eventSdk.spec.tsx 1.0 KB

  1. import {render, screen, userEvent} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary';
  2. import {textWithMarkupMatcher} from 'sentry-test/utils';
  3. import {EventSdk} from 'sentry/components/events/eventSdk';
  4. describe('event sdk', function () {
  5. it('display redacted tags', async function () {
  6. const event = {
  7. ...TestStubs.Event(),
  8. sdk: {
  9. name: 'sentry.cocoa',
  10. version: '',
  11. },
  12. _meta: {
  13. sdk: {
  14. version: {'': {rem: [['organization:0', 'x']]}},
  15. },
  16. },
  17. };
  18. render(<EventSdk sdk={event.sdk} meta={event._meta.sdk} />, {
  19. organization: {
  20. relayPiiConfig: JSON.stringify(TestStubs.DataScrubbingRelayPiiConfig()),
  21. },
  22. });
  23. userEvent.hover(screen.getByText(/redacted/));
  24. expect(
  25. await screen.findByText(
  26. textWithMarkupMatcher(
  27. "Removed because of the data scrubbing rule [Replace] [Password fields] with [Scrubbed] from [password] in your organization's settings"
  28. )
  29. )
  30. ).toBeInTheDocument(); // tooltip description
  31. });
  32. });