123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904905906907908909910911912913914915916917918919920921922923924925926927928929930931932 |
- import type {DATA_CATEGORY_INFO} from 'sentry/constants';
- import type {DataCategoryExact} from 'sentry/types/core';
- import type {User} from 'sentry/types/user';
- declare global {
- interface Window {
- /**
- * Stripe SDK
- */
- Stripe: stripe.Stripe;
- /**
- * Used in admin
- */
- __sendGridApiKey: string;
- /**
- * Google analytics
- */
- ga: any;
- /**
- * Reload agent
- */
- ra: any;
- /**
- * Bing
- */
- uetq: any;
- /**
- * Zendesk widget
- */
- zE: any;
- /**
- * Pendo which is used to render guides
- */
- pendo?: any; // TODO: use types package
- }
- }
- /**
- * Allows for declaration merging, so getsentry can add additional properties
- * to Sentry interfaces.
- */
- declare module 'sentry/types/system' {
- interface Config {
- 'getsentry.amplitudeApiKey'?: string;
- 'getsentry.googleMapsApiKey'?: string;
- 'getsentry.sendgridApiKey'?: string;
- 'getsentry.stripePublishKey'?: string;
- }
- }
- export type EventBucket = {
- events: number;
- price: number;
- onDemandPrice?: number;
- /**
- * Available in performance plans
- */
- unitPrice?: number;
- };
- export enum PlanName {
- DEVELOPER = 'Developer',
- TEAM = 'Team',
- BUSINESS = 'Business',
- TEAM_BUNDLE = 'Team Bundle',
- BUSINESS_BUNDLE = 'Business Bundle',
- TEAM_SPONSORED = 'Sponsored Team',
- BUSINESS_SPONSORED = 'Sponsored Business',
- }
- export enum CheckoutType {
- STANDARD = 'standard',
- BUNDLE = 'bundle',
- }
- export type DataCategories = (typeof DATA_CATEGORY_INFO)[DataCategoryExact]['plural'];
- export type Plan = {
- allowAdditionalReservedEvents: boolean;
- allowOnDemand: boolean;
- /**
- * All available data categories on the current plan tier.
- * Can be used for category upsells.
- */
- availableCategories: string[];
- basePrice: number;
- billingInterval: 'monthly' | 'annual';
- /**
- * Data categories on the plan (errors, transactions, etc.)
- */
- categories: string[];
- checkoutCategories: string[];
- contractInterval: 'monthly' | 'annual';
- description: string;
- features: string[];
- hasOnDemandModes: boolean;
- id: string;
- maxMembers: number | null;
- name: string;
- onDemandCategories: string[];
- onDemandEventPrice: number;
- planCategories: {
- [categoryKey in DataCategories]?: EventBucket[];
- };
- price: number;
- reservedMinimum: number;
- retentionDays: number;
- totalPrice: number;
- trialPlan: string | null;
- userSelectable: boolean;
- categoryDisplayNames?: {
- [categoryKey in DataCategories]?: {plural: string; singular: string};
- };
- checkoutType?: CheckoutType;
- };
- type PendingChanges = {
- customPrice: number | null;
- customPriceAttachments: number | null;
- customPriceErrors: number | null;
- customPricePcss: number | null;
- customPriceTransactions: number | null;
- // TODO:categories remove customPrice{Categories}
- customPrices: {[categoryKey in DataCategories]?: number | null};
- effectiveDate: string;
- onDemandBudgets: PendingOnDemandBudgets | null;
- onDemandEffectiveDate: string;
- onDemandMaxSpend: number;
- plan: string;
- planDetails: Plan;
- planName: string;
- // TODO:categories remove reserved{Categories}
- reserved: {[categoryKey in DataCategories]?: number | null};
- reservedAttachments: number | null;
- reservedBudgets: PendingReservedBudget[];
- reservedCpe: {[categoryKey in DataCategories]?: number | null};
- reservedErrors: number | null;
- reservedEvents: number;
- reservedTransactions: number | null;
- };
- enum VatStatus {
- UNKNOWN = 'unknown',
- PERSONAL = 'personal',
- BUSINESS = 'business',
- BUSINESS_NOVAT = 'business_novat',
- OTHER = 'other',
- }
- export type GDPRDetails = {
- dpoAddress: string;
- dpoEmail: string;
- dpoName: string;
- dpoPhone: string;
- euRepAddress: string;
- euRepEmail: string;
- euRepName: string;
- euRepPhone: string;
- };
- type Partner = {
- externalId: string;
- isActive: boolean;
- name: string;
- partnership: {
- displayName: string;
- id: string;
- supportNote: string;
- };
- };
- export enum BillingType {
- CREDIT_CARD = 'credit card',
- INVOICED = 'invoiced',
- PARTNER = 'partner',
- }
- export enum OnDemandBudgetMode {
- SHARED = 'shared',
- PER_CATEGORY = 'per_category',
- }
- type SharedOnDemandBudget = {
- budgetMode: OnDemandBudgetMode.SHARED;
- sharedMaxBudget: number;
- };
- type SharedOnDemandBudgetWithSpends = SharedOnDemandBudget & {
- onDemandSpendUsed: number;
- };
- export type PerCategoryOnDemandBudget = {
- attachmentsBudget: number;
- budgetMode: OnDemandBudgetMode.PER_CATEGORY;
- // TODO:categories remove {categories}Budget
- budgets: {[categoryKey in DataCategories]?: number};
- errorsBudget: number;
- replaysBudget: number;
- transactionsBudget: number;
- monitorSeatsBudget?: number;
- uptimeBudget?: number;
- };
- type PerCategoryOnDemandBudgetWithSpends = PerCategoryOnDemandBudget & {
- attachmentSpendUsed: number;
- errorSpendUsed: number;
- transactionSpendUsed: number;
- // TODO:categories remove {categories}SpendUsed
- usedSpends: {[categoryKey in DataCategories]?: number};
- };
- export type OnDemandBudgets = SharedOnDemandBudget | PerCategoryOnDemandBudget;
- type OnDemandBudgetsEnabled = {
- enabled: boolean;
- };
- type OnDemandBudgetsWithSpends =
- | SharedOnDemandBudgetWithSpends
- | PerCategoryOnDemandBudgetWithSpends;
- export type SubscriptionOnDemandBudgets = OnDemandBudgetsEnabled &
- OnDemandBudgetsWithSpends;
- export type PendingOnDemandBudgets = OnDemandBudgetsEnabled & OnDemandBudgets;
- export type ProductTrial = {
- category: DataCategories;
- isStarted: boolean;
- reasonCode: number;
- betaOptInStatus?: boolean;
- endDate?: string;
- lengthDays?: number;
- startDate?: string;
- };
- export type Subscription = {
- accountBalance: number;
- billingInterval: 'monthly' | 'annual';
- // billingPeriod varies between 1-12 months. if you're looking for the monthly usage interval, use onDemandPeriodStart
- billingPeriodEnd: string;
- billingPeriodStart: string;
- canCancel: boolean;
- canGracePeriod: boolean;
- canSelfServe: boolean;
- canTrial: boolean;
- cancelAtPeriodEnd: boolean;
- /**
- * Current history per data category
- */
- categories: {
- [categoryKey in DataCategories]?: BillingMetricHistory;
- };
- contractInterval: 'monthly' | 'annual';
- contractPeriodEnd: string;
- contractPeriodStart: string;
- customPrice: number | null;
- customPriceAttachments: number | null;
- customPriceErrors: number | null;
- customPricePcss: number | null;
- customPriceTransactions: number | null;
- dataRetention: string | null;
- // Event details
- dateJoined: string;
- // GDPR Info
- gdprDetails: GDPRDetails | null;
- gracePeriodEnd: string | null;
- gracePeriodStart: string | null;
- hadCustomDynamicSampling: boolean;
- hasDismissedForcedTrialNotice: boolean;
- hasDismissedTrialEndingNotice: boolean;
- hasOverageNotificationsDisabled: boolean;
- hasReservedBudgets: boolean;
- hasRestrictedIntegration: boolean | null;
- hasSoftCap: boolean;
- id: string;
- isBundleEligible: boolean;
- // Added by SubscriptionStore to show/hide a UI element
- isEnterpriseTrial: boolean;
- // was the trial forced on to the org to rectify access to premium features
- isExemptFromForcedTrial: boolean;
- isForcedTrial: boolean;
- isFree: boolean;
- // Subscription flags
- isGracePeriod: boolean;
- isHeroku: boolean;
- isManaged: boolean;
- isOverMemberLimit: boolean;
- isPartner: boolean;
- isPastDue: boolean;
- isPerformancePlanTrial: boolean;
- isSelfServePartner: boolean;
- isSponsored: boolean;
- isSuspended: boolean;
- isTrial: boolean;
- lastTrialEnd: string | null;
- membersDeactivatedFromLimit: number;
- name: string;
- onDemandDisabled: boolean;
- onDemandInvoiced: boolean;
- onDemandMaxSpend: number;
- onDemandPeriodEnd: string;
- onDemandPeriodStart: string;
- onDemandSpendUsed: number;
- partner: Partner | null;
- paymentSource: {
- countryCode: string;
- expMonth: number;
- expYear: number;
- last4: string;
- zipCode: string;
- } | null;
- pendingChanges: PendingChanges | null;
- // Subscription details
- plan: string;
- planDetails: Plan;
- planTier: string;
- /**
- * Total events allowed for the current usage period including gifted
- */
- prepaidEventsAllowed: number | null;
- renewalDate: string;
- reservedAttachments: number | null;
- reservedBudgetCategories: string[] | null;
- /**
- * For am1 plan tier, null for previous tiers
- */
- reservedErrors: number | null;
- /**
- * Reserved events on a recurring subscription
- * For plan tiers previous to am1
- */
- reservedEvents: number;
- reservedTransactions: number | null;
- slug: string;
- spendAllocationEnabled: boolean;
- sponsoredType: string | null;
- status: 'active' | 'trialing' | 'closed' | 'past_due';
- supportsOnDemand: boolean;
- suspensionReason: string | null;
- totalLicenses: number;
- totalMembers: number | null;
- totalProjects: number | null;
- trialEnd: string | null;
- trialPlan: string | null;
- trialTier: string | null;
- type: BillingType;
- /**
- * All quotas available on the plan are exceeded
- */
- usageExceeded: boolean;
- // Seats
- usedLicenses: number;
- acv?: number;
- // Billing information
- billingEmail?: string | null;
- channel?: string;
- /**
- * Optional without access, and possibly null with access
- */
- companyName?: string | null;
- contactInfo?: string | null;
- countryCode?: string | null;
- // Refetch usage data if Subscription is updated
- isDeleted?: boolean;
- isTrialStarted?: boolean;
- msaUpdatedForDataConsent?: boolean;
- onDemandBudgets?: SubscriptionOnDemandBudgets;
- onDemandInvoicedManual?: boolean | null;
- orgStatus?: {
- id: string;
- name: string;
- };
- owner?: {email: string; name: string};
- previousPaidPlans?: string[];
- productTrials?: ProductTrial[];
- reservedBudgets?: ReservedBudget[];
- // Added by SubscriptionStore
- setAt?: number;
- stats?: {
- events24h: number;
- events30d: number;
- eventsPrev24h: number;
- eventsPrev30d: number;
- };
- stripeCustomerID?: string;
- trueForward?: {attachment: boolean; error: boolean; transaction: boolean};
- /**
- * Optional without access, and possibly null with access
- */
- vatID?: string | null;
- vatStatus?: VatStatus | null;
- };
- export type DiscountInfo = {
- amount: number;
- billingInterval: 'monthly' | 'annual';
- billingPeriods: number;
- // TODO: better typing
- creditCategory: string;
- disclaimerText: string;
- discountType: 'percentPoints' | 'events';
- durationText: string;
- maxCentsPerPeriod: number;
- modalDisclaimerText: string;
- planRequirement: 'business' | 'paid' | null;
- reminderText: string;
- };
- export type Promotion = {
- autoOptIn: boolean;
- discountInfo: DiscountInfo;
- endDate: string;
- name: string;
- promptActivityTrigger: string | null;
- showDiscountInfo: boolean;
- slug: string;
- startDate: string;
- timeLimit: string;
- };
- export type PromotionClaimed = {
- dateClaimed: string;
- dateCompleted: string;
- dateExpired: string;
- freeEventCreditDaysLeft: number;
- isLastCycleForFreeEvents: boolean;
- promotion: Promotion;
- claimant?: User;
- };
- export type PromotionData = {
- activePromotions: PromotionClaimed[];
- availablePromotions: Promotion[];
- completedPromotions: PromotionClaimed[];
- };
- /** @internal exported for tests only */
- export type Feature = {
- description: string;
- name: string;
- };
- export type BillingConfig = {
- annualDiscount: number;
- defaultPlan: string;
- defaultReserved: {
- [categoryKey in DataCategories]?: number;
- };
- featureList: Record<string, Feature>;
- freePlan: string;
- id: string;
- planList: Plan[];
- };
- export type BillingStat = {
- accepted: number;
- date: string;
- dropped: {
- total: number;
- other?: number;
- overQuota?: number;
- spikeProtection?: number; // Calculated in UsageDetailItem
- };
- filtered: number;
- total: number;
- ts: string;
- // TODO(chart-cleanup): Used by v1 only
- isProjected?: boolean;
- /**
- * Not present when user does not have the correct role
- */
- onDemandCostRunningTotal?: number;
- };
- export type BillingStats = BillingStat[];
- export type BillingStatTotal = {
- accepted: number;
- dropped: number;
- droppedOther: number;
- droppedOverQuota: number;
- droppedSpikeProtection: number;
- filtered: number;
- projected: number;
- };
- export type CustomerUsage = {
- onDemandEventsAllowed: number;
- onDemandMaxSpend: number;
- periodEnd: string;
- periodStart: string;
- stats: {[key: string]: BillingStats};
- totals: {[key: string]: BillingStatTotal};
- eventTotals?: {[key: string]: {[key: string]: BillingStatTotal}};
- };
- type StructuredAddress = {
- addressLine1: string | null;
- addressLine2: string | null;
- city: string | null;
- countryCode: string | null;
- postalCode: string | null;
- region: string | null;
- };
- type TaxNumberName = {
- taxId: string;
- taxIdName: string;
- };
- type SentryTaxIds = TaxNumberName & {
- region?: TaxNumberName & {
- code: string;
- };
- };
- export type InvoiceBase = StructuredAddress & {
- amount: number;
- amountBilled: number | null;
- amountRefunded: number;
- channel: string | null;
- chargeAttempts: number | null;
- creditApplied: number | null;
- dateCreated: string;
- displayAddress: string | null;
- id: string;
- isClosed: boolean;
- // guid
- isPaid: boolean;
- isRefunded: boolean;
- nextChargeAttempt: string | null;
- receipt: {
- url: string;
- };
- sentryTaxIds: SentryTaxIds | null;
- taxNumber: string | null;
- type: string | null;
- };
- export type Invoice = InvoiceBase & {
- charges: any[];
- customer:
- | Subscription
- | {
- id: string;
- isDeleted: boolean;
- slug: string;
- name?: string;
- };
- defaultTaxName: string | null;
- effectiveAt: string | null;
- isReverseCharge: boolean;
- items: InvoiceItem[];
- periodEnd: string | null;
- periodStart: string | null;
- sender: {
- address: string[];
- name: string;
- };
- stripeInvoiceID: string | null;
- };
- type BaseInvoiceItem = {
- amount: number;
- data: {period?: any; plan?: any; quantity?: any};
- description: string;
- type: InvoiceItemType;
- };
- export type InvoiceItem = BaseInvoiceItem & {
- periodEnd: string;
- periodStart: string;
- };
- export enum InvoiceItemType {
- UNKOWN = '',
- SUBSCRIPTION = 'subscription',
- ONDEMAND = 'ondemand',
- RESERVED_EVENTS = 'reserved',
- DAILY_EVENTS = 'daily_events',
- BALANCE_CHANGE = 'balance_change',
- CANCELLATION_FEE = 'cancellation_fee',
- SUBSCRIPTION_CREDIT = 'subscription_credit',
- CREDIT_APPLIED = 'credit_applied',
- /**
- * Used for am1 plans
- */
- ATTACHMENTS = 'attachments',
- TRANSACTIONS = 'transactions',
- ONDEMAND_ATTACHMENTS = 'ondemand_attachments',
- ONDEMAND_ERRORS = 'ondemand_errors',
- ONDEMAND_TRANSACTIONS = 'ondemand_transactions',
- ONDEMAND_REPLAYS = 'ondemand_replays',
- ONDEMAND_SPANS = 'ondemand_spans',
- ONDEMAND_SPANS_INDEXED = 'ondemand_spans_indexed',
- ONDEMAND_MONITOR_SEATS = 'ondemand_monitor_seats',
- ONDEMAND_UPTIME = 'ondemand_uptime',
- ONDEMAND_PROFILE_DURATION = 'ondemand_profile_duration',
- RESERVED_ATTACHMENTS = 'reserved_attachments',
- RESERVED_ERRORS = 'reserved_errors',
- RESERVED_TRANSACTIONS = 'reserved_transactions',
- RESERVED_REPLAYS = 'reserved_replays',
- RESERVED_SPANS = 'reserved_spans',
- RESERVED_SPANS_INDEXED = 'reserved_spans_indexed',
- RESERVED_MONITOR_SEATS = 'reserved_monitor_seats',
- RESERVED_UPTIME = 'reserved_uptime',
- RESERVED_PROFILE_DURATION = 'reserved_profile_duration',
- }
- export enum InvoiceStatus {
- PAID = 'paid',
- CLOSED = 'closed',
- AWAITING_PAYMENT = 'awaiting payment',
- }
- export type BillingMetricHistory = {
- /**
- * Category name (e.g. "errors")
- */
- category: string;
- customPrice: number | null;
- free: number;
- onDemandBudget: number;
- onDemandCpe: number | null;
- onDemandQuantity: number;
- onDemandSpendUsed: number;
- /**
- * List order for billing metrics
- */
- order: number;
- prepaid: number;
- reserved: number | null;
- sentUsageWarning: boolean;
- softCapType: 'ON_DEMAND' | 'TRUE_FORWARD' | null;
- trueForward: boolean;
- usage: number;
- usageExceeded: boolean;
- };
- export type BillingHistory = {
- categories: {[key: string]: BillingMetricHistory};
- hadCustomDynamicSampling: boolean;
- hasReservedBudgets: boolean;
- id: string;
- isCurrent: boolean;
- links: {
- csv: string;
- csvPerProject: string;
- };
- onDemandBudgetMode: OnDemandBudgetMode;
- onDemandMaxSpend: number;
- onDemandSpend: number;
- periodEnd: string;
- // is today between periodStart/periodEnd?
- periodStart: string;
- plan: string;
- planName: string;
- reserved: {
- [categoryKey in DataCategories]?: number | null;
- };
- reservedBudgetCategories: string[];
- usage: {
- [categoryKey in DataCategories]?: number;
- };
- planDetails?: Plan;
- reservedBudgets?: ReservedBudget[];
- };
- export type PreviewData = {
- atPeriodEnd: boolean;
- balanceChange: number;
- billedAmount: number;
- creditApplied: number;
- effectiveAt: string;
- invoiceItems: PreviewInvoiceItem[];
- newBalance: number;
- previewToken: string;
- proratedAmount: number;
- paymentIntent?: string;
- paymentSecret?: string;
- };
- type PreviewInvoiceItem = BaseInvoiceItem & {
- period_end: string;
- period_start: string;
- };
- export enum CreditType {
- ERROR = 'error',
- TRANSACTION = 'transaction',
- SPAN = 'span',
- SPAN_INDEXED = 'spanIndexed',
- PROFILE_DURATION = 'profileDuration',
- ATTACHMENT = 'attachment',
- REPLAY = 'replay',
- MONITOR_SEAT = 'monitorSeat',
- DISCOUNT = 'discount',
- PERCENT = 'percent',
- UPTIME = 'uptime',
- }
- type BaseRecurringCredit = {
- amount: number;
- id: number;
- periodEnd: string;
- periodStart: string;
- };
- interface RecurringDiscount extends BaseRecurringCredit {
- totalAmountRemaining: number;
- type: CreditType.DISCOUNT;
- }
- interface RecurringPercentDiscount extends BaseRecurringCredit {
- percentPoints: number;
- totalAmountRemaining: number;
- type: CreditType.PERCENT;
- }
- interface RecurringEventCredit extends BaseRecurringCredit {
- totalAmountRemaining: null;
- type:
- | CreditType.ERROR
- | CreditType.TRANSACTION
- | CreditType.SPAN
- | CreditType.ATTACHMENT
- | CreditType.REPLAY;
- }
- export type RecurringCredit =
- | RecurringDiscount
- | RecurringPercentDiscount
- | RecurringEventCredit;
- export enum CohortId {
- SECOND = 2,
- THIRD = 3,
- FOURTH = 4,
- FIFTH = 5,
- SIXTH = 6,
- SEVENTH = 7,
- EIGHTH = 8,
- NINTH = 9,
- TENTH = 10,
- }
- /** @internal exported for tests only */
- export type Cohort = {
- cohortId: CohortId;
- nextPlan: NextPlanInfo | null;
- secondDiscount: number;
- };
- export type NextPlanInfo = {
- contractPeriod: string;
- discountAmount: number;
- discountMonths: number;
- errorCredits: number;
- errorCreditsMonths: number;
- id: string;
- name: string;
- reserved: {
- [categoryKey in DataCategories]?: number;
- };
- reservedAttachments: number;
- reservedErrors: number;
- totalPrice: number;
- categoryCredits?: {
- [categoryKey in DataCategories]?: {
- credits: number;
- months: number;
- };
- };
- reservedTransactions?: number;
- };
- export type PlanMigration = {
- cohort: Cohort | null;
- dateApplied: string | null;
- effectiveAt: string | null;
- id: number | string;
- planTier: string;
- recurringCredits: RecurringCredit[];
- scheduled: boolean;
- };
- export enum PlanTier {
- /**
- * Performance plans with continuous profiling
- * and dynamic sampling for spans.
- */
- AM3 = 'am3',
- /**
- * Performance plans with continuous profiling
- * and dynamic sampling for transactions.
- */
- AM2 = 'am2',
- /**
- * First generation of application monitoring plans.
- * Includes performance features.
- */
- AM1 = 'am1',
- /**
- * Monthly metered plans with variable data options.
- */
- MM2 = 'mm2',
- /**
- * First generation of monthly metered plans.
- * Features and data volumes are tightly coupled.
- */
- MM1 = 'mm1',
- }
- // Response from /organizations/:orgSlug/payments/:invoiceId/new/
- export type PaymentCreateResponse = {
- amount: string;
- clientSecret: string;
- currency: string;
- returnUrl: string;
- };
- // Response from /organizations/:orgSlug/payments/setup/
- export type PaymentSetupCreateResponse = {
- clientSecret: string;
- id: string;
- lastError: string | null;
- status: string;
- };
- export enum AddressType {
- STRUCTURED = 'structured',
- UNSTRUCTURED = 'unstructured',
- }
- export type BillingDetails = StructuredAddress & {
- addressType: AddressType | null;
- billingEmail: string | null;
- companyName: string | null;
- displayAddress: string | null;
- taxNumber: string | null;
- };
- export interface MonitorCountResponse {
- disabledMonitorCount: number;
- enabledMonitorCount: number;
- overQuotaMonitorCount: number;
- }
- export type PendingReservedBudget = {
- categories: {[categoryKey in DataCategories]?: boolean | null};
- reservedBudget: number;
- };
- export type ReservedBudget = {
- categories: {
- [categoryKey in DataCategories]?: ReservedBudgetMetricHistory;
- };
- freeBudget: number;
- id: string;
- percentUsed: number;
- reservedBudget: number;
- totalReservedSpend: number;
- };
- export type ReservedBudgetMetricHistory = {
- reservedCpe: number; // in cents
- reservedSpend: number;
- };
- export type ReservedBudgetForCategory = {
- freeBudget: number;
- prepaidBudget: number;
- reservedCpe: number; // in cents
- reservedSpend: number;
- totalReservedBudget: number;
- };
- type PolicyConsent = {
- acceptedVersion: string;
- createdAt: string;
- userEmail: string;
- userName: string;
- };
- export type Policy = {
- active: boolean;
- /** Policy consent signature data if policy has been signed. Null if not signed or hasSignature is false. */
- consent: PolicyConsent | null;
- /** True if the policy can be signed. */
- hasSignature: boolean;
- /** Readable policy name */
- name: string;
- /** Slug of a parent policy that needs consent before this policy */
- parent: string | null;
- slug: string;
- /** True if no parent policies */
- standalone: boolean;
- /** The date of the current version */
- updatedAt: string | null;
- url: string | null;
- /** The current version */
- version: string | null;
- };
- type PolicyFile = {
- checksum: string;
- name: string;
- size: number;
- };
- export type PolicyRevision = {
- createdAt: string;
- current: boolean;
- file: PolicyFile | null;
- url: string | null;
- version: string;
- };