latest-event.json 26 KB

  1. {
  2. "get": {
  3. "tags": ["Events"],
  4. "description": "Retrieves the details of the latest event for an issue.",
  5. "operationId": "Retrieve the Latest Event for an Issue",
  6. "parameters": [
  7. {
  8. "name": "issue_id",
  9. "in": "path",
  10. "description": "The ID of the issue.",
  11. "required": true,
  12. "schema": {
  13. "type": "string"
  14. }
  15. }
  16. ],
  17. "responses": {
  18. "200": {
  19. "description": "Success",
  20. "content": {
  21. "application/json": {
  22. "schema": {
  23. "$ref": "../../components/schemas/event.json#/EventDetailed"
  24. },
  25. "example": {
  26. "eventID": "9999aaaaca8b46d797c23c6077c6ff01",
  27. "dist": null,
  28. "userReport": null,
  29. "previousEventID": null,
  30. "message": "",
  31. "title": "This is an example Python exception",
  32. "id": "9999aaafcc8b46d797c23c6077c6ff01",
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  34. "errors": [
  35. {
  36. "data": {
  37. "column": 8,
  38. "source": "",
  39. "row": 15
  40. },
  41. "message": "Invalid location in sourcemap",
  42. "type": "js_invalid_sourcemap_location"
  43. }
  44. ],
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  47. "type": "error",
  48. "metadata": {
  49. "type": "ForbiddenError",
  50. "value": "GET /organizations/hellboy-meowmeow/users/ 403"
  51. },
  52. "tags": [
  53. {
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  55. "key": "browser",
  56. "_meta": null
  57. },
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  72. },
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  77. },
  78. {
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  82. }
  83. ],
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  85. "dateReceived": "2020-06-17T22:26:56.428721Z",
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  87. "username": null,
  88. "name": "Hell Boy",
  89. "ip_address": "",
  90. "email": "",
  91. "data": {
  92. "isStaff": false
  93. },
  94. "id": "550747"
  95. },
  96. "entries": [
  97. {
  98. "type": "exception",
  99. "data": {
  100. "values": [
  101. {
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  104. {
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  118. [66, " }"],
  119. [
  120. 67,
  121. " // Attempt to invoke user-land function"
  122. ],
  123. [
  124. 68,
  125. " // NOTE: If you are a Sentry user, and you are seeing this stack frame, it"
  126. ],
  127. [
  128. 69,
  129. " // means the sentry.javascript SDK caught an error invoking your application code. This"
  130. ],
  131. [
  132. 70,
  133. " // is expected behavior and NOT indicative of a bug with sentry.javascript."
  134. ],
  135. [
  136. 71,
  137. " return fn.apply(this, wrappedArguments);"
  138. ],
  139. [
  140. 72,
  141. " // tslint:enable:no-unsafe-any"
  142. ],
  143. [73, " }"],
  144. [74, " catch (ex) {"],
  145. [75, " ignoreNextOnError();"],
  146. [76, " withScope(function (scope) {"]
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  165. "context": [
  166. [69, " */"],
  167. [
  168. 70,
  169. " triggerAsync: function triggerAsync() {"
  170. ],
  171. [71, " var args = arguments,"],
  172. [72, " me = this;"],
  173. [73, " _.nextTick(function () {"],
  174. [74, " me.trigger.apply(me, args);"],
  175. [75, " });"],
  176. [76, " },"],
  177. [77, ""],
  178. [78, " /**"],
  179. [
  180. 79,
  181. " * Wraps the trigger mechanism with a deferral function."
  182. ]
  183. ],
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  186. "symbol": null
  187. }
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  212. [
  213. 78,
  214. " Licensed under the MIT License (MIT), see"
  215. ],
  216. [
  217. 79,
  218. ""
  219. ],
  220. [80, "*/"],
  221. [
  222. 81,
  223. "{snip} e,t)}));return e.handleEvent?e.handleEvent.apply(this,s):e.apply(this,s)}catch(e){throw c(),Object(o.m)((function(n){n.addEventProcessor((fu {snip}"
  224. ],
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  228. 84,
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  233. 86,
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  258. [117, ""],
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  260. [
  261. 119,
  262. "{snip} (){var e=arguments,t=this;r.nextTick((function(){t.trigger.apply(t,e)}))},deferWith:function(e){var t=this.trigger,n=this,r=function(){ {snip}"
  263. ],
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  265. [
  266. 121,
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  268. ],
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  271. [
  272. 124,
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  377. },
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  411. "message": "GET /organizations/hellboy-meowmeow/users/ 403",
  412. "stack": "Error\n at\n at u (\n at Generator._invoke (\n at Generator.A.forEach.e.<computed> [as next] (\n at n (\n at s (\n at\n at new Promise (<anonymous>)\n at\n at v (\n at m (\n at t.fetchMemberList (\n at t.componentDidMount (\n at t.componentDidMount (\n at Pc (\n at t.unstable_runWithPriority (\n at Ko (\n at Rc (\n at Oc (\n at\n at t.unstable_runWithPriority (\n at Ko (\n at Zo (\n at Jo (\n at gc (\n at Object.enqueueSetState (\n at t.M.setState (\n at t.onUpdate (\n at a.n (\n at a.emit (\n at p.trigger (\n at p.onInitializeUrlState (\n at a.n (\n at a.emit (\n at Function.trigger (\n at\n at a ("
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