action.yml 1.2 KB

  1. name: 'Sentry Artifacts'
  2. description: 'Handles uploading coverage/test artifacts to codecov'
  3. inputs:
  4. files:
  5. description: 'Path to coverage file(s) - comma separated for multiple files'
  6. default: '.artifacts/*.coverage.xml'
  7. required: true
  8. test_result_files:
  9. description: 'Path to test result file(s) - comma separated for multiple files'
  10. default: '.artifacts/*.junit.xml'
  11. required: true
  12. type:
  13. description: 'The type of change (frontend, backend)'
  14. default: 'backend'
  15. required: false
  16. token:
  17. description: 'The codecov token'
  18. required: true
  19. commit_sha:
  20. description: 'The commit sha'
  21. required: true
  22. runs:
  23. using: 'composite'
  24. steps:
  25. - name: Download and Verify Codecov CLI
  26. shell: bash
  27. run: |
  28. ./.github/actions/artifacts/
  29. - name: Upload Coverage and Test Results
  30. continue-on-error: true
  31. shell: bash
  32. env:
  33. INPUT_TOKEN: ${{ inputs.token }}
  34. INPUT_COMMIT_SHA: ${{ inputs.commit_sha }}
  35. INPUT_TYPE: ${{ inputs.type }}
  36. INPUT_FILES: ${{ inputs.files }}
  37. INPUT_TEST_RESULT_FILES: ${{ inputs.test_result_files }}
  38. run: |
  39. ./.github/actions/artifacts/