1. Version 7.0.0
  2. -------------
  3. Backwards Incompatible Changes
  4. ==============================
  5. - The buffer API has been rewritten and the Redis buffer has had its performance greatly improved.
  6. - The UDP server has been removed. Threaded/async models are the preferred replacement.
  7. - The ``is_rate_limited`` plugin hook has been removed in favor of singular quota managers.
  8. - The trends feature has been removed until it can be reimplemented in a more scalable way.
  9. - Filters have been removed. Integrations should use the tagging infrastructure instead.
  10. - NodeStore.generate_id() now returns a base64-encoded UUID.
  11. - The API for interfaces has been rewritten.
  12. - GroupMeta.objects.get_value no longer errors when a value is missing.
  13. - sentry.plugins.sentry_sites has been removed
  14. - The Search API has been rewritten and now powers the entire stream.
  15. - Removed Event.{logger,site,logger,level,culprit} references/columns. Legacy attributes for transitional behavior are available.
  16. - Removed Project.owner.
  17. Version 6.4.0
  18. -------------
  19. Some major backend changes are introduced in Sentry 6.4.0.
  20. django.contrib.auth
  21. ===================
  22. The builtin Django authentication module is no more. The Group and Permission models are no
  23. longer used, and the User model has been replaced with sentry.User.
  24. Search
  25. ======
  26. Search has been abstracted from the simple search manager, and now lives within
  27. ````. Currently only the Django backend is supported, but some sample
  28. code for Solr Cloud integration is also available.
  29. Event Storage
  30. =============
  31. A new application called ``nodestore`` now manages the event blob data. By default it
  32. uses a Django-based backend (storing each node as a row in a table), however a Riak
  33. backend is included and fully supported.
  34. Additional Changes
  35. ==================
  36. - Some initial support for time zones (user setting).
  37. - You can now choose which tag annotations are applied to the event stream via Project Settings -> Tags.
  38. - A new subsystem for handling email is available in ````.
  39. - You can now receive email notifications for notes.
  40. - Charts now show tooltips describing the datapoint.
  41. - JavaScript sourcemaps now support embedded sources.
  42. - Stream annotations can now be customized to show any tags (not just number of users).
  43. - Stacktrace frames now get truncated down to a maximum length of 50.
  44. Protocol Version 5
  45. ==================
  46. - sentry_version should be sent as '5'.
  47. - The stacktrace interface now accepts a 'frames_omitted' tuple.
  48. Version 6.3.0
  49. -------------
  50. - Most of the db utilities were refactored into ``sentry.db``.
  51. - The user interface now accepts an ``ip_address`` attribute.
  52. - User tracking will now use the ip_address attribute if available.
  53. - ``time_spent`` is now expected to be sent as an integer in milliseconds.
  54. - A new Notes feature is available for leaving comments on an event.
  55. Version 6.2.0
  56. -------------
  57. - Added tracking to which users have seen which groups
  58. - The stream now reflects if you've viewed an event since it was created or regressed.
  59. - The group details page shows other users who have glanced at an event.
  60. - Streams which have recorded user data will now show the number of unique users
  61. an event has happened to.
  62. - Various stream polling fixes and improvements.
  63. Version 6.1.1 (Security Release)
  64. --------------------------------
  65. Sentry 6.1.1 is a security release which patches a remote code execution exploit.
  66. This only affects servers hosted public clients (e.g. raven.js).
  67. The following commit demonstrates the exploit, as well as the patch:
  69. Version 6.1.0
  70. -------------
  71. - Added Rate Limit controls.
  72. Version 6.0.0
  73. -------------
  74. Say hello to our new logomark! Version 6 of Sentry includes many changes within
  75. the core designed to improve future compatibility for various platforms.
  76. It also includes quite a number of incompatible changes, so it's recommended
  77. that plugin authors read through the notes carefully, and run some simply
  78. sanity checks. It also introduces version 4 of the protocol.
  79. Incompatible Changes
  80. ====================
  81. - Django has been upgraded to 1.5.
  82. - django.contrib.auth.models.User has been replaced with sentry.models.User.
  83. - sentry_servers no longer exists, and the behavior is now always present. If
  84. you had it manually listed in INSTALLED_APPS, simply remove it.
  85. - Filters have been deprecated, and most functionality removed. See notes below.
  86. - TrackedUser, AffectedByUser, and Group.users_seen have been removed in favor
  87. of reusing the tagging architecture for user tracking.
  88. - Suspension of team members is no longer available. The feature was rarely
  89. used, and removing it greatly simplifies the auth logic in the API.
  90. - **The mail plugin can no longer be disabled, and all mail-specific options
  91. have been removed.**
  92. - Nearly all data within an event now has a fixed max size. See client
  93. developer documentation for details.
  94. - Project keys are no longer created for individuals by default
  95. - sentry.conf.settings has been removed
  96. - LOG_LEVELS, DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL, and DEFAULT_LOGGER_NAME are no longer configurable.
  98. configurable.
  99. - SENTRY_EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX and SENTRY_SERVER_EMAIL are no longer used, and default to
  100. the appropriate Django options.
  101. - SENTRY_CACHE_BACKEND is no longer configurable.
  103. - Existing account recovery tokens are no longer valid.
  104. - sentry.utils.router has been removed.
  105. Protocol Version 4
  106. ==================
  107. - sentry_version should be sent as '4'.
  108. - Aliases are now recommended instead of full interface names.
  109. - The exception interface now supports a bound stacktrace, and all events
  110. (in all protocols) which contain both an exception and a stacktrace will
  111. be rolled up. This should be sent as the ``stacktrace`` attribute.
  112. - The exception interface now supports chained exceptions, and should
  113. be sent as a list of exception values. Check the updated documentation for
  114. ordering details.
  115. Alerts
  116. ======
  117. A basic alert system has been added.
  118. - Configured at the project level.
  119. - Signaled via Plugin.on_alert.
  120. Filters
  121. =======
  122. The outdated filter system has been mostly removed. You should rely on
  123. tagged data for filter generation.
  124. If you were previously defining ``SENTRY_FILTERS`` you should remove it
  125. from your settings as it will be entirely obsolete in a future version.
  126. Other Changes
  127. =============
  128. - Activity feeds will now attempt to filter out some duplicates.
  129. - Tags now show on the event details page.
  130. - Corrected some invalid behavior when storing tags with an individual event.
  131. - Plugin.get_tag_values was added.
  132. - A new team select dashboard exists if you are a member of multiple teams.
  133. - A new Sentry logo mark has replaced the simple text header.
  134. - C# has been added to experimental clients.
  135. Version 5.4.0
  136. -------------
  137. SENTRY_PUBLIC now dictates whether or not a Sentry install should be considered
  138. accessible by all users or not. This should better solve the use-case of companies
  139. hosting a Sentry instance internally and not necessarily needing the permissions
  140. that teams give you.
  141. If enabled, all teams and all projects will be accessible all members (for any endpoint
  142. which does not require a certain level of access). Project.is_public now dictates the
  143. implied state of all events, but will not allow a non-member to browse events.
  144. Additionally, this includes the following other items:
  145. - [Important!] The URLS for social authentication have been moved.
  146. - Improved rendering of data values in all interfaces.
  147. - django-compressor was replaced with django-static-compiler.
  148. - A better defined public view of events (which removes several items from being visible).
  149. - Improved SourceMap discovery.
  150. - Most events will no longer cause a hard error when validation fails. Instead we attempt
  151. to drop any non-required data so that at least a partial event is stored.
  152. - MessageCountByMinute was renamed to GroupCountByMinute.
  153. - MessageFilterValue was renamed to GroupTag.
  154. - Syntax highlighting was disabled (pending performance solutions).
  155. - Added Team.date_added column.
  156. - Lots of various design changes.
  157. - Trending SQL queries can now be disabled by setting
  158. ``SENTRY_USE_TRENDING = False``
  159. Version 5.3.0
  160. -------------
  161. A brand new Sentry design has landed.
  162. Some things of note:
  163. - An improved dashboard.
  164. - Improved activity feeds on aggregate details.
  165. - Similar event navigation links on aggregate details.
  166. - Redesigned team management flow.
  167. Additionally:
  168. - Aggregates now happen on (project, checksum), which means events that have different
  169. levels or culprits can now be grouped together.
  170. - Sentry now requires authentication for all pages.
  171. - SENTRY_PUBLIC behavior has changed to signify the default state of projects.
  172. - Project slug's are now only unique within a team.
  173. Version 5.2.2
  174. -------------
  175. - [New] The dashboard will now stream updates to the new and trending event components.
  176. Version 5.2.1
  177. -------------
  178. - [Fix] Trends sorting options on the Stream page work correctly again.
  179. Version 5.2.0
  180. -------------
  181. - [New] A new activity stream exists on event pages.
  182. - [New] Syntax highlighting now exists on all context frames.
  183. - [New] Support for JavaScript Sourcemaps now exists.
  184. - [New] The server will now fetch remote source files for JavaScript events.
  185. - [New] Sentry will now ask for your project's platform.
  186. - [Fix] Resolved -> Regressed state change is now atomic.
  187. - [Fix] ``cleanup`` now runs with lower resource overhead.
  188. - [Fix] Cookies will now be coerced to dicts if possible.
  189. - More (storage only still) work on user tracking.
  190. - Several indexes were added to speed up various queries.
  191. - Removed savepoint use in plugin hooks (99% of the time there were no queries).
  192. Additional, the following client protocol changes are part of this release:
  193. - Cookies should be not be sent by default.
  194. - POST data should not be sent by default.
  195. - Recommended values regexp for sanitizing credit cards was updated.
  196. - ``colno`` was added to the Stacktrace spec.
  197. - Timestamps that are more than one minute in the future are now discarded.
  198. - (Undocumented) Client-side support now exists for GET + Referrer store requests.
  199. We've also reduced the test suite time down to 25% of what it originally was (thanks, Alex!)
  200. Version 5.1.3
  201. -------------
  202. A new user's affected-tracking mechanism is present (storage only). This will
  203. become available in the UX in a future version, and relies on the existing HTTP
  204. and User interface datas.
  205. - [Fix] Correct a bug with search queries.
  206. - [New] Group.users_seen will now track unique users when possible.
  207. - [New] Team and project owners can now change ownership (non-superuser).
  208. - [Fix] Counts are now formatted correctly when number of visible digits > 3.
  209. Version 5.1.2
  210. -------------
  211. - [Fix] Option schema (key length = 64).
  212. - [Fix] Template interface now renders correctly.
  213. - [Fix] Update design on admin status pages.
  214. - [New] iOS client documentation.
  215. - Improved client documentation visuals.
  216. Version 5.1.1
  217. -------------
  218. Several schema changes are made in this upgrade:
  219. - A new model: LostPasswordHash
  220. - Two new fields on ProjectKey: date_added and user_added
  221. - A new field on Event: platform
  222. - A new field on Group: platform
  223. The following changes are also part of this release:
  224. - [New] A new plugin, sentry-interface-types will now automatically tag the available interface
  225. types in an event.
  226. - [New] The platform value sent with an event is now recorded in the database.
  227. - [New] A recover account flow has been added.
  228. - [New] There is now a sticky nav on the event details pages.
  229. - [New] getting started page now shows if there's no data for a project.
  230. - [New] An API key management page now exists (under project settings).
  231. - [New] A tag overview page now exists for group details pages.
  232. - [Fix] Line numbers now show correctly in collapsed source context.
  233. - [Fix] Pending members now show correctly on the team management page (under project settings).
  234. - [Fix] The time since value now updates correctly when events change.
  235. - Various changes to how event details components render.
  236. - Various fixes for breadcrumbs and header styles.
  237. - Most plugins will no longer default to enabled on new projects.
  238. Version 5.1.0
  239. -------------
  240. Minor point releases now signify major changes (5.1.0 is a major release). Bugfix and smaller
  241. releases will continue as normal.
  242. This release includes a very large set of changes from 5.0.0, including a new client protocol
  243. and an overhaul to the frontend code (specifically the JavaScript).
  244. If you're a contributor, take note that there is now a JavaScript test suite. You can run all
  245. test suites with the ``make test`` command.
  246. Protocol Version 3
  247. ==================
  248. Sentry 5.1 removes support for version 1.0 of the protocol, and maintains a compatibility layer
  249. for version 2.0.
  250. Additionally, the following changes apply to the new protocol:
  251. - sentry_version should be sent as '3' (not 3.0).
  252. - Signed messages are no longer supported (signatures are not calculated).
  253. - sentry_signature is no longer used.
  254. - sentry_timestamp is no longer used.
  255. - Clients must pass sentry_secret for server-side requests as part of the auth
  256. header. This check runs in the event that there is no Origin header sent.
  257. - version 2.0 supports validation of this, version 3 requires it.
  258. - The ``project`` attribute in the JSON packet is no longer required.
  259. - The ``platform`` attribute is now recommended.
  260. - The ``tags`` attribute is now recommended.
  261. Other Changes
  262. =============
  263. - Aggregation 'Views' have been removed.
  264. - All streaming components are now powered by Backbone.js.
  265. - Frontend has been updated to Bootstrap 2.1.
  266. - The event stream now includes sparklines representing the last 24 hours of data for each event.
  267. - Trends have greatly improved.
  268. - Grouping events that have identical stacktraces other than the function name (e.g. dynamically generated
  269. functions) is not possible.
  270. - SiteFilter has been removed, as has the sites plugin.
  271. - If frames are included in a stacktrace that have the attribute ``in_app: false``, they will be hidden by default in
  272. the details view.
  273. - crossdomain.xml support is now available (see documentation).
  274. - The search feature now uses buffers to better handle write concurrency.
  275. - Early support for WSGI (should be functional) exists as ``sentry.wsgi``.
  276. - Many fixes around cache usage.
  277. Version 5.0.0
  278. -------------
  279. - Variable versions of Django are no longer supported. Django 1.4.x must now be used.
  280. - Public projects are restricted to viewing without being authenticated.
  281. - The default behavior of Sentry is to now use timezone-aware datetimes everywhere.
  282. - Permissions have been refactored to be more precise.
  283. Version 4.10.0
  284. --------------
  285. - A new IssuePlugin base is available.
  286. - Charts have been refactored to show 7 days worth of data.
  287. - django.contrib.staticfiles is now supported.
  288. - django.contrib.messages is now supported.
  289. Version 4.9.0
  290. -------------
  291. Social authentication is now supported!
  292. By configuring several options (documented on the quickstart guide), you can allow users to signup and login
  293. with accounts from several social services. Additionally users can associate their existing accounts (via a
  294. new identities panel in their account settings) with any number of these services.
  295. Currently, the following services are supported:
  296. * GitHub
  297. * Twitter
  298. * Facebook
  299. * Google
  300. Version 4.8.0
  301. -------------
  302. Tags are now able to be created dynamically! See the documentation for more details on implementing it inside
  303. of your client.
  304. You can also configure which tags will show up as filters in the sidebar via your project's settings page. By
  305. default all tags will show up.
  306. Version 4.7.0
  307. -------------
  308. User options are now available to plugins. The builtin mail plugin also now takes advantage of them.
  309. - sentry_mail will now use the alert_email option over your account email if specified.
  310. - sentry_mail now allows you to choose which projects to receive alerts for.
  311. - Numeric slugs will no longer return 404s.
  312. - Corrected the repair command with the --owner argument.
  313. Version 4.6.0
  314. -------------
  315. Improvements to the dashboard are trickling in, with this update including:
  316. - Changing "Top Events" to "Trends" (if supported by your RDBMS)
  317. - Time interval selections for both widgets
  318. Plugins now have a new interface for registering themselves. Please see the developer documentation
  319. for notes on how to use ``entry_points``.
  320. Additionally:
  321. - Signed messages are now deprecated. Save yourself some CPU cycles, and rely on SSL.
  322. - A new plugin which tags user's email addresses.
  323. - Several UI cleanups in various areas, such as improvements to the account dropdown and lists of projects/teams.
  324. - Long awaited cleanup/fixes for applying the initial database migrations (sorry MySQL users).
  325. - Initial support for arbitrary event tagging (coming soon to a client near you).
  326. Version 4.5.0
  327. -------------
  328. Builtin plugins have been refactored to be more concise. This includes changes to the
  329. servers, urls, and sites plugins. There is also a new builtin plugin::
  330. sentry.plugins.sentry_useragents
  331. With these changes, it now makes it even easier to create a basic plugin that just handles extra
  332. "tag"-like data. Take a look at one of the aforementioned plugins for an example.
  333. Additionally:
  334. - The mail plugin now sends additional Sentry-specific headers.
  335. - Signatures are deprecated, and no longer required.
  336. - Several fixes regarding CORS support.
  337. Version 4.4.0
  338. -------------
  339. Two new columns were added to the ``Group`` model:
  340. - ``resolved_at``: The datetime at which this event was marked as resolved.
  341. - ``active_at``: The datetime at which this event was marked as open.
  342. The dashboard's "New Events" will now use the active_at date rather than the original
  343. first seen date on an event.
  344. Version 4.3.0
  345. -------------
  346. A new global dashboard now exists. The dashboard contains an event graph for all projects which
  347. you have access to, as well as a list of the top events, and new events.
  348. Additionally:
  349. - API endpoints now properly send no-cache headers.
  350. - Added a countdown to update buffers.
  351. Version 4.2.0
  352. -------------
  353. Sentry now has support for buffering a majority of its counters via Redis. For more information, check
  354. the buffer section of the configuration documentation.
  355. - Nearly all race conditions are now handled correctly using distributed cache locks.
  356. Version 4.1.0
  357. -------------
  358. Sentry now maintains full support for CORS requests from external hosts. This means that clients like
  359. raven-js will now able to securely send messages to Sentry, without compromising their secret key.
  360. In addition:
  361. - Trusted domains were removed. These were not fully implemented.
  362. - A new datepicker for selecting ranges of events.
  363. - raven-javascript and raven-ruby are now officially supported clients.
  364. - Added ``sentry repair``.
  365. Version 4.0.0
  366. -------------
  367. Introducing Teams!
  368. Projects are now assigned to a single team, and that team may consist of many members. Additionally
  369. each team may own multiple projects. This makes it much easier to handle permissions across a single
  370. organization that has many projects.
  371. This update also includes initial changes to how filters work. ServerName Filter and SiteFilter are
  372. no longer specified in the ``FILTERS`` setting, but instead are included automatically if you
  373. load the respective ``sentry_servers`` and ``sentry_sites`` plugins.
  374. Additional changes:
  375. - Legacy data format is no longer supported (pre-Raven 1.x)
  376. - API will now validate data before sending it into the queue, enabling better debugging for clients.
  377. Version 3.8.0
  378. -------------
  379. Plugins are now configurable per-project. This makes it easy to install a plugin globally
  380. and allow it to run only on selective projects.
  381. Version 3.7.0
  382. -------------
  383. Several minor fixes, as well as a backwards incompatible change with filters.
  384. All filters must now accept the project argument in the initializer. The signature is
  385. now __init__(request, project).
  386. Version 3.6.0
  387. -------------
  388. This version focuses on improving membership control. It includes the ability to revoke
  389. project members access temporarily (by suspending them), as well as revoking users
  390. (outside of Sentry) via the user.is_active flag.
  391. Additionally, it brings the beginnings of an "invite user" flow, allowing you to
  392. invite users who may or may not already have accounts in the system. We plan to improve
  393. this flow in an upcoming release to allow invitees easy registration within the system
  394. if they don't already have an account.
  395. Version 3.5.0
  396. -------------
  397. Several improvements and additions have been made around the administration, including
  398. performance improvements.
  399. If you're utilizing the queue, the installation guide now recommends you switch off the
  400. database backend, and move to something more efficient (such as Redis).
  401. Version 3.4.0
  402. -------------
  403. Eventlet is no longer used as the default worker for gunicorn, and thus is no longer
  404. installed by default. If you're using the udp worker, or ``send_fake_data`` you MUST
  405. install eventlet yourself. The recommended worker class for gunicorn is now ``gevent``
  406. as it corrects some issues with async queries in psycopg2.
  407. Version 3.3.0
  408. -------------
  409. The queue has been changed from direct Kombu, to utilizing Celery entirely. If you were
  410. already using the queue, the upgrade simply requires you to change "sentry start worker"
  411. to "sentry celeryd".
  412. Version 3.0.0
  413. -------------
  414. Version 3 of Sentry is centered around a restructure of the internal services and
  415. the architecture for running those. It also includes improvements to the plugin architecture.
  416. The upgrade process should be trivial, just be aware that if you were using --config before
  417. you must change the way you pass it so that it's before the subcommand. For example
  418. if you were doing ``sentry start --config...`` the command would now be changed to
  419. ``sentry --config... start``.
  420. * Sentry no longer provides the ability to daemonize processes. This should now be
  421. done at the system level.
  422. * All of Sentry's CLI is now handled through Logan (,
  423. which simply pipes commands to Django's internal system utilizing custom configuration.
  424. * Plugins now have a hook for managing some level of permissions (beyond the required defaults).
  425. * The plugin interface (IPlugin) is now documented.
  426. * It is now recommended that clients allow the Sentry server to compute checksums.
  427. Version 2.9.0
  428. -------------
  429. * Plugins must now behave as singletons and be registered with a newly provided
  430. sentry.plugins.@register decorator.
  431. * The Bugzilla and Redmine extensions are no longer part of Sentry core.
  432. * Added a global overview of projects to the administration.
  433. Version 2.8.0
  434. -------------
  435. * Added an Account Settings panel which allows users to change their name,
  436. email, and password.
  437. * The default Sentry server now correctly wraps itself in its own middleware.
  438. * Improved Real-time JavaScript.
  439. Version 2.7.0
  440. -------------
  441. * Added first_seen and last_seen to all message filter values.
  442. * Added a new "since" option to the dashboard with a default value of 3 days.
  443. Version 2.6.0
  444. -------------
  445. * The built-in webserver is now powered by gunicorn.
  446. * Cleaned up several admin pages and split them into sub-pages.
  447. Version 2.5.0
  448. -------------
  449. * Corrected some queue behavior.
  450. * Resolve Feed now only resolves items active within current filters.
  451. * Handle unicode characters in POST body for replay request.
  452. * Ensure client side requests run checks on HTTP_REFERER
  453. * Adjust documentation for service settings.
  454. Version 2.4.5
  455. -------------
  456. * Corrected indexing behavior to handle non strings.
  457. * If queuing is enabled the indexer will now queue it's jobs.
  458. * Moved group creation into a transaction.
  459. Version 2.4.4
  460. -------------
  461. * Mail configuration value of send_to now correctly uses ',' as a separator
  462. (rather than ';').
  463. * Changed rendering of sidebar widgets for all builtin extensions.
  464. * Added an event details slot to the sidebar pane for individual events.
  465. Version 2.4.3
  466. -------------
  467. * Correct some behavior with MySQL on the groups pane.
  468. * Correct generated configuration behavior to use absolute
  469. paths for run and log folders.
  470. Version 2.4.2
  471. -------------
  472. * Include DSN and member type on projects list grid.
  473. Version 2.4.1
  474. -------------
  475. * Change appearance of resolve states.
  476. * Adjust user management to link username (which is required) and not
  477. optional fields.
  478. Version 2.4.0
  479. -------------
  480. * Added user management for admins.
  481. * Resolved events should now appear differently.
  482. * Default membership access is now configurable.
  483. Version 2.3.2
  484. -------------
  485. * Maintaining *some* level of support for SQLite.
  486. Version 2.3.1
  487. -------------
  488. * Correct rendering of sites, urls, and servers on details panes.
  489. Version 2.3.0
  490. -------------
  491. * The polling API and JavaScript have been refactored.
  492. Events now stream in (they generally do not update if they already
  493. exist), and will maintain correct ordering in the feed.
  494. This API is available for most sort options, excluding trends.
  495. * The builtin plugin's widgets have been fixed.
  496. * Sampling rates are now configurable.
  497. * Some minor design tweaks.
  498. Version 2.2.5
  499. -------------
  500. * The \|date filter now forces things to UTC (it assumes local time).
  501. * Event templates have been updated to resemble groups.
  502. Version 2.2.4
  503. -------------
  504. * Improve error logging in API.
  505. * Update Celery client code to use new send_encoded interfaces.
  506. * Change JS datetimes to use UTC.
  507. * Force clients which specify version 2.0 or newer to pass identification.
  508. * Better default logging configuration.
  509. * Adjust eventlet to monkey patch the world before any imports happen.
  510. * Adjust default configuration to specify LOG and RUN directories.
  511. * upgrade now correctly handles the delete ghosts argument.
  512. Version 2.2.3
  513. -------------
  514. * Lower font size of counts on event list.
  515. * Align actions to right side (vertical).
  516. * Fix issue with long filters not transforming to selects.
  517. Version 2.2.2
  518. -------------
  519. * Corrected event_id key to contain (project_id, event_id).
  520. * Adjusted project form to default the user to the current user
  521. when accessed by an admin.
  522. * Change sentry admin to be /manage/ to avoid any unintentional
  523. conflict with the Django admin.
  524. Version 2.2.1
  525. -------------
  526. * Cleaned up several pages.
  527. Version 2.2.0
  528. -------------
  529. * Sentry has a brand new design utilizing Bootstrap 2.
  530. * Superusers can now create projects for users.
  531. Version 2.1.3
  532. -------------
  533. * Ensure we truncate tokens to 128 characters for SearchDocument.
  534. * Gracefully handle errors with indexing.
  535. * Gracefully handle errors with post_process.
  536. * Gracefully handle errors with regression_signal.
  537. * Fixed priority sort option not activating.
  538. Version 2.1.2
  539. -------------
  540. * Fixed an issue that was causing signals to not be registered.
  541. * Made date the default sort order for aggregate stream.
  542. Version 2.1.1
  543. -------------
  544. * Fixed an issue with indexing pre and post context on templates.
  545. Version 2.1.0
  546. -------------
  547. * ``pytz`` is now a requirement.
  548. * Changed default TIME_ZONE to be "UTC".
  549. * Corrected some issues around how dates were localized.
  550. * Initial implementation of full-text search.
  551. * Fixed sending of regression_signal so it only happens if event
  552. has been marked as new.
  553. * Changed ProjectMember.get_dsn() to use request.get_host() which
  554. corrects a bug in some webservers.
  555. Version 2.0.2
  556. -------------
  557. * ``start`` no longer performs ``upgrade`` as its problematic.
  558. * Initial queue usage (optional).
  559. * Fix reference to bookmark_querystring.
  560. * Added DSN to project member details page.
  561. Version 2.0.1
  562. -------------
  563. * Skip logging of south in default server configuration as it proves to be problematic.
  564. * Remove use of deprecated logging handler in default server configuration.
  565. * Run ``upgrade`` as part of ``start``.
  566. * Fix GroupBookmark related_name to be sentry namespaced.
  567. * Correctly handle before_events() hook in polling responses.
  568. * Removed integrated install documentation as it is no longer officially supported.
  569. * Gracefully handle rendering errors with interfaces.
  570. * Correct a bug with default email options.
  571. Version 2.0
  572. -----------
  573. Sentry 2.0 is a major release which contains many new features as well as some large
  574. rearchitecting of the codebase.
  575. If you were previously extending Sentry, it would be wise
  576. to test your extensions before upgrading.
  577. * Added project scoping to all data in sentry.
  578. * Added permissions to projects.
  579. * The authorization header is now X-Sentry-Auth to avoid certain default behaviors such as
  580. mod_wsgi's "don't pass HTTP Authorization header".
  581. * sentry.client has been removed
  582. * The default key is now base64-encoded.
  583. * sentry.interfaces are now used for coercing and rendering structured data.
  584. * The store endpoint has a new API.
  585. * The from_kwargs method has a new API.
  586. * The ``class_name``, ``traceback``, an ``url`` fields have been removed.
  587. * GroupedMessage was renamed to Group.
  588. * Message was renamed to Event.
  589. * Switched to Bootstrap framework.
  590. * Added "Replay Request" action for events.
  591. * Graphs can now be generated for Projects.
  592. * There is now a trends sort option for aggregated events.
  593. * Added ``sentry manage`` command.
  594. * Sentry now has its own isolated queues (using Kombu).
  595. Version 1.13.5
  596. --------------
  597. * Level filters are now precise (they no longer show their level + messages from higher levels).
  598. Version 1.13.4
  599. --------------
  600. * Updated message details page to resemble look and feel of group details.
  601. Version 1.13.3
  602. --------------
  603. * Added back in the "raw traceback" view.
  604. Version 1.13.2
  605. --------------
  606. * Counts will now render differently with large values (e.g. 13000 will now be 13k)
  607. Version 1.13.1
  608. --------------
  609. * Search by message_id will now display a list of results if there are multiple matches.
  610. Version 1.13.0
  611. --------------
  612. * Deprecated the Sentry client, and added Raven to the as the default builtin.
  613. * Removed Highstock and replaced it with an awesome OPEN SOURCE alternative, jQuery Flot.
  614. * Default Sentry server options should now work out of the box.
  615. * Packaged Google Web Font as part of Sentry.
  616. Version 1.12.2
  617. --------------
  618. * Fixed infinite loop.
  619. Version 1.12.1
  620. --------------
  621. * Stabilize migration schema (solves problem with index creation fail introduced in 1.12.0).
  622. Version 1.12.0
  623. --------------
  624. * Adjusted message_id to include the checksum to avoid situations were the message_id
  625. that was generated did not exist due to sampling.
  626. Version 1.11.4
  627. --------------
  628. * Several design improvements for group/message details panes.
  629. Version 1.11.3
  630. --------------
  631. * Fixed a bug that was causing exception summary to not show.
  632. Version 1.11.2
  633. --------------
  634. * Cleaned up message and group details pages (adding back some missing information).
  635. * Cleaned up some design around odd margins/padding.
  636. Version 1.11.1
  637. --------------
  638. * Fixed a bug that would cause the admin (and potentially other modules) to get loaded multiple times.
  639. Version 1.11.0
  640. --------------
  641. * Added license headers.
  642. * Removed ``sentry.helpers`` and ``sentry.routers``.
  643. * Global module versions are now cached to avoid continuous path walking and
  644. import overhead.
  645. Version 1.10.1
  646. --------------
  647. * Fixed an issue that was causing servers to show logger names.
  648. Version 1.10.0
  649. --------------
  650. * You can now pass ``extra={'stack': True}`` to logging methods to capture
  651. the current frames and their locals.
  652. * Code refactoring in various places related to stack extraction.
  653. * Denormalized graph data in MessageCountByMinute (stores at 5m intervals).
  654. * Denormalized filter counts into MessageFilterValue
  655. * Added message sampling (adapted from Yuri Baburov's patch).
  656. * Added SENTRY_MAIL_LEVEL setting.
  657. * Added SENTRY_MAIL_INCLUDE_LOGGERS setting.
  658. * Added SENTRY_MAIL_EXCLUDE_LOGGERS setting.
  659. * Added the ``level`` argument to the cleanup command.
  660. * The thrashed key is now set correctly in request.sentry.
  661. * Added user information to all messages that have ``request``.
  662. * Changed the hashing function for messages that include
  663. stacktraces to ignore the ``message`` and line numbers.
  664. * Much improved test coverage.
  665. Version 1.9.0
  666. -------------
  667. * Load the Frequency chart asynchronously.
  668. * Frequency chart no longer shows for SQLite.
  669. * Switch graphing library to Highstock from Highcharts.
  670. Version 1.8.10
  671. --------------
  672. * Ensure dictionary keys are coerced to strings.
  673. * Fixed path to missing_permissions.html.
  674. Version 1.8.9
  675. -------------
  676. * Safely handle unpickling objects that may not have been stored in a
  677. valid format.
  678. Version 1.8.8
  679. -------------
  680. * Changed ``sentry cleanup`` to use a range query.
  681. Version 1.8.7
  682. -------------
  683. * Added "Clear Feed" option.
  684. * Version information will be read from pkg_resources if possible.
  685. * Cleared up documentation on configuration settings..
  686. * Performance improvements to ``Client.send()``.
  687. * Added default 404/500 pages.
  688. * Added support for Django's LOGIN_URL setting.
  689. * Fixed a memory leak in the client (thanks to Ben Bangert).
  690. Version
  691. ---------------
  692. * Reverted change which required distribute.
  693. * Cleaned up configuration defaults.
  694. Version
  695. ---------------
  696. * Include in the MANIFEST to ship it in sdists.
  697. Version 1.8.6
  698. -------------
  699. * Corrected an issue which was causing certain settings (like WEB_HOST) to
  700. not take affect in custom configuration files.
  701. * The Sentry server will now pull in default server settings, as well as
  702. ~/.sentry/ if --config is not passed to it.
  703. Version
  704. ---------------
  705. * Fixed a bug which caused thrashing prevention to not function correctly.
  706. * Corrected an error in transform()'s recursion safety.
  707. * Changed packaging to use Distribute.
  708. Version 1.8.5
  709. -------------
  710. * Pulled test suite out of the Sentry namespace to avoid conflicts in projects.
  711. Version
  712. ---------------
  713. * Added missing invalid_message_id template.
  714. Version
  715. ---------------
  716. * Fixed an error that was causing LOG_LEVELS to not display correctly.
  717. Version 1.8.4
  718. -------------
  719. * The Sentry base client will now pass along the timestamp from when the
  720. message was generated.
  721. Version
  722. ---------------
  723. * Fixed a case where the client may hit a transaction aborted error when
  724. transforming variables.
  725. Version 1.8.3
  726. -------------
  727. * Added several settings which were Django specific so that they can be
  728. configured isolated to the Sentry instance.
  729. * Graceful failover for when a cache backend isnt working properly and
  730. throttling is enabled.
  731. * Better rendering of non-dict variables when passed within extra data.
  732. * Graceful failover for searching on message_id's that aren't found.
  733. Version 1.8.0
  734. -------------
  735. * Refactored Sentry server to run standalone (sentry --help).
  736. Version 1.7.5
  737. -------------
  738. * Implemented new client/server storage API and signing methods.
  739. * Fixed a bug where accessing __sentry__ would sometimes cause errors on
  740. certain code paths.
  741. Version 1.7.4
  742. -------------
  743. * Fixed a bug with potential recursion issues.
  744. * Fixed a bug with the storage API and unicode keys.
  745. Version 1.7.3
  746. -------------
  747. * Storage API has better responses when data fails to decode, or
  748. you send a bad request.
  749. * Documentation improvements for JSON storage API.
  750. Version 1.7.2
  751. -------------
  752. * All strings, lists, tuples, and sets are now shortened before sending
  753. to the server. Iterable data structures are truncated to the first
  754. 50 items, and strings are truncated to the first 200 characters.
  755. Both shorteners have configurable values in the settings.
  756. Version 1.7.1
  757. -------------
  758. * Fixed a bug that slipped through with blocktrans usage.
  759. Version 1.7.0
  760. -------------
  761. * Added ``score`` to ``GroupedMessage`` (schema change).
  762. * Added ``MessageIndex`` (schema change).
  763. * Added Async client (thanks to Yuri Baburov).
  764. * Added support for raw_post_data (thanks to Matthew Schinckel).
  765. * django-paging and django-indexer no longer need to be in INSTALLED_APPS.
  766. * Added an index for GroupedMessages.times_seen.
  767. * The ``score`` column will update atomically in PostgreSQL and MySQL.
  768. * Added the frequency sort option.
  769. * Better internationalization support.
  770. * Fixed a bug with Oracle's date truncation support (changed to hh24).
  771. * Respect TIME_ZONE by using auto_now_* on DateTimeField's.
  772. * Tests required Haystack and Celery are now skipped if module is not found.
  773. Version 1.6.10
  774. --------------
  775. * Added JSON support to storage API.
  776. * Changed default client to use JSON format.
  777. Version
  778. ---------------
  779. * Fixed an issue with encoding to UTF-8 for Haystack.
  780. Version 1.6.9
  781. -------------
  782. * Added URLs to default search parameters.
  783. * Fixed a bug to ensure template information is only added if its the correct loader
  784. Version
  785. ---------------
  786. * Search will now show when unauthenticated (e.g. when SENTRY_PUBLIC is enabled)
  787. Version 1.6.8
  788. -------------
  789. * Search no longer allows filters.
  790. * Search no longer allows arbitrary queries without Haystack.
  791. * Added logger, level, site, server, and url to search index.
  792. * Haystack has been updated for further flexibility.
  793. * SearchFilter is now unused (you should update your configs).
  794. Version 1.6.7
  795. -------------
  796. * Moved static media into /static/.
  797. * Added serve_static view to handle static media solely within Sentry.
  798. * Added SENTRY_STATIC_URL_PREFIX setting.
  799. Version 1.6.6
  800. -------------
  801. * install will no longer install example_project.
  802. * Fixed an issue where __sentry__ would be called even if it wasn't a callable.
  803. * Fixed an issue where transactions would attempt a rollback when not managed while creating
  804. the sort index.
  805. Version 1.8.8
  806. -------------
  807. * Set a last_message_id so when thrashing is hit there is still a point of reference for tracing.
  808. * Check correct permissions for Sentry.
  809. Version 1.6.4
  810. -------------
  811. * Fixed a memory leak due to TextNode's being created from leading whitespace in realtime packets.
  812. Version 1.6.3
  813. -------------
  814. * Fixed a critical bug in the Sentry JS namespace preventing it from loading.
  815. Version 1.6.2
  816. -------------
  817. * LogHandler will attempt to pick up the request automatically using SentryLogMiddleware.
  818. * Updated AJAX CSRF support for Django 1.2.5.
  819. * request.sentry is now set in any event which has request as part of the parameters.
  820. Version 1.6.0
  821. -------------
  822. * Added message references (uuid's) as message_id in Message
  823. * Fixed css compatibility issues with TextWidget
  824. * SearchFilter now allows searching by message reference id
  825. * Added Sentry404CatchMiddleware
  826. * Added SentryResponseErrorIdMiddleware
  827. * The `request` argument can now be passed into any ``create_from_`` method.
  828. (History beyond 1.6.0 is not present)