minidump.json 1.7 KB

  1. {
  2. "support_level": "production",
  3. "type": "framework",
  4. "name": "Minidump",
  5. "doc_link": "",
  6. "body": "<h2 id=\"minidump-integration\">Creating and Uploading Minidumps</h2>\n\n<p>Depending on your operating system and programming language, there are various\nalternatives to create minidumps and upload them to Sentry. See the following\nresources for libraries that support generating minidump crash reports:</p>\n\n<ul>\n <li><a href=\"\">Native SDK</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"\">Google Breakpad</a></li>\n <li><a href=\"\">Google Crashpad</a></li>\n</ul>\n\n<p>If you have already integrated a library that generates minidumps and would just\nlike to upload them to Sentry, you need to configure the <em>Minidump Endpoint\nURL</em>, which can be found at <em>Project Settings &gt; Client Keys (DSN)</em>. This\nendpoint expects a <code class=\"highlighter-rouge\">POST</code> request with the minidump in the\n<code class=\"highlighter-rouge\">upload_file_minidump</code> field:</p>\n\n<pre class=\"highlight\"><code><span class=\"nv\">$ </span>curl <span class=\"nt\">-X</span> POST <span class=\"se\">\\</span>\n <span class=\"s1\">'___MINIDUMP_URL___'</span> <span class=\"se\">\\</span>\n <span class=\"nt\">-F</span> <span class=\"nv\">upload_file_minidump</span><span class=\"o\">=</span>@mini.dmp\n</code></pre>\n\n<p>To send additional information, add more form fields to this request. For a full\ndescription of fields accepted by Sentry, see <a href=\"\">Passing Additional\nData</a>.\n</p>"
  7. }