requirements-dev-only-frozen.txt 1.4 KB

  1. # DO NOT MODIFY. This file was generated with `make freeze-requirements`.
  2. attrs==21.4.0
  3. black==22.3.0
  4. certifi==2022.5.18.1
  5. cfgv==3.3.1
  6. charset-normalizer==2.0.12
  7. click==8.1.3
  8. coverage==6.3.3
  9. dictpath==0.1.3
  10. distlib==0.3.4
  11. docker==3.7.0
  12. docker-pycreds==0.4.0
  13. exam==0.5.1
  14. filelock==3.7.0
  15. flake8==4.0.1
  16. flake8-bugbear==22.4.25
  17. freezegun==1.1.0
  18. honcho==1.0.0
  19. identify==2.5.1
  20. idna==3.3
  21. importlib-resources==5.7.1
  22. iniconfig==1.1.1
  23. isodate==0.6.1
  24. isort==5.10.1
  25. jsonschema==4.5.1
  26. lazy-object-proxy==1.7.1
  27. mccabe==0.6.1
  28. mock==4.0.3
  29. more-itertools==8.13.0
  30. msgpack-types==0.2.0
  31. mypy==0.812
  32. mypy-extensions==0.4.3
  33. nodeenv==1.6.0
  34. openapi-core==0.14.2
  35. openapi-schema-validator==0.2.3
  36. openapi-spec-validator==0.4.0
  37. packaging==21.3
  38. parse==1.19.0
  39. pathspec==0.9.0
  40. pep517==0.12.0
  41. pip-tools==6.6.2
  42. platformdirs==2.5.2
  43. pluggy==0.13.1
  44. pre-commit==2.18.1
  45. py==1.11.0
  46. pycodestyle==2.8.0
  47. pyflakes==2.4.0
  48. pyparsing==3.0.9
  49. pyrsistent==0.18.1
  50. pytest==6.1.0
  51. pytest-cov==2.11.1
  52. pytest-django==3.10.0
  53. pytest-rerunfailures==9.1.1
  54. pytest-sentry==0.1.9
  55. python-dateutil==2.8.2
  56. pyupgrade==2.32.0
  57. pyyaml==6.0
  58. requests==2.27.1
  59. responses==0.10.12
  60. sentry-sdk==1.5.12
  61. six==1.16.0
  62. tokenize-rt==4.2.1
  63. toml==0.10.2
  64. tomli==2.0.1
  65. typed-ast==1.4.3
  66. typing-extensions==4.2.0
  67. urllib3==1.26.9
  68. virtualenv==20.14.1
  69. websocket-client==1.3.2
  70. werkzeug==2.1.2
  71. wheel==0.37.1
  72. wrapt==1.14.1
  73. zipp==3.8.0
  74. # The following packages are considered to be unsafe in a requirements file:
  75. pip==22.1.2
  76. setuptools==62.3.2