123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385 |
- import {Fragment, useCallback} from 'react';
- import styled from '@emotion/styled';
- import CheckboxFancy from 'sentry/components/checkboxFancy/checkboxFancy';
- import {FeatureFeedback} from 'sentry/components/featureFeedback';
- import {TextField} from 'sentry/components/forms';
- import Textarea from 'sentry/components/forms/controls/textarea';
- import Field from 'sentry/components/forms/field';
- import {RadioGroupRating} from 'sentry/components/radioGroupRating';
- import {t} from 'sentry/locale';
- import space from 'sentry/styles/space';
- import {defined} from 'sentry/utils';
- enum SamplingUsageReason {
- REDUCE_VOLUME_TO_STAY_WITHIN_QUOTA = 'reduce_volume_to_stay_within_quota',
- FILTER_OUT_NOISY_DATA = 'filter_out_noisy_data',
- OTHER = 'other',
- }
- enum SampleByOption {
- TRANSACTION_NAME = 'transaction_name',
- CUSTOM_TAGS = 'custom_tags',
- OTHER = 'other',
- }
- const featureNotAvailableRatingOptions = {
- 0: {
- label: t('Very Dissatisfied'),
- description: t("Not disappointed (It isn't really useful)"),
- },
- 1: {
- label: t('Dissatisfied'),
- },
- 2: {
- label: t('Neutral'),
- },
- 3: {
- label: t('Satisfied'),
- },
- 4: {
- description: t("Very disappointed (It's a deal breaker)"),
- label: t('Very Satisfied'),
- },
- };
- type Option = {
- checked: boolean;
- title: string;
- value: string | number;
- };
- type InitialData = {
- additionalFeedback: string | null;
- feelingIfFeatureNotAvailable: number | undefined;
- sampleByOptions: Option[];
- sampleByOtherOption: string | null;
- samplingUsageOtherReason: string | null;
- samplingUsageReasons: Option[];
- step: number;
- };
- const initialData: InitialData = {
- step: 0,
- samplingUsageReasons: [
- {
- title: t('Reduce volume to stay within my quota'),
- value: SamplingUsageReason.REDUCE_VOLUME_TO_STAY_WITHIN_QUOTA,
- checked: false,
- },
- {title: t('Filter out noisy data'), value: 1, checked: false},
- {
- title: t('Other'),
- value: SamplingUsageReason.OTHER,
- checked: false,
- },
- ],
- sampleByOtherOption: null,
- samplingUsageOtherReason: null,
- sampleByOptions: [
- {
- title: t('Transaction Name'),
- value: SampleByOption.TRANSACTION_NAME,
- checked: false,
- },
- {title: t('Custom Tags'), value: SampleByOption.CUSTOM_TAGS, checked: false},
- {
- title: t('Other'),
- value: SampleByOption.OTHER,
- checked: false,
- },
- ],
- additionalFeedback: null,
- feelingIfFeatureNotAvailable: undefined,
- };
- function MultipleCheckboxField({
- options,
- onChange,
- otherTextField,
- }: {
- onChange: (options: Option[]) => void;
- options: Option[];
- otherTextField: React.ReactNode;
- }) {
- const handleClick = useCallback(
- (newOption: Option) => {
- const newOptions = options.map(option => {
- if (option.value === newOption.value) {
- return {
- ...option,
- checked: !option.checked,
- };
- }
- return option;
- });
- onChange(newOptions);
- },
- [onChange, options]
- );
- return (
- <Fragment>
- {options.map(option => {
- if (option.value === 'other') {
- return (
- <CheckboxOtherOptionWrapper
- key={option.value}
- onClick={() => handleClick(option)}
- >
- <CheckboxFancy isChecked={option.checked} />
- {option.title}
- {otherTextField}
- </CheckboxOtherOptionWrapper>
- );
- }
- return (
- <CheckboxOption key={option.value} onClick={() => handleClick(option)}>
- <CheckboxFancy isChecked={option.checked} />
- {option.title}
- </CheckboxOption>
- );
- })}
- </Fragment>
- );
- }
- export function SamplingFeedback() {
- return (
- <FeatureFeedback
- featureName="dynamic-sampling"
- initialData={initialData}
- buttonProps={{
- priority: 'primary',
- size: 'sm',
- }}
- >
- {({Header, Body, Footer, state, onFieldChange}) => {
- if (state.step === 0) {
- return (
- <Fragment>
- <Header>{t('A few questions (1/2)')}</Header>
- <Body showSelfHostedMessage={false}>
- <Field
- label={<Label>{t('Why do you want to use Dynamic Sampling?')}</Label>}
- stacked
- inline={false}
- flexibleControlStateSize
- >
- <MultipleCheckboxField
- options={state.samplingUsageReasons}
- onChange={newSamplingUsageReasons => {
- if (
- newSamplingUsageReasons.some(
- newSamplingUsageReason =>
- newSamplingUsageReason.value === SamplingUsageReason.OTHER &&
- newSamplingUsageReason.checked === false
- )
- ) {
- onFieldChange('samplingUsageOtherReason', null);
- }
- onFieldChange('samplingUsageReasons', newSamplingUsageReasons);
- }}
- otherTextField={
- <OtherTextField
- inline={false}
- name="samplingUsageOtherReason"
- flexibleControlStateSize
- stacked
- disabled={state.samplingUsageReasons.some(
- samplingUsageReason =>
- samplingUsageReason.value === SamplingUsageReason.OTHER &&
- samplingUsageReason.checked === false
- )}
- onClick={event => event.stopPropagation()}
- value={state.samplingUsageOtherReason}
- onChange={value =>
- onFieldChange('samplingUsageOtherReason', value)
- }
- placeholder={t('Please kindly let us know the reason')}
- />
- }
- />
- </Field>
- <Field
- label={<Label>{t('What else you would like to sample by?')}</Label>}
- stacked
- inline={false}
- flexibleControlStateSize
- >
- <MultipleCheckboxField
- options={state.sampleByOptions}
- onChange={newSampleByOptions => {
- if (
- newSampleByOptions.some(
- sampleByOption =>
- sampleByOption.value === SampleByOption.OTHER &&
- sampleByOption.checked === false
- )
- ) {
- onFieldChange('sampleByOtherOption', null);
- }
- onFieldChange('sampleByOptions', newSampleByOptions);
- }}
- otherTextField={
- <OtherTextField
- inline={false}
- name="sampleByOtherOption"
- flexibleControlStateSize
- stacked
- disabled={state.sampleByOptions.some(
- sampleByOption =>
- sampleByOption.value === SampleByOption.OTHER &&
- sampleByOption.checked === false
- )}
- onClick={event => event.stopPropagation()}
- value={state.sampleByOtherOption}
- onChange={value => onFieldChange('sampleByOtherOption', value)}
- placeholder={t('Please let us know which other attributes')}
- />
- }
- />
- </Field>
- </Body>
- <Footer onNext={() => onFieldChange('step', 1)} />
- </Fragment>
- );
- }
- const submitEventData = {
- contexts: {
- survey: {
- samplingUsageReasons:
- state.samplingUsageReasons
- .filter(samplingUsageReason => samplingUsageReason.checked)
- .map(samplingUsageReason => samplingUsageReason.title)
- .join(', ') || null,
- samplingUsageOtherReason: state.samplingUsageOtherReason,
- sampleByOptions:
- state.sampleByOptions
- .filter(sampleByOption => sampleByOption.checked)
- .map(sampleByOption => sampleByOption.title)
- .join(', ') || null,
- sampleByOtherOption: state.sampleByOtherOption,
- additionalFeedback: state.additionalFeedback,
- feelingIfFeatureNotAvailable: defined(state.feelingIfFeatureNotAvailable)
- ? featureNotAvailableRatingOptions[state.feelingIfFeatureNotAvailable]
- .label
- : null,
- },
- },
- message: state.additionalFeedback
- ? `Feedback: 'dynamic sampling' feature - ${state.additionalFeedback}`
- : `Feedback: 'dynamic sampling' feature`,
- };
- const primaryButtonDisabled = Object.keys(submitEventData.contexts.survey).every(
- s => {
- const value = submitEventData.contexts.survey[s] ?? null;
- if (typeof value === 'string') {
- return value.trim() === '';
- }
- return value === null;
- }
- );
- return (
- <Fragment>
- <Header>{t('A few questions (2/2)')}</Header>
- <Body>
- <RadioGroupRating
- label={
- <Label>
- {t('How would you feel if you could no longer use this feature?')}
- </Label>
- }
- inline={false}
- required={false}
- flexibleControlStateSize
- stacked
- options={featureNotAvailableRatingOptions}
- name="feelingIfFeatureNotAvailableRating"
- defaultValue={
- defined(state.feelingIfFeatureNotAvailable)
- ? String(state.feelingIfFeatureNotAvailable)
- : undefined
- }
- onChange={value =>
- onFieldChange('feelingIfFeatureNotAvailable', Number(value))
- }
- />
- <Field
- label={<Label>{t('Anything else you would like to share?')}</Label>}
- inline={false}
- required={false}
- flexibleControlStateSize
- stacked
- >
- <Textarea
- name="additional-feedback"
- value={state.additionalFeedback ?? undefined}
- rows={5}
- autosize
- onChange={event =>
- onFieldChange('additionalFeedback', event.target.value)
- }
- placeholder={t('Additional feedback')}
- />
- </Field>
- </Body>
- <Footer
- onBack={() => onFieldChange('step', 0)}
- primaryDisabledReason={
- primaryButtonDisabled
- ? t('Please answer at least one question')
- : undefined
- }
- submitEventData={submitEventData}
- />
- </Fragment>
- );
- }}
- </FeatureFeedback>
- );
- }
- const Label = styled('strong')`
- margin-bottom: ${space(1)};
- display: inline-block;
- `;
- const CheckboxOption = styled('div')`
- cursor: pointer;
- display: grid;
- grid-template-columns: max-content 1fr;
- gap: ${space(1)};
- align-items: center;
- :not(:last-child) {
- margin-bottom: ${space(1)};
- }
- `;
- const CheckboxOtherOptionWrapper = styled(CheckboxOption)`
- grid-template-columns: max-content max-content 1fr;
- @media (max-width: ${p => p.theme.breakpoints.small}) {
- grid-template-columns: max-content 1fr;
- }
- `;
- const OtherTextField = styled(TextField)`
- @media (max-width: ${p => p.theme.breakpoints.small}) {
- grid-column: 1/-1;
- }
- && {
- input {
- ${p => p.disabled && 'cursor: pointer;'}
- }
- }
- `;