.travis.yml 1.8 KB

  1. language: python
  2. services:
  3. - elasticsearch
  4. - memcached
  5. - riak
  6. - mysql
  7. - postgresql
  8. - redis-server
  9. - cassandra
  10. python:
  11. - "2.6"
  12. - "2.7"
  13. env:
  14. matrix:
  15. - DB=sqlite
  16. - DB=mysql
  17. - DB=postgres
  18. global:
  19. - PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE=".pip_download_cache"
  20. - WAD_FILES="package.json,Makefile,setup.py"
  21. - WAD_INSTALL_COMMAND="make develop dev-postgres dev-mysql"
  22. # This should be specified with:
  23. # travis encrypt S3_BUCKET_NAME=secretvalue S3_CREDENTIALS=accesskey:secretkey
  24. # - S3_BUCKET_NAME=
  25. # - S3_CREDENTIALS=
  26. - secure: pZ7DtkEu2q/pGINfVT9S+iPRE5ck6mBQmuHTQz3PVXF/UJmpM1LCbC7aqrw4GXWuUhYc50QCnMZJL1yoBORVEfY4nfXHLRc3HMoWE6Srqf0IBDywi6T+UUdLeOYe13EDb4p8WIpnRGlV4WI1WaPXuFlMEdj5tAjlC9ZotLxyVaI=
  27. before_install:
  28. # Use closer nameservers
  29. - printf "nameserver\nnameserver\n" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf
  30. # These need to be here and not in the env hash because they need to be
  31. # evaluated after the virtualenv has been setup
  32. - mkdir -p $PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE
  34. - export WAD_CACHE_PATH="node_modules,$PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE,$VIRTUAL_ENV"
  35. install:
  36. - time script/wad
  37. before_script:
  38. - mysql -e 'create database sentry;'
  39. - psql -c 'create database sentry;' -U postgres
  40. - "echo \"create keyspace sentry with replication = {'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};\" | cqlsh --cqlversion=3.0.3"
  41. - echo 'create table nodestore (key text primary key, value blob, flags int);' | cqlsh -k sentry --cqlversion=3.0.3
  42. script:
  43. - make lint
  44. - make test-js
  45. - py.test tests/ --cov sentry --cov-report term-missing
  46. - make test-cli
  47. notifications:
  48. irc:
  49. channels: "irc.freenode.org#sentry"
  50. on_success: change
  51. on_failure: change