installWizard.spec.jsx.snap 20 KB

  1. // Jest Snapshot v1,
  2. exports[`InstallWizard renders 1`] = `
  3. <InstallWizard
  4. onConfigured={[MockFunction]}
  5. >
  6. <SideEffect(DocumentTitle)
  7. title="Setup Sentry"
  8. >
  9. <DocumentTitle
  10. title="Setup Sentry"
  11. >
  12. <div
  13. className="app"
  14. >
  15. <div
  16. className="pattern"
  17. />
  18. <div
  19. className="setup-wizard"
  20. >
  21. <h1>
  22. <span>
  23. Welcome to Sentry
  24. </span>
  25. <small>
  26. 1.33.7
  27. </small>
  28. </h1>
  29. <ApiForm
  30. apiEndpoint="/internal/options/?query=is:required"
  31. apiMethod="PUT"
  32. cancelLabel="Cancel"
  33. className="form-stacked"
  34. errorMessage="Unable to save your changes. Please ensure all fields are valid and try again."
  35. footerClass="form-actions align-right"
  36. hideErrors={false}
  37. initialData={Object {}}
  38. onSubmitSuccess={[MockFunction]}
  39. requireChanges={false}
  40. resetOnError={false}
  41. submitDisabled={false}
  42. submitErrorMessage="There was an error saving your changes."
  43. submitLabel="Continue"
  44. submitLoadingMessage="Saving changes.."
  45. >
  46. <StyledForm
  47. className="form-stacked"
  48. onSubmit={[Function]}
  49. >
  50. <form
  51. className="form-stacked css-10f3krf-StyledForm ejqwck10"
  52. onSubmit={[Function]}
  53. >
  54. <p>
  55. Complete setup by filling out the required configuration.
  56. </p>
  57. <fieldset
  58. key="system"
  59. >
  60. <EmailField
  61. allowEmpty={false}
  62. component={[Function]}
  63. default=""
  64. disabled={false}
  65. disabledReason={null}
  66. help="The technical contact for this Sentry installation."
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  68. isSet={true}
  69. key="system.admin-email"
  70. label="Admin Email"
  71. name="system.admin-email"
  72. placeholder=""
  73. required={true}
  74. >
  75. <div
  76. className="control-group required"
  77. >
  78. <div
  79. className="controls"
  80. >
  81. <label
  82. className="control-label"
  83. htmlFor="id-system.admin-email"
  84. >
  85. Admin Email
  86. </label>
  87. <input
  88. className="form-control"
  89. disabled={false}
  90. id="id-system.admin-email"
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  93. placeholder=""
  94. required={true}
  95. type="email"
  96. value=""
  97. />
  98. <p
  99. className="help-block"
  100. >
  101. The technical contact for this Sentry installation.
  102. </p>
  103. </div>
  104. </div>
  105. </EmailField>
  106. </fieldset>
  107. <fieldset
  108. key="mail"
  109. >
  110. <legend>
  111. Outbound email
  112. </legend>
  113. <EmailField
  114. allowEmpty={false}
  115. component={[Function]}
  116. default="root@localhost"
  117. defaultValue="sentry@localhost"
  118. disabled={false}
  119. disabledReason={null}
  120. help="Email address to be used in From for all outbound email."
  121. hideErrorMessage={false}
  122. isSet={true}
  123. key="mail.from"
  124. label="Email From"
  125. name="mail.from"
  126. required={true}
  127. >
  128. <div
  129. className="control-group required"
  130. >
  131. <div
  132. className="controls"
  133. >
  134. <label
  135. className="control-label"
  136. htmlFor="id-mail.from"
  137. >
  138. Email From
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  140. <input
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  143. id="id-mail.from"
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  146. required={true}
  147. type="email"
  148. value="sentry@localhost"
  149. />
  150. <p
  151. className="help-block"
  152. >
  153. Email address to be used in From for all outbound email.
  154. </p>
  155. </div>
  156. </div>
  157. </EmailField>
  158. <TextField
  159. allowEmpty={false}
  160. default="localhost"
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  166. key=""
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  169. placeholder="localhost"
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  171. >
  172. <div
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  174. >
  175. <div
  176. className="controls"
  177. >
  178. <label
  179. className="control-label"
  180. htmlFor=""
  181. >
  182. SMTP Host
  183. </label>
  184. <input
  185. className="form-control"
  186. disabled={false}
  187. id=""
  188. name=""
  189. onChange={[Function]}
  190. placeholder="localhost"
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  206. key="mail.port"
  207. label="SMTP Port"
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  209. placeholder="25"
  210. required={true}
  211. >
  212. <div
  213. className="control-group required"
  214. >
  215. <div
  216. className="controls"
  217. >
  218. <label
  219. className="control-label"
  220. htmlFor="id-mail.port"
  221. >
  222. SMTP Port
  223. </label>
  224. <input
  225. className="form-control"
  226. disabled={false}
  227. id="id-mail.port"
  228. name="mail.port"
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  233. value="25"
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  246. key="mail.username"
  247. label="SMTP Username"
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  249. required={false}
  250. >
  251. <div
  252. className="control-group"
  253. >
  254. <div
  255. className="controls"
  256. >
  257. <label
  258. className="control-label"
  259. htmlFor="id-mail.username"
  260. >
  261. SMTP Username
  262. </label>
  263. <input
  264. className="form-control"
  265. disabled={false}
  266. id="id-mail.username"
  267. name="mail.username"
  268. onChange={[Function]}
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  271. value=""
  272. />
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  278. default=""
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  284. key="mail.password"
  285. label="SMTP Password"
  286. name="mail.password"
  287. required={false}
  288. >
  289. <div
  290. className="control-group"
  291. >
  292. <div
  293. className="controls"
  294. >
  295. <label
  296. className="control-label"
  297. htmlFor="id-mail.password"
  298. >
  299. SMTP Password
  300. </label>
  301. <input
  302. className="form-control"
  303. disabled={false}
  304. id="id-mail.password"
  305. name="mail.password"
  306. onChange={[Function]}
  307. required={false}
  308. type="text"
  309. value=""
  310. />
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  323. key="mail.use-tls"
  324. label="Use TLS?"
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  326. required={false}
  327. >
  328. <div
  329. className="control-group checkbox"
  330. >
  331. <div
  332. className="controls"
  333. >
  334. <label
  335. className="control-label"
  336. >
  337. <input
  338. checked={false}
  339. disabled={false}
  340. id="id-mail.use-tls"
  341. onChange={[Function]}
  342. type="checkbox"
  343. />
  344. Use TLS?
  345. </label>
  346. </div>
  347. </div>
  348. </BooleanField>
  349. </fieldset>
  350. <fieldset
  351. key="auth"
  352. >
  353. <legend>
  354. Authentication
  355. </legend>
  356. <BooleanField
  357. allowEmpty={true}
  358. component={[Function]}
  359. default={false}
  360. defaultValue={false}
  361. disabled={false}
  362. disabledReason={null}
  363. help="Allow anyone to create an account and access this Sentry installation."
  364. hideErrorMessage={false}
  365. isSet={true}
  366. key="auth.allow-registration"
  367. label="Allow Registration"
  368. name="auth.allow-registration"
  369. required={false}
  370. >
  371. <div
  372. className="control-group checkbox"
  373. >
  374. <div
  375. className="controls"
  376. >
  377. <label
  378. className="control-label"
  379. >
  380. <input
  381. checked={false}
  382. disabled={false}
  383. id="id-auth.allow-registration"
  384. onChange={[Function]}
  385. type="checkbox"
  386. />
  387. Allow Registration
  388. </label>
  389. <p
  390. className="help-block"
  391. >
  392. Allow anyone to create an account and access this Sentry installation.
  393. </p>
  394. </div>
  395. </div>
  396. </BooleanField>
  397. </fieldset>
  398. <fieldset
  399. key="beacon"
  400. >
  401. <legend>
  402. Beacon
  403. </legend>
  404. <RadioBooleanField
  405. allowEmpty={true}
  406. component={[Function]}
  407. default={false}
  408. disabled={false}
  409. disabledReason={null}
  410. help={
  411. <span>
  412. <span>
  413. If enabled, any stats reported to will exclude identifying information (such as your administrative email address). By anonymizing your installation the Sentry team will be unable to contact you about security updates. For more information on what data is sent to Sentry, see the
  414. </span>
  415. <a
  416. href=""
  417. >
  418. <span>
  419. documentation
  420. </span>
  421. </a>
  422. <span>
  423. .
  424. </span>
  425. </span>
  426. }
  427. hideErrorMessage={false}
  428. isSet={true}
  429. key="beacon.anonymous"
  430. label="Usage Statistics"
  431. name="beacon.anonymous"
  432. noLabel="Send my contact information along with usage statistics"
  433. required={false}
  434. yesFirst={false}
  435. yesLabel="Please keep my usage information anonymous"
  436. >
  437. <div
  438. className="control-group"
  439. >
  440. <div
  441. className="controls"
  442. >
  443. <label
  444. className="control-label"
  445. htmlFor="id-beacon.anonymous"
  446. >
  447. Usage Statistics
  448. </label>
  449. <p
  450. className="help-block"
  451. >
  452. <span
  453. key="5"
  454. >
  455. <span
  456. key="0"
  457. >
  458. If enabled, any stats reported to will exclude identifying information (such as your administrative email address). By anonymizing your installation the Sentry team will be unable to contact you about security updates. For more information on what data is sent to Sentry, see the
  459. </span>
  460. <a
  461. href=""
  462. key="2"
  463. >
  464. <span
  465. key="1"
  466. >
  467. documentation
  468. </span>
  469. </a>
  470. <span
  471. key="3"
  472. >
  473. .
  474. </span>
  475. </span>
  476. </p>
  477. <div
  478. className="control-group radio-boolean"
  479. >
  480. <div
  481. className="radio"
  482. key="no"
  483. >
  484. <label
  485. style={
  486. Object {
  487. "fontWeight": "normal",
  488. }
  489. }
  490. >
  491. <input
  492. checked={false}
  493. disabled={false}
  494. name="beacon.anonymous"
  495. onChange={[Function]}
  496. type="radio"
  497. value="false"
  498. />
  499. Send my contact information along with usage statistics
  500. </label>
  501. </div>
  502. <div
  503. className="radio"
  504. key="yes"
  505. >
  506. <label
  507. style={
  508. Object {
  509. "fontWeight": "normal",
  510. }
  511. }
  512. >
  513. <input
  514. checked={false}
  515. disabled={false}
  516. name="beacon.anonymous"
  517. onChange={[Function]}
  518. type="radio"
  519. value="true"
  520. />
  521. Please keep my usage information anonymous
  522. </label>
  523. </div>
  524. </div>
  525. </div>
  526. </div>
  527. </RadioBooleanField>
  528. </fieldset>
  529. <div
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  533. "marginTop": 25,
  534. }
  535. }
  536. >
  537. <button
  538. className="btn btn-primary"
  539. disabled={false}
  540. type="submit"
  541. >
  542. Continue
  543. </button>
  544. </div>
  545. </form>
  546. </StyledForm>
  547. </ApiForm>
  548. </div>
  549. </div>
  550. </DocumentTitle>
  551. </SideEffect(DocumentTitle)>
  552. </InstallWizard>
  553. `;