adminSettings.spec.jsx.snap 7.2 KB

  1. // Jest Snapshot v1,
  2. exports[`AdminSettings render() renders 1`] = `
  3. <SideEffect(DocumentTitle)
  4. title="Sentry"
  5. >
  6. <div>
  7. <h3>
  8. Settings
  9. </h3>
  10. <ApiForm
  11. apiEndpoint="/internal/options/"
  12. apiMethod="PUT"
  13. cancelLabel="Cancel"
  14. className="form-stacked"
  15. errorMessage="Unable to save your changes. Please ensure all fields are valid and try again."
  16. footerClass="form-actions align-right"
  17. hideErrors={false}
  18. initialData={
  19. Object {
  20. "": 25,
  21. "auth.allow-registration": true,
  22. "auth.ip-rate-limit": 25,
  23. "auth.user-rate-limit": 25,
  24. "beacon.anonymous": "",
  25. "system.admin-email": "",
  26. "system.rate-limit": 25,
  27. "": "",
  28. "": "",
  29. "system.url-prefix": "",
  30. }
  31. }
  32. requireChanges={true}
  33. resetOnError={false}
  34. submitDisabled={false}
  35. submitErrorMessage="There was an error saving your changes."
  36. submitLabel="Save Changes"
  37. submitLoadingMessage="Saving changes.."
  38. >
  39. <h4>
  40. General
  41. </h4>
  42. <TextField
  43. allowEmpty={true}
  44. default=""
  45. defaultValue="http://localhost"
  46. disabled={true}
  47. disabledReason="This setting is defined in config.yml and may not be changed via the web UI."
  48. help="The root web address which is used to communicate with the Sentry backend."
  49. hideErrorMessage={false}
  50. isSet={true}
  51. key="system.url-prefix"
  52. label="Root URL"
  53. name="system.url-prefix"
  54. placeholder=""
  55. required={false}
  56. />
  57. <EmailField
  58. allowEmpty={false}
  59. component={[Function]}
  60. default={null}
  61. defaultValue=""
  62. disabled={true}
  63. disabledReason="This setting is defined in config.yml and may not be changed via the web UI."
  64. help="The technical contact for this Sentry installation."
  65. hideErrorMessage={false}
  66. isSet={true}
  67. key="system.admin-email"
  68. label="Admin Email"
  69. name="system.admin-email"
  70. placeholder=""
  71. required={true}
  72. />
  73. <EmailField
  74. allowEmpty={false}
  75. component={[Function]}
  76. default={null}
  77. defaultValue=""
  78. disabled={true}
  79. disabledReason="This setting is defined in config.yml and may not be changed via the web UI."
  80. help="The support contact for this Sentry installation."
  81. hideErrorMessage={false}
  82. isSet={true}
  83. key=""
  84. label="Support Email"
  85. name=""
  86. placeholder=""
  87. required={true}
  88. />
  89. <EmailField
  90. allowEmpty={false}
  91. component={[Function]}
  92. default={null}
  93. defaultValue=""
  94. disabled={true}
  95. disabledReason="This setting is defined in config.yml and may not be changed via the web UI."
  96. help="The security contact for this Sentry installation."
  97. hideErrorMessage={false}
  98. isSet={true}
  99. key=""
  100. label="Security Email"
  101. name=""
  102. placeholder=""
  103. required={true}
  104. />
  105. <TextField
  106. allowEmpty={false}
  107. default={0}
  108. disabled={true}
  109. disabledReason="This setting is defined in config.yml and may not be changed via the web UI."
  110. help="The maximum number of events the system should accept per minute. A value of 0 will disable the default rate limit."
  111. hideErrorMessage={false}
  112. isSet={true}
  113. key="system.rate-limit"
  114. label="Rate Limit"
  115. name="system.rate-limit"
  116. placeholder="e.g. 500"
  117. required={true}
  118. />
  119. <h4>
  120. Security & Abuse
  121. </h4>
  122. <BooleanField
  123. allowEmpty={false}
  124. component={[Function]}
  125. default={false}
  126. defaultValue={false}
  127. disabled={true}
  128. disabledReason="This setting is defined in config.yml and may not be changed via the web UI."
  129. help="Allow anyone to create an account and access this Sentry installation."
  130. hideErrorMessage={false}
  131. isSet={true}
  132. key="auth.allow-registration"
  133. label="Allow Registration"
  134. name="auth.allow-registration"
  135. required={true}
  136. />
  137. <TextField
  138. allowEmpty={false}
  139. default={0}
  140. disabled={true}
  141. disabledReason="This setting is defined in config.yml and may not be changed via the web UI."
  142. help="The maximum number of times an authentication attempt may be made by a single IP address in a 60 second window."
  143. hideErrorMessage={false}
  144. isSet={true}
  145. key="auth.ip-rate-limit"
  146. label="IP Rate Limit"
  147. name="auth.ip-rate-limit"
  148. placeholder="e.g. 10"
  149. required={true}
  150. />
  151. <TextField
  152. allowEmpty={false}
  153. default={0}
  154. disabled={true}
  155. disabledReason="This setting is defined in config.yml and may not be changed via the web UI."
  156. help="The maximum number of times an authentication attempt may be made against a single account in a 60 second window."
  157. hideErrorMessage={false}
  158. isSet={true}
  159. key="auth.user-rate-limit"
  160. label="User Rate Limit"
  161. name="auth.user-rate-limit"
  162. placeholder="e.g. 10"
  163. required={true}
  164. />
  165. <TextField
  166. allowEmpty={false}
  167. default={0}
  168. disabled={true}
  169. disabledReason="This setting is defined in config.yml and may not be changed via the web UI."
  170. help="The maximum number of organizations which may be created by a single account in a one hour window."
  171. hideErrorMessage={false}
  172. isSet={true}
  173. key=""
  174. label="Organization Creation Rate Limit"
  175. name=""
  176. placeholder="e.g. 5"
  177. required={true}
  178. />
  179. <h4>
  180. Beacon
  181. </h4>
  182. <RadioBooleanField
  183. component={[Function]}
  184. disabled={false}
  185. help={
  186. <span>
  187. <span>
  188. If enabled, any stats reported to will exclude identifying information (such as your administrative email address). By anonymizing your installation the Sentry team will be unable to contact you about security updates. For more information on what data is sent to Sentry, see the
  189. </span>
  190. <a
  191. href=""
  192. >
  193. <span>
  194. documentation
  195. </span>
  196. </a>
  197. <span>
  198. .
  199. </span>
  200. </span>
  201. }
  202. hideErrorMessage={false}
  203. key="beacon.anonymous"
  204. label="Usage Statistics"
  205. name="beacon.anonymous"
  206. noLabel="Send my contact information along with usage statistics"
  207. required={false}
  208. yesFirst={false}
  209. yesLabel="Please keep my usage information anonymous"
  210. />
  211. </ApiForm>
  212. </div>
  213. </SideEffect(DocumentTitle)>
  214. `;