123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051 |
- import {Widget, WidgetType} from '../../types';
- import {isOnDemandMetricWidget} from './utils';
- function widget(
- aggregates: string[],
- conditions: string,
- type: WidgetType = WidgetType.DISCOVER
- ) {
- const queries = aggregates.map(_ => ({
- aggregates,
- columns: [],
- conditions,
- name: '',
- orderby: '',
- }));
- return {
- widgetType: type,
- displayType: 'line',
- title: 'title',
- interval: '5m',
- queries,
- } as Widget;
- }
- describe('isOnDemandMetricWidget', () => {
- it('should return true for a widget that contains non standard fields', () => {
- expect(
- isOnDemandMetricWidget(widget(['count()'], 'transaction.duration:>1'))
- ).toBeTruthy();
- expect(isOnDemandMetricWidget(widget(['count()'], 'device.name:foo'))).toBeTruthy();
- expect(isOnDemandMetricWidget(widget(['count()'], 'geo.region:>US'))).toBeTruthy();
- });
- it('should return false for a widget that has only standard fields', () => {
- expect(isOnDemandMetricWidget(widget(['count()'], 'release:1.0'))).toBeFalsy();
- expect(isOnDemandMetricWidget(widget(['count()'], 'platform:foo'))).toBeFalsy();
- });
- it('should return false for a widget that has multiple or unsupported aggregates', () => {
- expect(
- isOnDemandMetricWidget(
- widget(['count()', 'count_unique()'], 'transaction.duration:>1')
- )
- ).toBeFalsy();
- expect(
- isOnDemandMetricWidget(widget(['apdex(100)'], 'transaction.duration:>1'))
- ).toBeFalsy();
- });
- });