test_unreal_full.py 5.3 KB

  1. import zipfile
  2. from io import BytesIO
  3. from unittest.mock import patch
  4. import pytest
  5. from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile
  6. from django.urls import reverse
  7. from sentry.lang.native.utils import STORE_CRASH_REPORTS_ALL
  8. from sentry.models.eventattachment import EventAttachment
  9. from sentry.testutils.cases import TransactionTestCase
  10. from sentry.testutils.factories import get_fixture_path
  11. from sentry.testutils.relay import RelayStoreHelper
  12. from sentry.testutils.skips import requires_kafka, requires_symbolicator
  13. from sentry.utils.safe import get_path
  14. from tests.symbolicator import normalize_native_exception
  15. # IMPORTANT:
  16. #
  17. # This test suite requires Symbolicator in order to run correctly.
  18. # Set `symbolicator.enabled: true` in your `~/.sentry/config.yml` and run `sentry devservices up`
  19. #
  20. # If you are using a local instance of Symbolicator, you need to
  21. # either change `system.url-prefix` option override inside `initialize` fixture to `system.internal-url-prefix`,
  22. # or add ` host.docker.internal` entry to your `/etc/hosts`
  23. pytestmark = [requires_symbolicator, requires_kafka]
  24. def get_unreal_crash_file():
  25. return get_fixture_path("native", "unreal_crash")
  26. def get_unreal_crash_apple_file():
  27. return get_fixture_path("native", "unreal_crash_apple")
  28. class SymbolicatorUnrealIntegrationTest(RelayStoreHelper, TransactionTestCase):
  29. @pytest.fixture(autouse=True)
  30. def initialize(self, live_server):
  31. self.project.update_option("sentry:builtin_symbol_sources", [])
  32. with patch("sentry.auth.system.is_internal_ip", return_value=True), self.options(
  33. {"system.url-prefix": live_server.url}
  34. ):
  35. # Run test case
  36. yield
  37. def upload_symbols(self):
  38. url = reverse(
  39. "sentry-api-0-dsym-files",
  40. kwargs={
  41. "organization_slug": self.project.organization.slug,
  42. "project_slug": self.project.slug,
  43. },
  44. )
  45. self.login_as(user=self.user)
  46. out = BytesIO()
  47. f = zipfile.ZipFile(out, "w")
  48. f.write(get_fixture_path("native", "unreal_crash.sym"), "crash.sym")
  49. f.close()
  50. response = self.client.post(
  51. url,
  52. {
  53. "file": SimpleUploadedFile(
  54. "symbols.zip", out.getvalue(), content_type="application/zip"
  55. )
  56. },
  57. format="multipart",
  58. )
  59. assert response.status_code == 201, response.content
  60. assert len(response.json()) == 1
  61. def unreal_crash_test_impl(self, filename):
  62. self.project.update_option("sentry:store_crash_reports", STORE_CRASH_REPORTS_ALL)
  63. self.upload_symbols()
  64. # attachments feature has to be on for the files extract stick around
  65. with self.feature("organizations:event-attachments"):
  66. with open(filename, "rb") as f:
  67. event = self.post_and_retrieve_unreal(f.read())
  68. self.insta_snapshot(
  69. {
  70. "contexts": event.data.get("contexts"),
  71. "exception": {
  72. "values": [
  73. normalize_native_exception(x)
  74. for x in get_path(event.data, "exception", "values") or ()
  75. ]
  76. },
  77. "stacktrace": event.data.get("stacktrace"),
  78. "threads": event.data.get("threads"),
  79. "extra": event.data.get("extra"),
  80. "sdk": event.data.get("sdk"),
  81. }
  82. )
  83. return sorted(EventAttachment.objects.filter(event_id=event.event_id), key=lambda x: x.name)
  84. def test_unreal_crash_with_attachments(self):
  85. attachments = self.unreal_crash_test_impl(get_unreal_crash_file())
  86. assert len(attachments) == 4
  87. context, config, minidump, log = attachments
  88. assert context.name == "CrashContext.runtime-xml"
  89. assert context.sha1 == "835d3e10db5d1799dc625132c819c047261ddcfb"
  90. assert config.name == "CrashReportClient.ini"
  91. assert config.sha1 == "5839c750bdde8cba4d2a979ea857b8154cffdab5"
  92. assert minidump.name == "UE4Minidump.dmp"
  93. assert minidump.sha1 == "089d9fd3b5c0cc4426339ab46ec3835e4be83c0f"
  94. assert log.name == "YetAnother.log" # Log file is named after the project
  95. assert log.sha1 == "24d1c5f75334cd0912cc2670168d593d5fe6c081"
  96. def test_unreal_apple_crash_with_attachments(self):
  97. attachments = self.unreal_crash_test_impl(get_unreal_crash_apple_file())
  98. assert len(attachments) == 6
  99. context, config, diagnostics, log, info, minidump = attachments
  100. assert context.name == "CrashContext.runtime-xml"
  101. assert context.sha1 == "5d2723a7d25111645702fcbbcb8e1d038db56c6e"
  102. assert config.name == "CrashReportClient.ini"
  103. assert config.sha1 == "4d6a2736e3e4969a68b7adbe197b05c171c29ea0"
  104. assert diagnostics.name == "Diagnostics.txt"
  105. assert diagnostics.sha1 == "aa271bf4e307a78005410234081945352e8fb236"
  106. assert log.name == "YetAnotherMac.log" # Log file is named after the project
  107. assert log.sha1 == "735e751a8b6b943dbc0abce0e6d096f4d48a0c1e"
  108. assert info.name == "info.txt"
  109. assert info.sha1 == "279b27ac5d0e6792d088e0662ce1a18413b772bc"
  110. assert minidump.name == "minidump.dmp"
  111. assert minidump.sha1 == "728d0f4b09cf5a7942da3893b6db79ac842b701a"