123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147 |
- import * as React from 'react';
- import {experimentConfig, unassignedValue} from 'app/data/experimentConfig';
- import ConfigStore from 'app/stores/configStore';
- import {Organization} from 'app/types';
- import {
- ExperimentAssignment,
- ExperimentKey,
- Experiments,
- ExperimentType,
- OrgExperiments,
- UserExperiments,
- } from 'app/types/experiments';
- import {logExperiment} from 'app/utils/analytics';
- import getDisplayName from 'app/utils/getDisplayName';
- type Options<E extends ExperimentKey, L extends boolean> = {
- /**
- * The key of the experiment that will be injected into the component
- */
- experiment: E;
- /**
- * By default this HoC will log the exposure of the experiment upon mounting
- * of the component.
- *
- * If this is undesirable, for example if the experiment is hidden behind
- * some user action beyond this component being mounted, then you will want
- * to customize when exposure to the experiment has been logged.
- *
- * Marking this value as true will inject a `logExperiment` function as a
- * prop which takes no parameters and will log exposure of the experiment
- * when called.
- *
- * NOTE: If set to true, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for logging exposure of the
- * experiment!! If you do not log exposure your experiment will not be
- * correct!!
- */
- injectLogExperiment?: L;
- };
- type ExpectedProps<T extends ExperimentType> = T extends 'organization'
- ? {organization: Organization}
- : {};
- type InjectedExperimentProps<E extends ExperimentKey, L extends boolean> = {
- /**
- * The value of the injected experiment. Use this to determine behavior of
- * your component depending on the value.
- */
- experimentAssignment: ExperimentAssignment[E];
- } & (L extends true ? LogExperimentProps : {});
- type LogExperimentProps = {
- /**
- * Call this method when the user has been exposed to the experiment this
- * component has been provided the value of.
- */
- logExperiment: () => void;
- };
- /**
- * A HoC wrapper that injects `experimentAssignment` into a component
- *
- * This wrapper will automatically log exposure of the experiment upon
- * receiving the componentDidMount lifecycle event.
- *
- * For organization experiments, an organization object must be provided to the
- * component. You may wish to use the withOrganization HoC for this.
- *
- * If exposure logging upon mount is not desirable, The `injectLogExperiment`
- * option may be of use.
- *
- * NOTE: When using this you will have to type the `experimentAssignment` prop
- * on your component. For this you should use the `ExperimentAssignment`
- * mapped type.
- */
- function withExperiment<
- E extends ExperimentKey,
- L extends boolean,
- P extends InjectedExperimentProps<E, L>
- >(Component: React.ComponentType<P>, {experiment, injectLogExperiment}: Options<E, L>) {
- type Props = Omit<P, keyof InjectedExperimentProps<E, L>> &
- ExpectedProps<Experiments[E]['type']>;
- return class extends React.Component<Props> {
- static displayName = `withExperiment[${experiment}](${getDisplayName(Component)})`;
- // NOTE(ts): Because of the type complexity of this HoC, typescript
- // has a hard time understanding how to narrow Experiments[E]['type']
- // when we type assert on it.
- //
- // This means we have to do some typecasting to massage things into working
- // as expected.
- //
- // We DO guarantee the external API of this HoC is typed accurately.
- componentDidMount() {
- if (!injectLogExperiment) {
- this.logExperiment();
- }
- }
- getProps<P extends ExperimentType>() {
- return this.props as unknown as ExpectedProps<P>;
- }
- get config() {
- return experimentConfig[experiment];
- }
- get experimentAssignment() {
- const {type} = this.config;
- if (type === ExperimentType.Organization) {
- const key = experiment as keyof OrgExperiments;
- return this.getProps<typeof type>().organization.experiments[key];
- }
- if (type === ExperimentType.User) {
- const key = experiment as keyof UserExperiments;
- return ConfigStore.get('user').experiments[key];
- }
- return unassignedValue;
- }
- logExperiment = () =>
- logExperiment({
- key: experiment,
- organization: this.getProps<ExperimentType.Organization>().organization,
- });
- render() {
- const WrappedComponent = Component as React.JSXElementConstructor<any>;
- const props = {
- experimentAssignment: this.experimentAssignment,
- ...(injectLogExperiment ? {logExperiment: this.logExperiment} : {}),
- ...this.props,
- } as unknown;
- return <WrappedComponent {...(props as P)} />;
- }
- };
- }
- export default withExperiment;