" button
- below.
- </p>
- </div>
- )}
- </Body>
- <Footer>
- {curPolicy.hasSignature ? (
- <PolicyActions>
- <small>
- {tct('You are agreeing as [email]', {
- email: <strong>{user.email}</strong>,
- })}
- </small>
- <ButtonBar gap={1}>
- <Button size="sm" onClick={closeModal}>
- {t('Cancel')}
- </Button>
- <Button
- size="sm"
- priority="primary"
- onClick={() => {
- onAccept(curPolicy);
- closeModal();
- }}
- >
- {t('I Accept')}
- </Button>
- </ButtonBar>
- </PolicyActions>
- ) : (
- <Button size="sm" onClick={closeModal}>
- {t('Close')}
- </Button>
- )}
- </Footer>
- </Fragment>
- ),
- {modalCss: modalCss(theme)}
- );
- };
- const getPolicySubstatus = () => {
- const {consent, updatedAt, version} = policy;
- if (consent && showConsentText) {
- let consentText = `Version ${consent.acceptedVersion} signed ${moment(
- consent.createdAt
- ).format('ll')}`;
- if (version && consent.acceptedVersion < version) {
- consentText = `${consentText}. New version available`;
- }
- return consentText;
- }
- if (showUpdated) {
- return `Updated on ${moment(updatedAt).format('ll')}`;
- }
- return '';
- };
- return (
- <PanelItemPolicy>
- <div>
- <PolicyTitle style={{marginBottom: showUpdated ? space(0.5) : 0}}>
- {policy.slug === 'terms' ? 'Terms of Service' : policy.name}
- </PolicyTitle>
- <PolicySubtext>{getPolicySubstatus()}</PolicySubtext>
- </div>
- <div>
- {policy.url &&
- policyUrl &&
- (policy.consent?.acceptedVersion === policy.version ? (
- <LinkButton size="sm" external href={policyUrl.toString()}>
- {t('Review')}
- </LinkButton>
- ) : policy.hasSignature &&
- policy.slug !== 'privacy' &&
- policy.slug !== 'terms' ? (
- <Button
- size="sm"
- priority="primary"
- onClick={showModal}
- disabled={activeSuperUser || !hasBillingAccess}
- title={
- activeSuperUser
- ? t("Superusers can't consent to policies")
- : !hasBillingAccess
- ? t(
- "You don't have access to manage billing and subscription details."
- )
- : undefined
- }
- >
- {t('Review and Accept')}
- </Button>
- ) : (
- <LinkButton size="sm" external href={policy.url}>
- {t('Review')}
- </LinkButton>
- ))}
- </div>
- </PanelItemPolicy>
- );
- }
- const PolicyFrame = styled('iframe')`
- height: 300px;
- width: 100%;
- border: 1px solid ${p => p.theme.innerBorder};
- border-radius: 3px;
- margin-bottom: ${space(1)};
- `;
- const PolicySubtext = styled('div')`
- font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeSmall};
- color: ${p => p.theme.subText};
- `;
- const PolicyTitle = styled('h6')`
- @media (max-width: ${p => p.theme.breakpoints.small}) {
- font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeLarge};
- }
- `;
- const PolicyHeader = styled('div')`
- display: flex;
- align-items: center;
- justify-content: space-between;
- `;
- const PolicyActions = styled('div')`
- flex-grow: 1;
- display: flex;
- align-items: center;
- justify-content: space-between;
- `;
- const modalCss = (theme: Theme) => css`
- @media (min-width: ${theme.breakpoints.small}) {
- width: 80%;
- max-width: 1200px;
- }
- `;