stats.json 3.3 KB

  1. {
  2. "get": {
  3. "tags": ["Projects"],
  4. "summary": "Caution\nThis endpoint may change in the future without notice.",
  5. "description": "Return a set of points representing a normalized timestamp and the\nnumber of events seen in the period.\n\nQuery ranges are limited to Sentry's configured time-series resolutions.",
  6. "operationId": "Retrieve Event Counts for a Project",
  7. "parameters": [
  8. {
  9. "name": "organization_id_or_slug",
  10. "in": "path",
  11. "description": "The id or slug of the organization.",
  12. "required": true,
  13. "schema": {
  14. "type": "string"
  15. }
  16. },
  17. {
  18. "name": "project_id_or_slug",
  19. "in": "path",
  20. "description": "The id or slug of the project.",
  21. "required": true,
  22. "schema": {
  23. "type": "string"
  24. }
  25. },
  26. {
  27. "name": "stat",
  28. "in": "query",
  29. "description": "The name of the stat to query `(\"received\", \"rejected\", \"blacklisted\", \"generated\")`.",
  30. "schema": {
  31. "type": "string",
  32. "enum": ["received", "rejected", "blacklisted", "generated"]
  33. }
  34. },
  35. {
  36. "name": "since",
  37. "in": "query",
  38. "description": "A timestamp to set the start of the query in seconds since UNIX epoch.",
  39. "schema": {
  40. "type": "string",
  41. "format": "date-time"
  42. }
  43. },
  44. {
  45. "name": "until",
  46. "in": "query",
  47. "description": "A timestamp to set the end of the query in seconds since UNIX epoch.",
  48. "schema": {
  49. "type": "string",
  50. "format": "date-time"
  51. }
  52. },
  53. {
  54. "name": "resolution",
  55. "in": "query",
  56. "description": "An explicit resolution to search for (one of `10s`, `1h`, and `1d`).",
  57. "schema": {
  58. "type": "string",
  59. "enum": ["10s", "1h", "1d"]
  60. }
  61. }
  62. ],
  63. "responses": {
  64. "200": {
  65. "description": "Success",
  66. "content": {
  67. "application/json": {
  68. "schema": {
  69. "type": "array",
  70. "items": {
  71. "type": "array",
  72. "items": {
  73. "type": "integer"
  74. }
  75. }
  76. },
  77. "example": [
  78. [1541455200.0, 1184],
  79. [1541458800.0, 1410],
  80. [1541462400.0, 1440],
  81. [1541466000.0, 1682],
  82. [1541469600.0, 1203],
  83. [1541473200.0, 497],
  84. [1541476800.0, 661],
  85. [1541480400.0, 1481],
  86. [1541484000.0, 678],
  87. [1541487600.0, 1857],
  88. [1541491200.0, 819],
  89. [1541494800.0, 1013],
  90. [1541498400.0, 1883],
  91. [1541502000.0, 1450],
  92. [1541505600.0, 1102],
  93. [1541509200.0, 1317],
  94. [1541512800.0, 1017],
  95. [1541516400.0, 813],
  96. [1541520000.0, 1189],
  97. [1541523600.0, 496],
  98. [1541527200.0, 1936],
  99. [1541530800.0, 1405],
  100. [1541534400.0, 617],
  101. [1541538000.0, 1533]
  102. ]
  103. }
  104. }
  105. },
  106. "403": {
  107. "description": "Forbidden"
  108. }
  109. },
  110. "security": [
  111. {
  112. "auth_token": ["project:read"]
  113. }
  114. ]
  115. }
  116. }