system.tsx 11 KB

  1. import type {Theme} from '@emotion/react';
  2. import type {FocusTrap} from 'focus-trap';
  3. import type {exportedGlobals} from 'sentry/bootstrap/exportGlobals';
  4. import type {ParntershipAgreementType} from './hooks';
  5. import type {User} from './user';
  6. export enum SentryInitRenderReactComponent {
  7. INDICATORS = 'Indicators',
  8. SETUP_WIZARD = 'SetupWizard',
  9. SYSTEM_ALERTS = 'SystemAlerts',
  10. U2F_SIGN = 'U2fSign',
  11. SU_STAFF_ACCESS_FORM = 'SuperuserStaffAccessForm',
  12. }
  13. export type OnSentryInitConfiguration =
  14. | {
  15. element: string;
  16. input: string;
  17. name: 'passwordStrength';
  18. }
  19. | {
  20. component: SentryInitRenderReactComponent;
  21. container: string;
  22. name: 'renderReact';
  23. props?: Record<string, any>;
  24. }
  25. | {
  26. name: 'onReady';
  27. onReady: (globals: typeof exportedGlobals) => void;
  28. };
  29. declare global {
  30. interface Window {
  31. /**
  32. * Primary entrypoint for rendering the sentry app. This is typically
  33. * called in the django templates, or in the case of the EXPERIMENTAL_SPA,
  34. * after config hydration.
  35. */
  36. SentryRenderApp: () => void;
  37. /**
  38. * Used to close tooltips for testing purposes.
  39. */
  40. __closeAllTooltips: () => void;
  41. /**
  42. * The config object provided by the backend.
  43. */
  44. __initialData: Config;
  45. /**
  46. * This allows our server-rendered templates to push configuration that should be
  47. * run after we render our main application.
  48. *
  49. * An example of this is dynamically importing the `passwordStrength` module only
  50. * on the organization login page.
  51. */
  52. __onSentryInit:
  53. | OnSentryInitConfiguration[]
  54. | {
  55. push: (config: OnSentryInitConfiguration) => void;
  56. };
  57. /**
  58. * Used to open tooltips for testing purposes.
  59. */
  60. __openAllTooltips: () => void;
  61. /**
  62. * Pipeline
  63. */
  64. __pipelineInitialData: PipelineInitialData;
  65. /**
  66. * Assets public location
  67. */
  68. __sentryGlobalStaticPrefix: string;
  69. /**
  70. * Is populated with promises/strings of commonly used data.
  71. */
  72. __sentry_preload: Record<string, any>;
  73. // typing currently used for demo add on
  74. // TODO: improve typing
  75. SentryApp?: {
  76. ConfigStore: any;
  77. HookStore: any;
  78. Modal: any;
  79. getModalPortal: () => HTMLElement;
  80. modalFocusTrap?: {
  81. current?: FocusTrap;
  82. };
  83. };
  84. /**
  85. * Is the UI running as dev-ui proxy.
  86. * Used by webpack-devserver + html-webpack
  87. */
  88. __SENTRY_DEV_UI?: boolean;
  89. /**
  90. * Sentrys version string
  91. */
  92. __SENTRY__VERSION?: string;
  93. /**
  94. * Set to true if adblock could be installed.
  95. * See sentry/js/ads.js for how this global is disabled.
  96. */
  97. adblockSuspected?: boolean;
  98. /**
  99. * The CSRF cookie used on the backend
  100. */
  101. csrfCookieName?: string;
  102. sentryEmbedCallback?: ((embed: any) => void) | null;
  103. /**
  104. * The domain of which the superuser cookie is set onto.
  105. */
  106. superUserCookieDomain?: string;
  107. /**
  108. * The superuser cookie used on the backend
  109. */
  110. superUserCookieName?: string;
  111. }
  112. }
  113. export interface Region {
  114. name: string;
  115. url: string;
  116. }
  117. interface CustomerDomain {
  118. organizationUrl: string | undefined;
  119. sentryUrl: string;
  120. subdomain: string;
  121. }
  122. export interface Config {
  123. apmSampling: number;
  124. csrfCookieName: string;
  125. customerDomain: CustomerDomain | null;
  126. demoMode: boolean;
  127. disableU2FForSUForm: boolean;
  128. distPrefix: string;
  129. dsn: string;
  130. enableAnalytics: boolean;
  131. features: Set<string>;
  132. gravatarBaseUrl: string;
  133. initialTrace: {
  134. baggage: string;
  135. sentry_trace: string;
  136. };
  137. invitesEnabled: boolean;
  138. isAuthenticated: boolean;
  139. // Maintain isOnPremise key for backcompat (plugins?).
  140. isOnPremise: boolean;
  141. isSelfHosted: boolean;
  142. isSelfHostedErrorsOnly: boolean;
  143. languageCode: string;
  144. lastOrganization: string | null;
  145. links: {
  146. organizationUrl: string | undefined;
  147. regionUrl: string | undefined;
  148. sentryUrl: string;
  149. superuserUrl?: string;
  150. };
  151. // A list of regions that the user has membership in.
  152. memberRegions: Region[];
  153. /**
  154. * This comes from django (django.contrib.messages)
  155. */
  156. messages: {level: keyof Theme['alert']; message: string}[];
  157. needsUpgrade: boolean;
  158. privacyUrl: string | null;
  159. // The list of regions the user has has access to.
  160. regions: Region[];
  161. sentryConfig: {
  162. allowUrls: string[];
  163. dsn: string;
  164. release: string;
  165. tracePropagationTargets: string[];
  166. environment?: string;
  167. profilesSampleRate?: number;
  168. };
  169. shouldPreloadData: boolean;
  170. singleOrganization: boolean;
  171. superUserCookieDomain: string | null;
  172. superUserCookieName: string;
  173. supportEmail: string;
  174. termsUrl: string | null;
  175. theme: 'light' | 'dark';
  176. urlPrefix: string;
  177. /**
  178. * The user should not be accessible directly except during
  179. * app initialization. Use `useUser` or ConfigStore instead.
  180. * @deprecated
  181. */
  182. user: User;
  183. userIdentity: {
  184. email: string;
  185. id: string;
  186. ip_address: string;
  187. isStaff: boolean;
  188. };
  189. validateSUForm: boolean;
  190. version: {
  191. build: string;
  192. current: string;
  193. latest: string;
  194. upgradeAvailable: boolean;
  195. };
  196. partnershipAgreementPrompt?: {
  197. agreements: Array<ParntershipAgreementType>;
  198. partnerDisplayName: string;
  199. } | null;
  200. relocationConfig?: {
  201. selectableRegions: string[];
  202. };
  203. shouldShowBeaconConsentPrompt?: boolean;
  204. statuspage?: {
  205. api_host: string;
  206. id: string;
  207. };
  208. }
  209. export type PipelineInitialData = {
  210. name: string;
  211. props: Record<string, any>;
  212. };
  213. export interface Broadcast {
  214. dateCreated: string;
  215. dateExpires: string;
  216. /**
  217. * Has the item been seen? affects the styling of the panel item
  218. */
  219. hasSeen: boolean;
  220. id: string;
  221. isActive: boolean;
  222. /**
  223. * The URL to use for the CTA
  224. */
  225. link: string;
  226. /**
  227. * A message with muted styling which appears above the children content
  228. */
  229. message: string;
  230. title: string;
  231. /**
  232. * Category of the broadcast.
  233. * Synced with
  234. */
  235. category?: 'announcement' | 'feature' | 'blog' | 'event' | 'video';
  236. /**
  237. * The text for the CTA link at the bottom of the panel item
  238. */
  239. cta?: string;
  240. /**
  241. * Image url
  242. */
  243. mediaUrl?: string;
  244. /**
  245. * Region of the broadcast. If not set, the broadcast will be shown for all regions.
  246. */
  247. region?: string;
  248. }
  249. // XXX(epurkhiser): The components list can be generated using jq
  250. //
  251. // curl -s \
  252. // | jq -r '
  253. // .components
  254. // | map({key: (.name | gsub( "[^a-zA-Z]"; "_") | ascii_upcase ),})
  255. // | map("\(.key) = \"\(.value)\",")
  256. // | .[]'
  257. // | sort
  258. /**
  259. * Mapping of components to IDs
  260. *
  261. * Should be kept in sync with
  262. */
  263. export const enum StatusPageComponent {
  264. ALERTING = 'sykq5vtjw8zx',
  265. API = 'qywmfv7jr0pd',
  266. AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES = 'f5rs5z9q0dtk',
  267. AZURE_DEVOPS = 'tn9py6p7f85x',
  268. CUSTOM_METRICS = '7wrqyj84ltw7',
  269. DASHBOARD = 'khtl9dcky3lb',
  270. ELECTRON_SYMBOL_SERVER = '3jzzl28504tq',
  271. EMAIL = 'tjmyq3lb26w0',
  272. EU_ATTACHMENT_INGESTION = 'ztwsc8ff50v9',
  273. EU_CRON_MONITORING = 'qnj485gffb6v',
  274. EU_ERRORS = 'yqdr3zmyjv12',
  275. EU_ERROR_INGESTION = '1yf02ms0qsl7',
  276. EU_INGESTION = 'xmpnd79f7t51',
  277. EU_PROFILE_INGESTION = 'xbljnbzl9c77',
  278. EU_REPLAY_INGESTION = '3zhbl35gmbp0',
  279. EU_SPAN_INGESTION = '7rv05jl5qp0w',
  280. EU_TRANSACTION_INGESTION = 'tlkrt7x46b52',
  281. GITHUB = 'lqps2hvc2400',
  282. GOOGLE = 'bprcc4mhbhmm',
  283. HEROKU = '6g5bq169xp2s',
  284. INTEGRATION_PIPELINE = '6gtdt9t60dl0',
  285. MICROSOFT_SYMBOL_SERVER = '216356jwwrxq',
  286. MICROSOFT_TEAMS = 'z57k9q3r5jsh',
  287. NOTIFICATION_DELIVERY = 'rmq51qyvxfjh',
  288. PAGERDUTY = 'jd3tvjnx5l1f',
  289. PASSWORD_BASED = 'ml2wmx3hzlnn',
  290. SAML_BASED_SINGLE_SIGN_ON = 'hsbnk3hxcckr',
  291. SLACK = 'jkpcsxvvv2hf',
  292. STRIPE = '87stwrsyk6ls',
  293. THIRD_PARTY_INTEGRATIONS = 'yhfrrcmppvgh',
  294. US_ATTACHMENT_INGESTION = 'cycj4r32g25w',
  295. US_CRON_MONITORING = '6f1r28lydc6h',
  296. US_ERRORS = 'bctv81yt9s6w',
  297. US_ERROR_INGESTION = '51yszynm4xyv',
  298. US_INGESTION = '76x1wwzzfj5c',
  299. US_PROFILE_INGESTION = '52t4t3ww2qcn',
  300. US_REPLAY_INGESTION = 'zxkxxtspk64g',
  301. US_SPAN_INGESTION = 'qd7tzrk5q8xm',
  302. US_TRANSACTION_INGESTION = 'bdg4djkxjxmk',
  303. }
  304. export type StatusPageServiceStatus =
  305. | 'operational'
  306. | 'degraded_performance'
  307. | 'major_outage'
  308. | 'partial_outage';
  309. export interface StatusPageIncidentComponent {
  310. /**
  311. * ISO 8601 component creation time
  312. */
  313. created_at: string;
  314. description: string;
  315. group: boolean;
  316. group_id: string;
  317. id: StatusPageComponent;
  318. name: string;
  319. only_show_if_degraded: boolean;
  320. page_id: string;
  321. position: number;
  322. showcase: boolean;
  323. /**
  324. * Date of the component becoming active
  325. */
  326. start_date: string;
  327. status: StatusPageServiceStatus;
  328. /**
  329. * ISO 8601 component update time
  330. */
  331. updated_at: string;
  332. }
  333. export interface StatusPageAffectedComponent {
  334. code: StatusPageComponent;
  335. name: string;
  336. new_status: StatusPageServiceStatus;
  337. old_status: StatusPageServiceStatus;
  338. }
  339. export interface StatusPageIncidentUpdate {
  340. /**
  341. * Components affected by the update
  342. */
  343. affected_components: StatusPageAffectedComponent[];
  344. /**
  345. * Message to display for this update
  346. */
  347. body: string;
  348. /**
  349. * ISO Update creation time
  350. */
  351. created_at: string;
  352. /**
  353. * ISO Update display time
  354. */
  355. display_at: string;
  356. /**
  357. * Unique ID of the incident
  358. */
  359. id: string;
  360. /**
  361. * Unique ID of the incident
  362. */
  363. incident_id: string;
  364. /**
  365. * Status of the incident for tihs update
  366. */
  367. status: 'resolved' | 'monitoring' | 'investigating';
  368. /**
  369. * ISO Update update time
  370. */
  371. updated_at: string;
  372. }
  373. // See:
  374. export interface StatuspageIncident {
  375. /**
  376. * Components related to this incident
  377. */
  378. components: StatusPageIncidentComponent[];
  379. /**
  380. * ISO 8601 created time
  381. */
  382. created_at: string;
  383. /**
  384. * Unique ID of the incident
  385. */
  386. id: string;
  387. /**
  388. * The impact of the incident
  389. */
  390. impact: 'none' | 'minor' | 'major';
  391. /**
  392. * Updates for this incident
  393. */
  394. incident_updates: StatusPageIncidentUpdate[];
  395. /**
  396. * ISO 8601 time monitoring began
  397. */
  398. monitoring_at: string | undefined;
  399. /**
  400. * Name of the incident
  401. */
  402. name: string;
  403. /**
  404. * The status page page ID
  405. */
  406. page_id: string;
  407. /**
  408. * ISO 8601 last updated time
  409. */
  410. resolved_at: string | undefined;
  411. /**
  412. * Short URL of the incident
  413. */
  414. shortlink: string;
  415. /**
  416. * ISO 8601 incident start time
  417. */
  418. started_at: string | undefined;
  419. /**
  420. * Current status of the incident
  421. */
  422. status: 'resolved' | 'unresolved';
  423. /**
  424. * ISO 8601 last updated time
  425. */
  426. updated_at: string | undefined;
  427. }
  428. export type PromptActivity = {
  429. dismissedTime?: number;
  430. snoozedTime?: number;
  431. };