cocoa.json 3.7 KB

  1. {
  2. "html": "<div class=\"section\" id=\"installation\">\n<h2>Installation</h2>\n<p>Start by adding Sentry and then linking it:</p>\n<div class=\"highlight-python\"><div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff\"><pre style=\"line-height: 125%\"><span></span>$ npm install react-native-sentry --save\n# or\n# yarn add react-native-sentry\n# if you are using yarn\n# this is for linking\n$ react-native link react-native-sentry\n</pre></div>\n</div>\n<p>The <cite>link</cite> step will pull in the native dependency and patch your project\naccordingly. If you are using expo you don&#8217;t have to (or can&#8217;t) run that\nlink step. For more information about that see <a class=\"reference internal\" href=\"\"><em>Using Sentry with Expo</em></a>.</p>\n<p>On linking you will automatically be prompted for your DSN and other\ninformation and we will configure your app automatically for react-native\nand change files accordingly. You will need to provide the following\ndata: your DSN, the slug of your organization in Sentry, the slug of your\nproject in Sentry as well as the Auth token. We need the Auth token for\nuploading the sourcemaps.</p>\n<p>You can find the slugs in the URL of your project\n(<code class=\"docutils literal\"><span class=\"pre\"></span></code>) If you don&#8217;t have an auth\ntoken yet you can <a class=\"reference external\" href=\"\">create an auth token here</a>.</p>\n<p>Upon linking the following changes will be performed:</p>\n<ul class=\"simple\">\n<li>add the raven-java package for native crash reporting on Android</li>\n<li>add the sentry-swift package for native crash reporting on iOS</li>\n<li>enable the sentry gradle build step for android</li>\n<li>patch <cite>AppDelegate.m</cite> for iOS</li>\n<li>patch <cite></cite> for Android</li>\n<li>configure Sentry for the supplied DSN in your <cite>index.js</cite> files</li>\n<li>store build credentials in <cite>ios/</cite> and\n<cite>android/</cite>.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>To see what is happening during linking you can refer to\n<a class=\"reference internal\" href=\"\"><em>Manual Setup</em></a> which will give you all the details.</p>\n<p>Note that we only support <code class=\"docutils literal\"><span class=\"pre\">react-native</span> <span class=\"pre\">&gt;=</span> <span class=\"pre\">0.38</span></code> at the moment.</p>\n</div>\n\n\n<div class=\"section\" id=\"client-configuration\">\n<h2>Client Configuration</h2>\n<p>Note: When you run <code class=\"docutils literal\"><span class=\"pre\">react-native</span> <span class=\"pre\">link</span></code> we will automatically update your\n<cite>index.ios.js</cite> / <cite></cite> with the following changes:</p>\n<div class=\"highlight-javascript\"><div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff\"><pre style=\"line-height: 125%\"><span></span><span style=\"color: #2eb0f7\">import</span> <span style=\"color: #111111\">{</span> <span style=\"color: #111111\">Sentry</span> <span style=\"color: #111111\">}</span> <span style=\"color: #111111\">from</span> <span style=\"color: #e8535a\">&#39;react-native-sentry&#39;</span><span style=\"color: #111111\">;</span>\n<span style=\"color: #111111\">Sentry.config(</span><span style=\"color: #e8535a\">&#39;___DSN___&#39;</span><span style=\"color: #111111\">).install();</span>\n</pre></div>\n</div>\n<p>You can pass additional configuration options to the <cite>config()</cite> method if\nyou want to do so.</p>\n</div>\n",
  3. "link": "",
  4. "id": "cocoa",
  5. "name": "React-Native"
  6. }