123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657 |
- --index-url https://pypi.devinfra.sentry.io/simple
- covdefaults>=2.3.0
- docker>=6
- time-machine>=2.13.0
- honcho>=1.1.0
- openapi-core>=0.18.2
- psutil
- pytest>=7.2.1
- pytest-cov>=4.0.0
- pytest-django>=4.7.0
- pytest-fail-slow>=0.3.0
- pytest-rerunfailures>=11
- pytest-sentry>=0.1.11
- pytest-xdist>=3
- responses>=0.23.1
- selenium>=4.16.0
- sentry-cli>=2.16.0
- # pre-commit dependencies
- pre-commit>=3.3
- black>=22.10.0
- flake8>=6.1
- flake8-bugbear>=22.10
- flake8-logging>=1.4
- pyupgrade>=3.2.3
- isort>=5.10.1
- # For tools/. To be moved into redistributable dev environments.
- # note: wheel is pulled in by pip-tools
- pip-tools>=7.1.0
- packaging>=21.3
- # for type checking
- sentry-forked-django-stubs>=4.2.7.post1
- sentry-forked-djangorestframework-stubs>=3.14.5.post1
- lxml-stubs
- msgpack-types>=0.2.0
- mypy>=1.7.1
- types-beautifulsoup4
- types-cachetools
- types-croniter
- types-jsonschema
- types-oauthlib
- types-parsimonious
- types-pillow
- types-protobuf
- types-psutil
- types-psycopg2
- types-python-dateutil
- types-pytz
- types-pyyaml
- # make sure to match close-enough to redis==
- types-redis<4
- types-requests
- types-setuptools
- types-simplejson>=