123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540 |
- import {Fragment, Profiler, ReactNode, useEffect, useRef} from 'react';
- import {captureMessage, setExtra, setTag} from '@sentry/react';
- import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react';
- import {IdleTransaction} from '@sentry/tracing';
- import {
- type MeasurementUnit,
- type Transaction,
- type TransactionEvent,
- } from '@sentry/types';
- import {
- _browserPerformanceTimeOriginMode,
- browserPerformanceTimeOrigin,
- timestampWithMs,
- } from '@sentry/utils';
- import {useLocation} from 'sentry/utils/useLocation';
- import usePrevious from 'sentry/utils/usePrevious';
- const MIN_UPDATE_SPAN_TIME = 16; // Frame boundary @ 60fps
- const WAIT_POST_INTERACTION = 50; // Leave a small amount of time for observers and onRenderCallback to log since they come in after they occur and not during.
- const INTERACTION_TIMEOUT = 2 * 60_000; // 2min. Wrap interactions up after this time since we don't want transactions sticking around forever.
- const MEASUREMENT_OUTLIER_VALUE = 5 * 60_000; // Measurements over 5 minutes don't get recorded as a metric and are tagged instead.
- const ASSET_OUTLIER_VALUE = 1_000_000_000; // Assets over 1GB are ignored since they are likely a reporting error.
- const VCD_START = 'vcd-start';
- const VCD_END = 'vcd-end';
- /**
- * It depends on where it is called but the way we fetch transactions can be empty despite an ongoing transaction existing.
- * This will return an interaction-type transaction held onto by a class static if one exists.
- */
- export function getPerformanceTransaction(): IdleTransaction | Transaction | undefined {
- return PerformanceInteraction.getTransaction() ?? Sentry.getActiveTransaction();
- }
- /**
- * Callback for React Profiler https://reactjs.org/docs/profiler.html
- */
- export function onRenderCallback(
- id: string,
- phase: 'mount' | 'update',
- actualDuration: number
- ) {
- try {
- const transaction: Transaction | undefined = getPerformanceTransaction();
- if (transaction && actualDuration > MIN_UPDATE_SPAN_TIME) {
- const now = timestampWithMs();
- transaction.startChild({
- description: `<${id}>`,
- op: `ui.react.${phase}`,
- startTimestamp: now - actualDuration / 1000,
- endTimestamp: now,
- });
- }
- } catch (_) {
- // Add defensive catch since this wraps all of App
- }
- }
- export class PerformanceInteraction {
- private static interactionTransaction: Transaction | null = null;
- private static interactionTimeoutId: number | undefined = undefined;
- static getTransaction() {
- return PerformanceInteraction.interactionTransaction;
- }
- static startInteraction(name: string, timeout = INTERACTION_TIMEOUT, immediate = true) {
- try {
- const currentIdleTransaction = Sentry.getActiveTransaction();
- if (currentIdleTransaction) {
- // If interaction is started while idle still exists.
- currentIdleTransaction.setTag('finishReason', 'sentry.interactionStarted'); // Override finish reason so we can capture if this has effects on idle timeout.
- currentIdleTransaction.finish();
- }
- PerformanceInteraction.finishInteraction(immediate);
- const txn = Sentry?.startTransaction({
- name: `ui.${name}`,
- op: 'interaction',
- });
- PerformanceInteraction.interactionTransaction = txn;
- // Auto interaction timeout
- PerformanceInteraction.interactionTimeoutId = window.setTimeout(() => {
- if (!PerformanceInteraction.interactionTransaction) {
- return;
- }
- PerformanceInteraction.interactionTransaction.setTag(
- 'ui.interaction.finish',
- 'timeout'
- );
- PerformanceInteraction.finishInteraction(true);
- }, timeout);
- } catch (e) {
- captureMessage(e);
- }
- }
- static async finishInteraction(immediate = false) {
- try {
- if (!PerformanceInteraction.interactionTransaction) {
- return;
- }
- clearTimeout(PerformanceInteraction.interactionTimeoutId);
- if (immediate) {
- PerformanceInteraction.interactionTransaction?.finish();
- PerformanceInteraction.interactionTransaction = null;
- return;
- }
- // Add a slight wait if this isn't called as the result of another transaction starting.
- await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, WAIT_POST_INTERACTION));
- PerformanceInteraction.interactionTransaction?.finish();
- PerformanceInteraction.interactionTransaction = null;
- return;
- } catch (e) {
- captureMessage(e);
- }
- }
- }
- export function CustomProfiler({id, children}: {children: ReactNode; id: string}) {
- return (
- <Profiler id={id} onRender={onRenderCallback}>
- {children}
- </Profiler>
- );
- }
- /**
- * This component wraps the main component on a page with a measurement checking for visual completedness.
- * It uses the data check to make sure endpoints have resolved and the component is meaningfully rendering
- * which sets it apart from simply checking LCP, which makes it a good back up check the LCP heuristic performance.
- *
- * Since this component is guaranteed to be part of the -real- critical path, it also wraps the component with the custom profiler.
- */
- export function VisuallyCompleteWithData({
- id,
- hasData,
- children,
- disabled,
- isLoading,
- }: {
- children: ReactNode;
- hasData: boolean;
- id: string;
- disabled?: boolean;
- /**
- * Add isLoading to also collect navigation timings, since the data state is sometimes constant before the reload occurs.
- */
- isLoading?: boolean;
- }) {
- const location = useLocation();
- const previousLocation = usePrevious(location);
- const isDataCompleteSet = useRef(false);
- const num = useRef(1);
- const isVCDSet = useRef(false);
- if (isVCDSet && hasData && performance && performance.mark && !disabled) {
- performance.mark(`${id}-${VCD_START}`);
- isVCDSet.current = true;
- }
- const _hasData = isLoading === undefined ? hasData : hasData && !isLoading;
- useEffect(() => {
- // Capture changes in location to reset VCD as it's likely indicative of a route change.
- if (location !== previousLocation) {
- isDataCompleteSet.current = false;
- performance
- .getEntriesByType('mark')
- .map(m => m.name)
- .filter(n => n.includes('vcd'))
- .forEach(n => performance.clearMarks(n));
- }
- }, [location, previousLocation]);
- useEffect(() => {
- if (disabled) {
- return;
- }
- try {
- const transaction: any = Sentry.getActiveTransaction(); // Using any to override types for private api.
- if (!transaction) {
- return;
- }
- if (!isDataCompleteSet.current && _hasData) {
- isDataCompleteSet.current = true;
- performance.mark(`${id}-${VCD_END}-pretimeout`);
- window.setTimeout(() => {
- if (!browserPerformanceTimeOrigin) {
- return;
- }
- performance.mark(`${id}-${VCD_END}`);
- const startMarks = performance.getEntriesByName(`${id}-${VCD_START}`);
- const endMarks = performance.getEntriesByName(`${id}-${VCD_END}`);
- if (startMarks.length > 1 || endMarks.length > 1) {
- transaction.setTag('vcd_extra_recorded_marks', true);
- }
- const startMark = startMarks.at(-1);
- const endMark = endMarks.at(-1);
- if (!startMark || !endMark) {
- return;
- }
- performance.measure(
- `VCD [${id}] #${num.current}`,
- `${id}-${VCD_START}`,
- `${id}-${VCD_END}`
- );
- num.current = num.current++;
- }, 0);
- }
- } catch (_) {
- // Defensive catch since this code is auxiliary.
- }
- }, [_hasData, disabled, id]);
- if (disabled) {
- return <Fragment>{children}</Fragment>;
- }
- return (
- <Profiler id={id} onRender={onRenderCallback}>
- <Fragment>{children}</Fragment>
- </Profiler>
- );
- }
- interface OpAssetMeasurementDefinition {
- key: string;
- }
- const OP_ASSET_MEASUREMENT_MAP: Record<string, OpAssetMeasurementDefinition> = {
- 'resource.script': {
- key: 'script',
- },
- };
- const ASSET_MEASUREMENT_ALL = 'allResources';
- const SENTRY_ASSET_DOMAINS = ['sentry-cdn.com'];
- /**
- * Creates aggregate measurements for assets to understand asset size impact on performance.
- * The `hasAnyAssetTimings` is also added here since the asset information depends on the `allow-timing-origin` header.
- */
- const addAssetMeasurements = (transaction: TransactionEvent) => {
- const spans = transaction.spans;
- if (!spans) {
- return;
- }
- let allTransfered = 0;
- let allEncoded = 0;
- let hasAssetTimings = false;
- const getOperation = data => data.operation ?? '';
- const getTransferSize = data =>
- data['http.response_transfer_size'] ?? data['Transfer Size'] ?? 0;
- const getEncodedSize = data =>
- data['http.response_content_length'] ?? data['Encoded Body Size'] ?? 0;
- const getDecodedSize = data =>
- data['http.decoded_response_content_length'] ?? data['Decoded Body Size'] ?? 0;
- const getFields = data => ({
- operation: getOperation(data),
- transferSize: getTransferSize(data),
- encodedSize: getEncodedSize(data),
- decodedSize: getDecodedSize(data),
- });
- for (const [op, _] of Object.entries(OP_ASSET_MEASUREMENT_MAP)) {
- const filtered = spans.filter(
- s =>
- s.op === op &&
- domain =>
- !s.description ||
- s.description.includes(domain) ||
- s.description.startsWith('/')
- )
- );
- const transfered = filtered.reduce((acc, curr) => {
- const fields = getFields(curr.data);
- if (fields.transferSize > ASSET_OUTLIER_VALUE) {
- return acc;
- }
- return acc + fields.transferSize;
- }, 0);
- const encoded = filtered.reduce((acc, curr) => {
- const fields = getFields(curr.data);
- if (
- fields.encodedSize > ASSET_OUTLIER_VALUE ||
- (fields.encodedSize > 0 && fields.decodedSize === 0)
- ) {
- // There appears to be a bug where we have massive encoded sizes w/o a decode size, we'll ignore these assets for now.
- return acc;
- }
- return acc + fields.encodedSize;
- }, 0);
- if (encoded > 0) {
- hasAssetTimings = true;
- }
- allTransfered += transfered;
- allEncoded += encoded;
- }
- if (!transaction.measurements || !transaction.tags) {
- return;
- }
- transaction.measurements[`${ASSET_MEASUREMENT_ALL}.encoded`] = {
- value: allEncoded,
- unit: 'byte',
- };
- transaction.measurements[`${ASSET_MEASUREMENT_ALL}.transfer`] = {
- value: allTransfered,
- unit: 'byte',
- };
- transaction.tags.hasAnyAssetTimings = hasAssetTimings;
- };
- const addCustomMeasurements = (transaction: TransactionEvent) => {
- if (!browserPerformanceTimeOrigin || !transaction.start_timestamp) {
- return;
- }
- const measurements: Record<string, Measurement> = {...transaction.measurements};
- const ttfb = Object.entries(measurements).find(([key]) =>
- key.toLowerCase().includes('ttfb')
- );
- const ttfbValue = ttfb?.[1]?.value;
- const context: MeasurementContext = {
- transaction,
- ttfb: ttfbValue,
- browserTimeOrigin: browserPerformanceTimeOrigin,
- transactionStart: transaction.start_timestamp,
- transactionOp: (transaction.contexts?.trace?.op as string) ?? 'pageload',
- };
- for (const [name, fn] of Object.entries(customMeasurements)) {
- const measurement = fn(context);
- if (measurement) {
- if (
- measurement.unit === 'millisecond' &&
- measurement.value > MEASUREMENT_OUTLIER_VALUE
- ) {
- // exclude outlier measurements and don't add any of the custom measurements in case something is wrong.
- if (transaction.tags) {
- transaction.tags.outlier_vcd = name;
- }
- return;
- }
- measurements[name] = measurement;
- }
- }
- transaction.measurements = measurements;
- };
- interface Measurement {
- unit: MeasurementUnit;
- value: number;
- }
- interface MeasurementContext {
- browserTimeOrigin: number;
- transaction: TransactionEvent;
- transactionOp: string;
- transactionStart: number;
- ttfb?: number;
- }
- const getVCDSpan = (transaction: TransactionEvent) =>
- transaction.spans?.find(s => s.description?.startsWith('VCD'));
- const getBundleLoadSpan = (transaction: TransactionEvent) =>
- transaction.spans?.find(s => s.description === 'app.page.bundle-load');
- const customMeasurements: Record<
- string,
- (ctx: MeasurementContext) => Measurement | undefined
- > = {
- /**
- * Budget measurement between the time to first byte (the beginning of the response) and the beginning of our
- * webpack bundle load. Useful for us since we have an entrypoint script we want to measure the impact of.
- *
- * Performance budget: **0 ms**
- *
- * - We should get rid of delays before loading the main app bundle to improve performance.
- */
- pre_bundle_load: ({ttfb, browserTimeOrigin, transactionStart}) => {
- const headMark = performance.getEntriesByName('head-start')[0];
- if (!headMark || !ttfb) {
- return undefined;
- }
- const entryStartSeconds = browserTimeOrigin / 1000 + headMark.startTime / 1000;
- const value = (entryStartSeconds - transactionStart) * 1000 - ttfb;
- return {
- value,
- unit: 'millisecond',
- };
- },
- /**
- * Budget measurement representing the `app.page.bundle-load` measure.
- * We can use this to track asset transfer performance impact over time as a measurement.
- *
- * Performance budget: **__** ms
- *
- */
- bundle_load: ({transaction, ttfb}) => {
- const span = getBundleLoadSpan(transaction);
- if (!span?.endTimestamp || !span?.startTimestamp || !ttfb) {
- return undefined;
- }
- return {
- value: (span?.endTimestamp - span?.startTimestamp) * 1000,
- unit: 'millisecond',
- };
- },
- /**
- * Experience measurement representing the time when the first "visually complete" component approximately *finishes* rendering on the page.
- * - Provided by the {@link VisuallyCompleteWithData} wrapper component.
- * - This only fires when it receives a non-empty data set for that component. Which won't capture onboarding or empty states,
- * but most 'happy path' performance for using any product occurs only in views with data.
- * - Only record for pageload transactions
- *
- * This should replace LCP as a 'load' metric when it's present, since it also works on navigations.
- */
- visually_complete_with_data: ({transaction, ttfb, transactionStart}) => {
- const vcdSpan = getVCDSpan(transaction);
- if (!vcdSpan?.endTimestamp || !ttfb) {
- return undefined;
- }
- const value = (vcdSpan?.endTimestamp - transactionStart) * 1000;
- return {
- value,
- unit: 'millisecond',
- };
- },
- /**
- * Budget measurement for the time between loading the bundle and a visually complete component finishing it's render.
- *
- * Fires for navigation components as well using the beginning of the navigation as 'init'
- *
- * For now this is a quite broad measurement but can be roughly be broken down into:
- * - Post bundle load application initialization
- * - Http waterfalls for data
- * - Rendering of components, including the VCD component.
- */
- init_to_vcd: ({transaction, transactionOp, transactionStart}) => {
- const bundleSpan = getBundleLoadSpan(transaction);
- const vcdSpan = getVCDSpan(transaction);
- if (!vcdSpan?.endTimestamp || !['navigation', 'pageload'].includes(transactionOp)) {
- return undefined;
- }
- const startTimestamp =
- transactionOp === 'navigation' ? transactionStart : bundleSpan?.endTimestamp;
- if (!startTimestamp) {
- return undefined;
- }
- return {
- value: (vcdSpan.endTimestamp - startTimestamp) * 1000,
- unit: 'millisecond',
- };
- },
- };
- export const addExtraMeasurements = (transaction: TransactionEvent) => {
- try {
- addAssetMeasurements(transaction);
- addCustomMeasurements(transaction);
- } catch (_) {
- // Defensive catch since this code is auxiliary.
- }
- };
- /**
- * A util function to help create some broad buckets to group entity counts without exploding cardinality.
- *
- * @param tagName - Name for the tag, will create `<tagName>` in data and `<tagname>.grouped` as a tag
- * @param max - The approximate maximum value for the tag, A bucket between max and Infinity is also captured so it's fine if it's not precise, the data won't be entirely lost.
- * @param n - The value to be grouped, should represent `n` entities.
- * @param [buckets=[1,2,5]] - An optional param to specify the bucket progression. Default is 1,2,5 (10,20,50 etc).
- */
- export const setGroupedEntityTag = (
- tagName: string,
- max: number,
- n: number,
- buckets = [1, 2, 5]
- ) => {
- setExtra(tagName, n);
- let groups = [0];
- loop: for (let m = 1, mag = 0; m <= max; m *= 10, mag++) {
- for (const i of buckets) {
- const group = i * 10 ** mag;
- if (group > max) {
- break loop;
- }
- groups = [...groups, group];
- }
- }
- groups = [...groups, +Infinity];
- setTag(`${tagName}.grouped`, `<=${groups.find(g => n <= g)}`);
- };
- /**
- * A temporary util function used for interaction transactions that will attach a tag to the transaction, indicating the element
- * that was interacted with. This will allow for querying for transactions by a specific element. This is a high cardinality tag, but
- * it is only temporary for an experiment
- */
- export const addUIElementTag = (transaction: TransactionEvent) => {
- if (!transaction || transaction.contexts?.trace?.op !== 'ui.action.click') {
- return;
- }
- if (!transaction.tags) {
- return;
- }
- const interactionSpan = transaction.spans?.find(
- span => span.op === 'ui.interaction.click'
- );
- transaction.tags.interactionElement = interactionSpan?.description;
- };