12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728 |
- # Sentry uses netlify to deploy pull-request previews of the frontend which
- # talk to the production API.
- #
- # This is an EXPERIMENTAL developer experience, there are still various pages
- # that are served through django and have no SPA equivalent views.
- [build]
- publish = "src/sentry/static/sentry/dist"
- command = "yarn webpack"
- [[redirects]]
- from = "/_assets/*"
- to = "/:splat"
- status = 200
- [[redirects]]
- from = "/api/*"
- to = "https://sentry.io/api/:splat"
- status = 200
- force = true
- # Pass referer as sentry.io to avoid CSRF validation errors.
- headers = {Referer = "https://sentry.io/"}
- [[redirects]]
- from = "/*"
- to = "/index.html"
- status = 200