12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758 |
- [build-system]
- requires = ["setuptools>=40.2.0", "wheel"]
- build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
- [tool.black]
- # File filtering is taken care of in pre-commit.
- line-length=100
- target-version=['py36']
- [tool.isort]
- profile = "black"
- line_length = 100
- lines_between_sections = 1
- known_first_party = "sentry"
- skip = "migrations"
- [tool.pytest.ini_options]
- # note: When updating the traceback format, make sure to update .github/pytest.json
- # We don't use the celery pytest plugin.
- addopts = "-ra --tb=short --strict-markers -p no:celery"
- # TODO: --import-mode=importlib will become the default soon,
- # currently we have a few relative imports that don't work with that.
- markers = [
- "snuba: mark a test as requiring snuba",
- "itunes: test requires iTunes interaction, skipped unless --itunes is provided",
- "getsentryllc: test requires credentials for the GetSentry LLC organisation in Apple App Store Connect",
- ]
- selenium_driver = "chrome"
- filterwarnings = [
- # Consider all warnings to be errors other than the ignored ones.
- "error",
- # This is just to prevent pytest from exiting if pytest-xdist isn't installed.
- "ignore:Unknown config option.*looponfailroots:pytest.PytestConfigWarning",
- "ignore::django.utils.deprecation.RemovedInDjango30Warning",
- # DeprecationWarnings from Python 3.6's sre_parse are just so painful,
- # and I haven't found a way to ignore it specifically from a module.
- # This one in particular is from the "cookies" packages as depended
- # on by an outdated version of responses, and shows up all over tests.
- # TODO(joshuarli): Upgrade responses, then revisit this.
- # It'll probably show up in other dependencies.
- "ignore::DeprecationWarning",
- # At writing, the Google Bigtable Emulator relies on deprecated behavior
- # internally, this can be removed once a version containing this fix is
- # released: https://github.com/googleapis/python-bigtable/pull/246
- "ignore:The `channel` argument is deprecated; use `transport` instead.:PendingDeprecationWarning:google.cloud.bigtable*",
- # The following warning filters are for pytest only.
- # This is so we don't have to wrap most datetime objects in testing code
- # with django.utils.timezone.
- "ignore:DateTimeField.*naive datetime:RuntimeWarning",
- "ignore:.*sentry.digests.backends.dummy.DummyBackend.*:sentry.utils.warnings.UnsupportedBackend",
- ]
- # This is for people who install pytest-xdist locally,
- # and use the -f/--looponfail feature.
- looponfailroots = ["src", "tests"]