123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419 |
- Quickstart
- ==========
- Some basic prerequisites which you'll need in order to run Sentry:
- * Python 2.5, 2.6, or 2.7
- * python-setuptools, python-dev
- * A real database (PostgreSQL is preferred, MySQL also works)
- * A UNIX-based operating system
- The recommended configuration of Sentry involves setting up a separate web server to handle your error
- logging. This means that any number of Sentry clients simply pass on this information to your primary Sentry
- server.
- This guide will step you through setting up a virtualenv, installing the required packages,
- and configuring the basic web service.
- Hardware
- --------
- Sentry provides a number of mechanisms to scale its capacity out horizontally, however there is still a primary
- SPOF at the database level. In an HA setup, the database is only utilized for event indexing and basic data
- storage, and becomes much less of a capacity concern (see also :doc:`../nodestore/index`).
- We don't have any real numbers to tell you what kind of hardware you're going to need, but we'll help you make
- your decision based on existing usage from real customers.
- If you're looking for an HA, and high throughput setup, you're going to need to setup a fairly complex cluster
- of machines, and utilize all of Sentry's advanced configuration options. This means you'll need Postgres, Riak,
- Redis, Memcached, and RabbitMQ. It's very rare you'd need this complex of a cluster, and the primary usecase for
- this is `getsentry.com <https://getsentry.com/>`_.
- For more typical, but still fairly high throughput setups, you can run off of a single machine as long as it has
- reasonable IO (ideally SSDS), and a good amount of memory.
- The main things you need to consider are:
- - TTL on events (how long do you need to keep historical data around)
- - Average event throughput
- - How many events get grouped together (which means they get sampled)
- At a point, getsentry.com was processing approximately 4 million events a day. A majority of this data is stored
- for 90 days, which accounted for around 1.5TB of SSDs. Web and worker nodes were commodity (8GB-12GB RAM, cheap
- SATA drives, 8 cores), the only two additional nodes were a dedicated RabbitMQ and Postgres instance (both on SSDs,
- 12GB-24GB of memory). In theory, given a single high-memory machine, with 16+ cores, and SSDs, you could handle
- the entirety of the given data set.
- Setting up an Environment
- -------------------------
- The first thing you'll need is the Python ``virtualenv`` package. You probably already
- have this, but if not, you can install it with::
- easy_install -UZ virtualenv
- Once that's done, choose a location for the environment, and create it with the ``virtualenv``
- command. For our guide, we're going to choose ``/www/sentry/``::
- virtualenv /www/sentry/
- Finally, activate your virtualenv::
- source /www/sentry/bin/activate
- .. note:: Activating the environment adjusts your PATH, so that things like easy_install now
- install into the virtualenv by default.
- Install Sentry
- --------------
- Once you've got the environment setup, you can install Sentry and all its dependencies with
- the same command you used to grab virtualenv::
- easy_install -UZ sentry
- Don't be worried by the amount of dependencies Sentry has. We have a philosophy of using the right tools for
- the job, and not reinventing them if they already exist.
- Using MySQL or Postgres
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- We **highly** recommend using PostgreSQL for your database, or MySQL if you have no other choice. The default
- is sqlite and will handle very little load. If you're using MySQL, you should use InnoDB as your storage engine.
- These databases require additional packages, but Sentry provides a couple of meta packages to make things easier:
- ::
- # install sentry and its postgresql dependencies
- easy_install -UZ sentry[postgres]
- # or if you choose, mysql
- easy_install -UZ sentry[mysql]
- Installing from Source
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- If you're installing the Sentry source (e.g. from git), you'll simply need to run the ``make`` command to
- get all of the dependencies::
- # all things should be this easy
- make
- Once everything's installed, you should be able to execute the Sentry CLI, via ``sentry``, and get something
- like the following::
- $ sentry
- usage: sentry [--config=/path/to/settings.py] [command] [options]
- Initializing the Configuration
- ------------------------------
- Now you'll need to create the default configuration. To do this, you'll use the ``init`` command
- You can specify an alternative configuration path as the argument to init, otherwise it will use
- the default of ``~/.sentry/sentry.conf.py``.
- ::
- # the path is optional
- sentry init /etc/sentry.conf.py
- The configuration for the server is based on ``sentry.conf.server``, which contains a basic Django project
- configuration, as well as the default Sentry configuration values. It defaults to SQLite, however **SQLite
- is not a fully supported database and should not be used in production**.
- ::
- # ~/.sentry/sentry.conf.py
- 'default': {
- 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2', # We suggest PostgreSQL for optimal performance
- 'NAME': 'sentry',
- 'USER': 'postgres',
- 'PASSWORD': '',
- 'HOST': '',
- 'PORT': '',
- 'OPTIONS': {
- 'autocommit': True,
- }
- }
- }
- # No trailing slash!
- SENTRY_URL_PREFIX = 'http://sentry.example.com'
- # SENTRY_KEY is a unique randomly generated secret key for your server, and it
- # acts as a signing token
- SENTRY_KEY = '0123456789abcde'
- 'workers': 3, # the number of gunicorn workers
- 'secure_scheme_headers': {'X-FORWARDED-PROTO': 'https'}, # detect HTTPS mode from X-Forwarded-Proto header
- }
- Configure Outbound Mail
- -----------------------
- Several settings exist as part of the Django framework which will configure your outbound mail server. For the
- standard implementation, using a simple SMTP server, you can simply configure the following::
- EMAIL_HOST = 'localhost'
- Being that Django is a pluggable framework, you also have the ability to specify different mail backends. See the
- `official Django documentation <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.3/topics/email/?from=olddocs#email-backends>`_ for
- more information on alternative backends.
- Running Migrations
- ------------------
- Sentry provides an easy way to run migrations on the database on version upgrades. Before running it for
- the first time you'll need to make sure you've created the database:
- ::
- # If you're using Postgres, and kept the database ``NAME`` as ``sentry``
- createdb -E utf-8 sentry
- Once done, you can create the initial schema using the ``upgrade`` command::
- sentry --config=/etc/sentry.conf.py upgrade
- **It's very important that you create the default superuser through the upgrade process. If you do not, there is
- a good chance you'll see issues in your initial install.**
- If you did not create the user on the first run, you can correct this by doing the following::
- # create a new user
- sentry --config=/etc/sentry.conf.py createsuperuser
- # run the automated repair script
- sentry --config=/etc/sentry.conf.py repair --owner=<username>
- All schema changes and database upgrades are handled via the ``upgrade`` command, and this is the first
- thing you'll want to run when upgrading to future versions of Sentry.
- .. note:: Internally, this uses `South <http://south.aeracode.org>`_ to manage database migrations.
- Starting the Web Service
- ------------------------
- Sentry provides a built-in webserver (powered by gunicorn and eventlet) to get you off the ground quickly,
- also you can setup Sentry as WSGI application, in that case skip to section `Running Sentry as WSGI application`.
- To start the webserver, you simply use ``sentry start``. If you opted to use an alternative configuration path
- you can pass that via the --config option.
- ::
- # Sentry's server runs on port 9000 by default. Make sure your client reflects
- # the correct host and port!
- sentry --config=/etc/sentry.conf.py start
- You should now be able to test the web service by visiting `http://localhost:9000/`.
- Setup a Reverse Proxy
- ---------------------
- By default, Sentry runs on port 9000. Even if you change this, under normal conditions you won't be able to bind to
- port 80. To get around this (and to avoid running Sentry as a privileged user, which you shouldn't), we recommend
- you setup a simple web proxy.
- Proxying with Apache
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Apache requires the use of mod_proxy for forwarding requests::
- ProxyPass / http://localhost:9000/
- ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:9000/
- ProxyPreserveHost On
- RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https" env=HTTPS
- You will need to enable ``headers``, ``proxy``, and ``proxy_http`` apache modules to use these settings.
- Proxying with Nginx
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- You'll use the builtin HttpProxyModule within Nginx to handle proxying::
- location / {
- proxy_pass http://localhost:9000;
- proxy_redirect off;
- proxy_set_header Host $host;
- proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
- }
- See :doc:`nginx` for more details on using Nginx.
- Enabling SSL
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- If you are planning to use SSL, you will also need to ensure that you've
- enabled detection within the reverse proxy (see the instructions above), as
- well as within the Sentry configuration:
- ::
- Running Sentry as a Service
- ---------------------------
- We recommend using whatever software you are most familiar with for managing Sentry processes. For us, that software
- of choice is `Supervisor <http://supervisord.org/>`_.
- Configure ``supervisord``
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Configuring Supervisor couldn't be more simple. Just point it to the ``sentry`` executable in your virtualenv's bin/
- folder and you're good to go.
- ::
- [program:sentry-web]
- directory=/www/sentry/
- command=/www/sentry/bin/sentry start http
- autostart=true
- autorestart=true
- redirect_stderr=true
- Additional Utilities
- --------------------
- If you're familiar with Python you'll quickly find yourself at home, and even more so if you've used Django. The
- ``sentry`` command is just a simple wrapper around Django's ``django-admin.py``, which means you get all of the
- power and flexibility that goes with it.
- Some of those which you'll likely find useful are:
- createsuperuser
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Quick and easy creation of superusers. These users have full access to the entirety of the Sentry server.
- runserver
- ~~~~~~~~~
- Testing Sentry locally? Spin up Django's builtin runserver (or ``pip install django-devserver`` for something
- slightly better).
- Enabling Social Auth
- --------------------
- Most of the time it doesnt really matter **how** someone authenticates to the service, so much as it that they do. In
- these cases, Sentry provides tight integrated with several large social services, including: Twitter, Facebook, Google,
- and GitHub. Enabling this is as simple as setting up an application with the respective services, and configuring a
- couple values in your ``sentry.conf.py`` file.
- By default, users will be able to both signup (create a new account) as well as associate an existing account. If you
- want to disable account creation, simply set the following value::
- Twitter
- ~~~~~~~
- Register an application at http://twitter.com/apps/new. Take the values given on the page, and configure
- the following::
- .. note:: It's important that input a callback URL, even if its useless. We have no idea why, consult Twitter.
- Facebook
- ~~~~~~~~
- Register an application at http://developers.facebook.com/setup/. You'll also need to make sure you select the "Website
- with Facebook Login" and fill in the Site URL field (just use the website's URL you're install Sentry on). Take the
- values given on the page, and configure the following::
- Google
- ~~~~~~
- Register an application at http://code.google.com/apis/accounts/docs/OAuth2.html#Registering. Take the values given on the page, and configure
- the following::
- GitHub
- ~~~~~~
- Register an application at https://github.com/settings/applications/new. Take the values given on the page, and configure
- the following::
- For more information on configuring social authentication services, consult the `documentation on django-social-auth
- <https://github.com/omab/django-social-auth/>`_.
- Trello
- ~~~~~~
- Generate an application key at https://trello.com/1/appKey/generate. Take the values given on the page, and configure
- the following::
- What's Next?
- ------------
- There are several applications you may want to add to the default Sentry install for various security or other uses. This
- is a bit outside of the scope of normal (locked down) installs, as typically you'll host things on your internal network. That
- said, you'll first need to understand how you can modify the default settings.
- First pop open your ``sentry.conf.py``, and add the following to the **very top** of the file::
- from sentry.conf.server import *
- Now you'll have access to all of the default settings (Django and Sentry) to modify at your own will.
- If you're running in the public domain, we highly recommend looking into `django-secure <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-secure>`_
- and `django-bcrypt <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-bcrypt>`_ to lock down your installation with a little bit more
- security. For example, to change the password storage to bcrypt (rather than the Django default), you would add the
- following to your ``sentry.conf.py``::
- 'django_bcrypt',
- )
- Configuring Memcache
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- You'll also want to consider configuring cache and buffer settings, which respectively require a cache server and a Redis
- server. While the Django configuration covers caching in great detail, Sentry allows you to specify a backend for its
- own internal purposes:
- ::
- # You'll need to install django-pyblibmc for this example to work
- CACHES = {
- 'default': {
- 'BACKEND': 'django_pylibmc.memcached.PyLibMCCache',
- 'LOCATION': 'localhost:11211',
- }
- }
- See :doc:`../buffer/index` for information on how to configure update buffers to improve performance on concurrent writes.