123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192 |
- from copy import deepcopy
- from functools import cached_property
- from arroyo.utils import metrics
- from confluent_kafka import Producer
- from confluent_kafka.admin import AdminClient
- from django.conf import settings
- from django.core import mail
- from sentry.conf.types.kafka_definition import Topic
- from sentry.incidents.action_handlers import (
- EmailActionHandler,
- generate_incident_trigger_email_context,
- )
- from sentry.incidents.logic import (
- create_alert_rule_trigger,
- create_alert_rule_trigger_action,
- )
- from sentry.incidents.models.alert_rule import AlertRuleTriggerAction
- from sentry.incidents.models.incident import (
- Incident,
- IncidentActivity,
- IncidentStatus,
- IncidentType,
- TriggerStatus,
- )
- from sentry.incidents.utils.constants import INCIDENTS_SNUBA_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE
- from sentry.snuba.query_subscriptions.consumer import subscriber_registry
- from sentry.testutils.cases import TestCase
- from sentry.testutils.helpers.datetime import freeze_time
- from sentry.testutils.skips import requires_kafka
- from sentry.utils import json, kafka_config
- from sentry.utils.batching_kafka_consumer import create_topics
- pytestmark = [requires_kafka]
- @freeze_time()
- class HandleSnubaQueryUpdateTest(TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super().setUp()
- self.orig_registry = deepcopy(subscriber_registry)
- cluster_options = kafka_config.get_kafka_admin_cluster_options(
- "default", {"allow.auto.create.topics": "true"}
- )
- self.admin_client = AdminClient(cluster_options)
- topic_defn = kafka_config.get_topic_definition(self.topic)
- self.real_topic = topic_defn["real_topic_name"]
- self.cluster = topic_defn["cluster"]
- create_topics(self.cluster, [self.real_topic])
- def tearDown(self):
- super().tearDown()
- subscriber_registry.clear()
- subscriber_registry.update(self.orig_registry)
- self.admin_client.delete_topics([self.real_topic])
- metrics._metrics_backend = None
- @cached_property
- def subscription(self):
- return self.rule.snuba_query.subscriptions.get()
- @cached_property
- def rule(self):
- with self.tasks():
- rule = self.create_alert_rule(
- name="some rule",
- query="",
- aggregate="count()",
- time_window=1,
- threshold_period=1,
- resolve_threshold=10,
- )
- trigger = create_alert_rule_trigger(rule, CRITICAL_TRIGGER_LABEL, 100)
- create_alert_rule_trigger_action(
- trigger,
- AlertRuleTriggerAction.Type.EMAIL,
- AlertRuleTriggerAction.TargetType.USER,
- str(self.user.id),
- )
- return rule
- @cached_property
- def trigger(self):
- return self.rule.alertruletrigger_set.get()
- @cached_property
- def action(self):
- return self.trigger.alertruletriggeraction_set.get()
- @cached_property
- def producer(self):
- conf = {
- "bootstrap.servers": settings.KAFKA_CLUSTERS[self.cluster]["common"][
- "bootstrap.servers"
- ],
- "session.timeout.ms": 6000,
- }
- return Producer(conf)
- def run_test(self, consumer):
- # Full integration test to ensure that when a subscription receives an update
- # the `QuerySubscriptionConsumer` successfully retries the subscription and
- # calls the correct callback, which should result in an incident being created.
- message = {
- "version": 3,
- "payload": {
- "subscription_id": self.subscription.subscription_id,
- "result": {
- "data": [{"some_col": 101}],
- "meta": [{"name": "count", "type": "UInt64"}],
- },
- "request": {
- "some": "data",
- "query": """MATCH (metrics_counters) SELECT sum(value) AS value BY
- tags[3] WHERE org_id = 1 AND project_id IN tuple(1) AND metric_id = 16
- AND tags[3] IN tuple(13, 4)""",
- },
- "entity": "metrics_counters",
- "timestamp": "2020-01-01T01:23:45.1234",
- },
- }
- self.producer.produce(self.real_topic, json.dumps(message))
- self.producer.flush()
- def active_incident():
- return Incident.objects.filter(
- type=IncidentType.ALERT_TRIGGERED.value, alert_rule=self.rule
- ).exclude(status=IncidentStatus.CLOSED.value)
- original_callback = subscriber_registry[INCIDENTS_SNUBA_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE]
- def shutdown_callback(*args, **kwargs):
- # We want to just exit after the callback so that we can see the result of
- # processing.
- original_callback(*args, **kwargs)
- consumer.signal_shutdown()
- subscriber_registry[INCIDENTS_SNUBA_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE] = shutdown_callback
- with self.feature(["organizations:incidents", "organizations:performance-view"]):
- assert not active_incident().exists()
- with self.tasks(), self.capture_on_commit_callbacks(execute=True):
- consumer.run()
- assert active_incident().exists()
- assert len(mail.outbox) == 1
- handler = EmailActionHandler(self.action, active_incident().get(), self.project)
- incident_activity = IncidentActivity.objects.filter(incident=handler.incident).order_by(
- "-id"
- )[0]
- message_builder = handler.build_message(
- generate_incident_trigger_email_context(
- handler.project,
- handler.incident,
- handler.action.alert_rule_trigger,
- TriggerStatus.ACTIVE,
- IncidentStatus.CRITICAL,
- notification_uuid=str(incident_activity.notification_uuid),
- ),
- TriggerStatus.ACTIVE,
- self.user.id,
- )
- out = mail.outbox[0]
- assert isinstance(out, mail.EmailMultiAlternatives)
- assert out.to == [self.user.email]
- assert out.subject == message_builder.subject
- built_message = message_builder.build(self.user.email)
- assert out.body == built_message.body
- def test_arroyo(self):
- from sentry.consumers import get_stream_processor
- consumer = get_stream_processor(
- "metrics-subscription-results",
- consumer_args=["--max-batch-size=1", "--max-batch-time-ms=1000", "--processes=1"],
- topic=None,
- cluster=None,
- group_id="hi",
- strict_offset_reset=True,
- auto_offset_reset="earliest",
- enforce_schema=True,
- )
- self.run_test(consumer)