.travis.yml 1.9 KB

  1. sudo: false
  2. language: python
  3. rvm:
  4. - 2.2
  5. cache:
  6. yarn: true
  7. directories:
  8. - node_modules
  9. - $HOME/.cache/pip/wheels
  10. branches:
  11. only:
  12. - master
  13. addons:
  14. apt:
  15. sources:
  16. - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
  17. packages:
  18. - g++-4.8
  19. env:
  20. global:
  21. - NODE_ENV=production
  26. - CXX=g++-4.8
  27. install:
  28. - nvm install $TRAVIS_NODE_VERSION
  29. - make travis-install-$TEST_SUITE
  30. before_script:
  31. - pip freeze
  32. script:
  33. - make travis-lint-$TEST_SUITE
  34. - make travis-test-$TEST_SUITE
  35. after_success:
  36. - codecov -e TEST_SUITE
  37. after_failure:
  38. - dmesg | tail -n 100
  39. # each attribute in the matrix will override the global attribute
  40. matrix:
  41. fast_finish: true
  42. allow_failures:
  43. - python: 2.7
  44. env: TEST_SUITE=django-18
  45. include:
  46. - language: ruby
  47. rvm: 2.2
  48. env: TEST_SUITE=danger
  49. # only the sqlite suite runs cassandra/riak tests
  50. - python: 2.7
  51. env: TEST_SUITE=sqlite DB=sqlite
  52. services:
  53. - memcached
  54. - riak
  55. - redis-server
  56. - cassandra
  57. before_script:
  58. - make travis-setup-cassandra
  59. - pip freeze
  60. - python: 2.7
  61. env: TEST_SUITE=postgres DB=postgres
  62. services:
  63. - memcached
  64. - redis-server
  65. - postgresql
  66. - python: 2.7
  67. env: TEST_SUITE=mysql DB=mysql
  68. services:
  69. - memcached
  70. - mysql
  71. - redis-server
  72. - python: 2.7
  73. env: TEST_SUITE=acceptance
  74. services:
  75. - memcached
  76. - redis-server
  77. - postgresql
  78. - python: 2.7
  79. env: TEST_SUITE=js
  80. - python: 2.7
  81. env: TEST_SUITE=cli
  82. services:
  83. - postgresql
  84. - python: 2.7
  85. env: TEST_SUITE=dist
  86. - python: 2.7
  87. env: TEST_SUITE=django-18
  88. services:
  89. - memcached
  90. - redis-server
  91. - postgresql