requirements-base.txt 2.4 KB

  1. --index-url
  2. beautifulsoup4>=4.7.1
  3. boto3>=1.22.12
  4. botocore>=1.25.12
  5. cachetools>=5
  6. celery>=4.4.7
  7. click>=8.0.4
  8. confluent-kafka>=1.9.2
  9. croniter>=0.3.37
  10. datadog>=0.29.3
  11. django-crispy-forms>=1.14.0
  12. django-pg-zero-downtime-migrations>=0.11
  13. Django>=2.2.28
  14. djangorestframework>=3.12.4
  15. drf-spectacular>=0.22.1
  16. email-reply-parser>=0.5.12
  17. google-api-core>=2.10.1
  18. google-auth>=2.4.0
  19. google-cloud-bigtable>=2.11.3
  20. google-cloud-core>=2.3.2
  21. google-cloud-functions>=1.8.1
  22. google-cloud-pubsub>=2.13.6
  23. google-cloud-spanner>=3.20.0
  24. google-cloud-storage>=2.5.0
  25. googleapis-common-protos>=1.56.4
  26. google-crc32c>=1.3.0
  27. isodate>=0.6.1
  28. jsonschema>=3.2.0
  29. lxml>=4.9.1
  30. maxminddb>=2.0.3
  31. mistune>=2.0.3
  32. mmh3>=3.0.0
  33. packaging>=21.3
  34. parsimonious>=0.8.0
  35. petname>=2.6
  36. phonenumberslite>=8.12.0
  37. Pillow>=9.2.0
  38. progressbar2>=3.41.0
  39. python-rapidjson>=1.4
  40. psycopg2-binary>=2.8.6
  41. PyJWT>=2.4.0
  42. python-dateutil>=2.8.1
  43. python-memcached>=1.59
  44. python-u2flib-server>=5.0.0
  45. fido2>=0.9.2
  46. python3-saml>=1.15.0
  47. PyYAML>=5.4
  48. rb>=1.9.0
  49. redis-py-cluster>=2.1.0
  50. redis>=3.4.1
  51. requests-oauthlib>=1.2.0
  52. requests>=2.25.1
  53. # [start] jsonschema format validators
  54. rfc3339-validator>=0.1.2
  55. rfc3986-validator>=0.1.1
  56. # [end] jsonschema format validators
  57. sentry-arroyo[json]>=2.7.1
  58. sentry-kafka-schemas>=0.0.12
  59. sentry-relay>=0.8.19
  60. sentry-sdk>=1.17.0
  61. snuba-sdk>=1.0.5
  62. simplejson>=3.17.6
  63. statsd>=3.3
  64. structlog>=22
  65. symbolic>=12.1.1
  66. toronado>=0.1.0
  67. typing-extensions>=4.0.0
  68. ua-parser>=0.10.0
  69. unidiff>=0.7.4
  70. urllib3[brotli]>=1.26.9
  71. brotli>=1.0.9
  72. # See if we can remove LDFLAGS from
  73. #
  74. pyuwsgi==
  75. zstandard>=0.18.0
  76. msgpack>=1.0.4
  77. cryptography>=38.0.3
  78. # celery
  79. billiard>=3.6.4
  80. kombu>=4.6.11
  81. # Note, grpcio>1.30.0 requires setting GRPC_POLL_STRATEGY=epoll1
  82. # See and
  83. #
  84. grpcio>=1.47.0
  85. # not directly used, but provides a speedup for redis
  86. hiredis>=0.3.1
  87. # not directly used, but pinned for at least semaphore/symbolic
  88. cffi>=1.15.0
  89. # not directly used, but pinned for toronado because it doesn't pin these
  90. cssutils>=2.4.0
  91. cssselect>=1.0.3
  92. # sentry-plugins specific dependencies
  93. phabricator>=0.7.0
  94. # test dependencies, but unable to move to requirements-test until
  95. # sentry.utils.pytest and sentry.testutils are moved to tests/
  96. selenium>=4.1.5
  97. sqlparse>=0.2.4,<=0.3.0
  98. openai==0.27.0