123456789101112131415161718192021 |
- /* eslint no-native-reassign:0 */
- // biome-ignore lint/style/noVar: Not required
- declare var __webpack_public_path__: string;
- /**
- * Set the webpack public path at runtime. This is necessary so that imports
- * can be resolved properly
- *
- * NOTE: This MUST be loaded before any other app modules in the entrypoint.
- *
- * This may not be as necessary without versioned asset URLs. (Rather, instead of a version directory
- * that is generated on backend, frontend assets will be "versioned" by webpack with a content hash in
- * its filename). This means that the public path does not need to be piped from the backend.
- *
- * XXX(epurkhiser): Currently we only boot with hydration in experimental SPA
- * mode, where assets are *currently not versioned*. We hardcode `/_assets/` here
- * for now as a quick workaround for the index.html being aware of versioned
- * asset paths.
- */
- __webpack_public_path__ = window.__initialData?.distPrefix || '/_assets/';