123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339 |
- import omit from 'lodash/omit';
- import moment from 'moment-timezone';
- import {getTraceDateTimeRange} from 'sentry/components/events/interfaces/spans/utils';
- import {ALL_ACCESS_PROJECTS} from 'sentry/constants/pageFilters';
- import {OrganizationSummary} from 'sentry/types';
- import {Event, EventTransaction} from 'sentry/types/event';
- import {trackAnalytics} from 'sentry/utils/analytics';
- import EventView from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView';
- import {DiscoverQueryProps} from 'sentry/utils/discover/genericDiscoverQuery';
- import {
- QuickTrace,
- QuickTraceEvent,
- TraceError,
- TraceFull,
- TraceFullDetailed,
- TraceLite,
- } from 'sentry/utils/performance/quickTrace/types';
- import {TraceRoot} from 'sentry/views/performance/traceDetails/types';
- export function isTransaction(event: Event): event is EventTransaction {
- return event.type === 'transaction';
- }
- /**
- * An event can be an error or a transaction. We need to check whether the current
- * event id is in the list of errors as well
- */
- export function isCurrentEvent(
- event: TraceFull | QuickTraceEvent,
- currentEvent: Event
- ): boolean {
- if (isTransaction(currentEvent)) {
- return event.event_id === currentEvent.id;
- }
- return (
- event.errors !== undefined && event.errors.some(e => e.event_id === currentEvent.id)
- );
- }
- type PathNode = {
- event: TraceFull;
- path: TraceLite;
- };
- /**
- * The `events-full` endpoint returns the full trace containing the specified event.
- * This means any sibling paths in the trace will also be returned.
- *
- * This method strips away these sibling paths leaving only the path from the root to
- * the specified event and all of its children/descendants.
- *
- * This method additionally flattens the trace into an array of the transactions in
- * the trace.
- */
- export function flattenRelevantPaths(
- currentEvent: Event,
- traceFull: TraceFull
- ): TraceLite {
- const relevantPath: TraceLite = [];
- const events: TraceFull[] = [];
- /**
- * First find a path from the root transaction to the current transaction via
- * a breadth first search. This adds all transactions from the root to the
- * current transaction (excluding the current transaction itself), to the
- * relevant path.
- */
- const paths: PathNode[] = [{event: traceFull, path: []}];
- while (paths.length) {
- const current = paths.shift()!;
- if (isCurrentEvent(current.event, currentEvent)) {
- for (const node of current.path) {
- relevantPath.push(node);
- }
- events.push(current.event);
- } else {
- const path = [...current.path, simplifyEvent(current.event)];
- for (const child of current.event.children) {
- paths.push({event: child, path});
- }
- }
- }
- if (!events.length) {
- throw new Error('No relevant path exists!');
- }
- /**
- * Traverse all transactions from current transaction onwards and add
- * them all to the relevant path.
- */
- while (events.length) {
- const current = events.shift()!;
- for (const child of current.children) {
- events.push(child);
- }
- relevantPath.push(simplifyEvent(current));
- }
- return relevantPath;
- }
- function simplifyEvent(event: TraceFull): QuickTraceEvent {
- return omit(event, ['children']);
- }
- type ParsedQuickTrace = {
- /**
- * `[]` represents the lack of ancestors in a full trace navigator
- * `null` represents the uncertainty of ancestors in a lite trace navigator
- */
- ancestors: QuickTraceEvent[] | null;
- /**
- * `[]` represents the lack of children in a full/lite trace navigator
- */
- children: QuickTraceEvent[];
- current: QuickTraceEvent;
- /**
- * `[]` represents the lack of descendants in a full trace navigator
- * `null` represents the uncertainty of descendants in a lite trace navigator
- */
- descendants: QuickTraceEvent[] | null;
- /**
- * `null` represents either the lack of a direct parent or the uncertainty
- * of what the parent is
- */
- parent: QuickTraceEvent | null;
- /**
- * `null` represents the lack of a root. It may still have a parent
- */
- root: QuickTraceEvent | null;
- };
- export function parseQuickTrace(
- quickTrace: QuickTrace,
- event: Event,
- organization: OrganizationSummary
- ): ParsedQuickTrace | null {
- const {type, trace} = quickTrace;
- if (type === 'empty' || trace === null) {
- throw new Error('Current event not in trace navigator!');
- }
- const isFullTrace = type === 'full';
- const current = trace.find(e => isCurrentEvent(e, event)) ?? null;
- if (current === null) {
- throw new Error('Current event not in trace navigator!');
- }
- /**
- * The parent event is the direct ancestor of the current event.
- * This takes priority over the root, meaning if the parent is
- * the root of the trace, this favours showing it as the parent.
- */
- const parent = current.parent_event_id
- ? trace.find(e => e.event_id === current.parent_event_id) ?? null
- : null;
- /**
- * The root event is the first event in the trace. This has lower priority
- * than the parent event, meaning if the root event is the parent event of
- * the current event, this favours showing it as the parent event.
- */
- const root =
- trace.find(
- e =>
- // a root can't be the current event
- e.event_id !== current.event_id &&
- // a root can't be the direct parent
- e.event_id !== parent?.event_id &&
- // a root has to to be the first generation
- e.generation === 0
- ) ?? null;
- const isChildren = e => e.parent_event_id === current.event_id;
- const isDescendant = e =>
- // the current generation needs to be known to determine a descendant
- current.generation !== null &&
- // the event's generation needs to be known to determine a descendant
- e.generation !== null &&
- // a descendant is the generation after the direct children
- current.generation + 1 < e.generation;
- const isAncestor = e =>
- // the current generation needs to be known to determine an ancestor
- current.generation !== null &&
- // the event's generation needs to be known to determine an ancestor
- e.generation !== null &&
- // an ancestor can't be the root
- e.generation > 0 &&
- // an ancestor is the generation before the direct parent
- current.generation - 1 > e.generation;
- const ancestors: TraceLite | null = isFullTrace ? [] : null;
- const children: TraceLite = [];
- const descendants: TraceLite | null = isFullTrace ? [] : null;
- const projects = new Set();
- trace.forEach(e => {
- projects.add(e.project_id);
- if (isChildren(e)) {
- children.push(e);
- } else if (isFullTrace) {
- if (isAncestor(e)) {
- ancestors?.push(e);
- } else if (isDescendant(e)) {
- descendants?.push(e);
- }
- }
- });
- if (isFullTrace && projects.size > 1) {
- handleProjectMeta(organization, projects.size);
- }
- return {
- root,
- ancestors: ancestors === null ? null : sortTraceLite(ancestors),
- parent,
- current,
- children: sortTraceLite(children),
- descendants: descendants === null ? null : sortTraceLite(descendants),
- };
- }
- function sortTraceLite(trace: TraceLite): TraceLite {
- return trace.sort((a, b) => b['transaction.duration'] - a['transaction.duration']);
- }
- export function getTraceRequestPayload({
- eventView,
- location,
- }: Pick<DiscoverQueryProps, 'eventView' | 'location'>) {
- return omit(eventView.getEventsAPIPayload(location), ['field', 'sort', 'per_page']);
- }
- export function makeEventView({
- start,
- end,
- statsPeriod,
- }: {
- end?: string;
- start?: string;
- statsPeriod?: string | null;
- }) {
- return EventView.fromSavedQuery({
- id: undefined,
- version: 2,
- name: '',
- // This field doesn't actually do anything,
- // just here to satisfy a constraint in EventView.
- fields: ['transaction.duration'],
- projects: [ALL_ACCESS_PROJECTS],
- query: '',
- environment: [],
- start,
- end,
- range: statsPeriod ?? undefined,
- });
- }
- export function getTraceTimeRangeFromEvent(event: Event): {end: string; start: string} {
- const start = isTransaction(event)
- ? event.startTimestamp
- : moment(event.dateReceived ? event.dateReceived : event.dateCreated).valueOf() /
- 1000;
- const end = isTransaction(event) ? event.endTimestamp : start;
- return getTraceDateTimeRange({start, end});
- }
- export function reduceTrace<T>(
- trace: TraceFullDetailed,
- visitor: (acc: T, e: TraceFullDetailed) => T,
- initialValue: T
- ): T {
- let result = initialValue;
- const events = [trace];
- while (events.length) {
- const current = events.pop()!;
- for (const child of current.children) {
- events.push(child);
- }
- result = visitor(result, current);
- }
- return result;
- }
- export function filterTrace(
- trace: TraceFullDetailed,
- predicate: (transaction: TraceFullDetailed) => boolean
- ): TraceFullDetailed[] {
- return reduceTrace<TraceFullDetailed[]>(
- trace,
- (transactions, transaction) => {
- if (predicate(transaction)) {
- transactions.push(transaction);
- }
- return transactions;
- },
- []
- );
- }
- export function isTraceTransaction<U extends TraceFull | TraceFullDetailed>(
- transaction: TraceRoot | TraceError | QuickTraceEvent | U
- ): transaction is U {
- return 'event_id' in transaction;
- }
- export function isTraceError(
- transaction: TraceRoot | TraceError | TraceFullDetailed
- ): transaction is TraceError {
- return 'level' in transaction;
- }
- export function isTraceRoot(
- transaction: TraceRoot | TraceError | TraceFullDetailed
- ): transaction is TraceRoot {
- return 'traceSlug' in transaction;
- }
- export function isTraceSplitResult<U extends object, V extends object>(
- result: U | V
- ): result is U {
- return 'transactions' in result;
- }
- function handleProjectMeta(organization: OrganizationSummary, projects: number) {
- trackAnalytics('quick_trace.connected_services', {
- organization: organization.id,
- projects,
- });
- }