eventOrGroupExtraDetails.spec.jsx.snap 2.0 KB

  1. // Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
  2. exports[`EventOrGroupExtraDetails details when mentioned 1`] = `
  3. <EventOrGroupExtraDetails
  4. annotations={
  5. Array [
  6. "annotation1",
  7. "annotation2",
  8. ]
  9. }
  10. firstSeen="2017-07-01T02:06:02Z"
  11. groupId="groupId"
  12. lastSeen="2017-07-25T22:56:12Z"
  13. logger="javascript logger"
  14. numComments={14}
  15. orgId="orgId"
  16. projectId="projectId"
  17. shortId="shortId"
  18. subscriptionDetails={
  19. Object {
  20. "reason": "mentioned",
  21. }
  22. }
  23. />
  24. `;
  25. exports[`EventOrGroupExtraDetails renders all details 1`] = `
  26. <EventOrGroupExtraDetails
  27. annotations={
  28. Array [
  29. "annotation1",
  30. "annotation2",
  31. ]
  32. }
  33. assignedTo={
  34. Object {
  35. "name": "Assignee Name",
  36. }
  37. }
  38. firstSeen="2017-07-01T02:06:02Z"
  39. groupId="groupId"
  40. lastSeen="2017-07-25T22:56:12Z"
  41. logger="javascript logger"
  42. numComments={14}
  43. orgId="orgId"
  44. projectId="projectId"
  45. shortId="shortId"
  46. status="resolved"
  47. />
  48. `;
  49. exports[`EventOrGroupExtraDetails renders assignee and status 1`] = `
  50. <EventOrGroupExtraDetails
  51. annotations={
  52. Array [
  53. "annotation1",
  54. "annotation2",
  55. ]
  56. }
  57. assignedTo={
  58. Object {
  59. "name": "Assignee Name",
  60. }
  61. }
  62. firstSeen="2017-07-01T02:06:02Z"
  63. groupId="groupId"
  64. lastSeen="2017-07-25T22:56:12Z"
  65. logger="javascript logger"
  66. numComments={14}
  67. orgId="orgId"
  68. projectId="projectId"
  69. shortId="shortId"
  70. showAssignee={true}
  71. showStatus={true}
  72. status="resolved"
  73. />
  74. `;
  75. exports[`EventOrGroupExtraDetails renders last and first seen 1`] = `
  76. <EventOrGroupExtraDetails
  77. firstSeen="2017-07-01T02:06:02Z"
  78. groupId="groupId"
  79. lastSeen="2017-07-25T22:56:12Z"
  80. orgId="orgId"
  81. projectId="projectId"
  82. />
  83. `;
  84. exports[`EventOrGroupExtraDetails renders only first seen 1`] = `
  85. <EventOrGroupExtraDetails
  86. firstSeen="2017-07-01T02:06:02Z"
  87. groupId="groupId"
  88. orgId="orgId"
  89. projectId="projectId"
  90. />
  91. `;
  92. exports[`EventOrGroupExtraDetails renders only last seen 1`] = `
  93. <EventOrGroupExtraDetails
  94. groupId="groupId"
  95. lastSeen="2017-07-25T22:56:12Z"
  96. orgId="orgId"
  97. projectId="projectId"
  98. />
  99. `;