123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313 |
- from __future__ import annotations
- import logging
- import re
- from typing import Any
- from urllib.parse import parse_qsl, urlparse
- from django.urls import reverse
- from oauthlib.oauth1 import SIGNATURE_RSA
- from requests import PreparedRequest
- from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1
- from sentry.identity.services.identity.model import RpcIdentity
- from sentry.integrations.client import ApiClient
- from sentry.integrations.services.integration.model import RpcIntegration
- from sentry.models.integrations.integration import Integration
- from sentry.shared_integrations.exceptions import ApiError
- from sentry.silo.base import control_silo_function
- from sentry.utils import jwt
- from sentry.utils.http import absolute_uri
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- JIRA_KEY = f"{urlparse(absolute_uri()).hostname}.jira"
- ISSUE_KEY_RE = re.compile(r"^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*-\d+$")
- CUSTOMFIELD_PREFIX = "customfield_"
- class JiraServerClient(ApiClient):
- COMMENTS_URL = "/rest/api/2/issue/%s/comment"
- COMMENT_URL = "/rest/api/2/issue/%s/comment/%s"
- STATUS_URL = "/rest/api/2/status"
- CREATE_URL = "/rest/api/2/issue"
- ISSUE_URL = "/rest/api/2/issue/%s"
- ISSUE_FIELDS_URL = "/rest/api/2/issue/createmeta/%s/issuetypes/%s"
- ISSUE_TYPES_URL = "/rest/api/2/issue/createmeta/%s/issuetypes"
- PRIORITIES_URL = "/rest/api/2/priority"
- PROJECT_URL = "/rest/api/2/project"
- SEARCH_URL = "/rest/api/2/search/"
- VERSIONS_URL = "/rest/api/2/project/%s/versions"
- USERS_URL = "/rest/api/2/user/assignable/search"
- USER_URL = "/rest/api/2/user"
- SERVER_INFO_URL = "/rest/api/2/serverInfo"
- ASSIGN_URL = "/rest/api/2/issue/%s/assignee"
- TRANSITION_URL = "/rest/api/2/issue/%s/transitions"
- AUTOCOMPLETE_URL = "/rest/api/2/jql/autocompletedata/suggestions"
- PROPERTIES_URL = "/rest/api/3/issue/%s/properties/%s"
- integration_name = "jira_server"
- # This timeout is completely arbitrary. Jira doesn't give us any
- # caching headers to work with. Ideally we want a duration that
- # lets the user make their second jira issue with cached data.
- cache_time = 240
- def __init__(
- self,
- integration: RpcIntegration | Integration,
- identity: RpcIdentity,
- logging_context: Any | None = None,
- ):
- self.base_url = integration.metadata["base_url"]
- self.identity = identity
- super().__init__(
- integration_id=integration.id,
- verify_ssl=integration.metadata["verify_ssl"],
- logging_context=logging_context,
- )
- def get_cache_prefix(self):
- return "sentry-jira-server:"
- def finalize_request(self, prepared_request: PreparedRequest) -> PreparedRequest:
- return self.authorize_request(prepared_request=prepared_request)
- def authorize_request(self, prepared_request: PreparedRequest):
- """Jira Server authorizes with RSA-signed OAuth1 scheme"""
- if not self.identity:
- return prepared_request
- auth_scheme = OAuth1(
- client_key=self.identity.data["consumer_key"],
- rsa_key=self.identity.data["private_key"],
- resource_owner_key=self.identity.data["access_token"],
- resource_owner_secret=self.identity.data["access_token_secret"],
- signature_method=SIGNATURE_RSA,
- signature_type="auth_header",
- decoding=None,
- )
- prepared_request.prepare_auth(auth=auth_scheme)
- return prepared_request
- def user_id_get_param(self):
- return "username"
- def user_id_field(self):
- return "name"
- def user_query_param(self):
- return "username"
- def get_issue(self, issue_id):
- return self.get(self.ISSUE_URL % (issue_id,))
- def search_issues(self, query):
- q = query.replace('"', '\\"')
- # check if it looks like an issue id
- if ISSUE_KEY_RE.match(query):
- jql = f'id="{q}"'
- else:
- jql = f'text ~ "{q}"'
- return self.get(self.SEARCH_URL, params={"jql": jql})
- def create_comment(self, issue_key, comment):
- return self.post(self.COMMENTS_URL % issue_key, data={"body": comment})
- def update_comment(self, issue_key, comment_id, comment):
- return self.put(self.COMMENT_URL % (issue_key, comment_id), data={"body": comment})
- def get_projects_list(self, cached: bool = True):
- if not cached:
- return self.get(self.PROJECT_URL)
- return self.get_cached(self.PROJECT_URL)
- def get_issue_types(self, project_id):
- # Get a list of issue types for the given project
- return self.get_cached(self.ISSUE_TYPES_URL % (project_id))
- def get_issue_fields(self, project_id, issue_type_id):
- # Get a list of fields for the issue type and project
- return self.get_cached(self.ISSUE_FIELDS_URL % (project_id, issue_type_id))
- def get_project_key_for_id(self, project_id) -> str:
- if not project_id:
- return ""
- projects = self.get_projects_list()
- for project in projects:
- if project["id"] == project_id:
- return project["key"]
- return ""
- def get_versions(self, project):
- return self.get_cached(self.VERSIONS_URL % project)
- def get_priorities(self):
- """
- XXX(schew2381): There is an existing bug where we fetch and show all project priorities instead of scoping
- them to the selected project. This is fine when manually creating a Jira Server issue b/c we surface that
- the selected priority is not available. However for the alert rule action, you can save the action with an
- invalid priority for the chosen project. We surface this issue externally in our docs:
- https://docs.sentry.io/product/integrations/issue-tracking/jira/#issue-alert-not-creating-jira-issues
- We are limited by the Jira Server API b/c fetching priorities requires global/project admin permissions.
- There is currently no workaround for this!
- Please DO NOT attempt to use the following APIs:
- https://docs.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/api/REST/9.11.0/#api/2/priorityschemes-getPrioritySchemes
- https://docs.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/api/REST/9.11.0/#api/2/project/{projectKeyOrId}/priorityscheme-getAssignedPriorityScheme
- """
- return self.get_cached(self.PRIORITIES_URL)
- def get_users_for_project(self, project):
- # Jira Server wants a project key, while cloud is indifferent.
- project_key = self.get_project_key_for_id(project)
- return self.get_cached(self.USERS_URL, params={"project": project_key})
- def search_users_for_project(self, project, username):
- # Jira Server wants a project key, while cloud is indifferent.
- project_key = self.get_project_key_for_id(project)
- return self.get_cached(
- self.USERS_URL, params={"project": project_key, self.user_query_param(): username}
- )
- def search_users_for_issue(self, issue_key, email):
- return self.get_cached(
- self.USERS_URL, params={"issueKey": issue_key, self.user_query_param(): email}
- )
- def get_user(self, user_id):
- user_id_get_param = self.user_id_get_param()
- return self.get_cached(self.USER_URL, params={user_id_get_param: user_id})
- def create_issue(self, raw_form_data):
- data = {"fields": raw_form_data}
- return self.post(self.CREATE_URL, data=data)
- def get_server_info(self):
- return self.get(self.SERVER_INFO_URL)
- def get_valid_statuses(self):
- return self.get_cached(self.STATUS_URL)
- def get_transitions(self, issue_key):
- return self.get_cached(self.TRANSITION_URL % issue_key)["transitions"]
- def transition_issue(self, issue_key, transition_id):
- return self.post(
- self.TRANSITION_URL % issue_key, data={"transition": {"id": transition_id}}
- )
- def assign_issue(self, key, name_or_account_id):
- user_id_field = self.user_id_field()
- return self.put(self.ASSIGN_URL % key, data={user_id_field: name_or_account_id})
- def set_issue_property(self, issue_key, badge_num):
- module_key = "sentry-issues-glance"
- properties_key = f"com.atlassian.jira.issue:{JIRA_KEY}:{module_key}:status"
- data = {"type": "badge", "value": {"label": badge_num}}
- return self.put(self.PROPERTIES_URL % (issue_key, properties_key), data=data)
- def get_field_autocomplete(self, name, value):
- if name.startswith(CUSTOMFIELD_PREFIX):
- # Transform `customfield_0123` into `cf[0123]`
- cf_id = name[len(CUSTOMFIELD_PREFIX) :]
- jql_name = f"cf[{cf_id}]"
- else:
- jql_name = name
- return self.get_cached(
- self.AUTOCOMPLETE_URL, params={"fieldName": jql_name, "fieldValue": value}
- )
- class JiraServerSetupClient(ApiClient):
- """
- Client for making requests to JiraServer to follow OAuth1 flow.
- Jira OAuth1 docs: https://developer.atlassian.com/server/jira/platform/oauth/
- """
- request_token_url = "{}/plugins/servlet/oauth/request-token"
- access_token_url = "{}/plugins/servlet/oauth/access-token"
- authorize_url = "{}/plugins/servlet/oauth/authorize?oauth_token={}"
- integration_name = "jira_server_setup"
- @control_silo_function
- def __init__(self, base_url, consumer_key, private_key, verify_ssl=True):
- self.base_url = base_url
- self.consumer_key = consumer_key
- self.private_key = private_key
- self.verify_ssl = verify_ssl
- def get_request_token(self):
- """
- Step 1 of the oauth flow.
- Get a request token that we can have the user verify.
- """
- url = self.request_token_url.format(self.base_url)
- resp = self.post(url, allow_text=True)
- return dict(parse_qsl(resp.text))
- def get_authorize_url(self, request_token):
- """
- Step 2 of the oauth flow.
- Get a URL that the user can verify our request token at.
- """
- return self.authorize_url.format(self.base_url, request_token["oauth_token"])
- def get_access_token(self, request_token, verifier):
- """
- Step 3 of the oauth flow.
- Use the verifier and request token from step 1 to get an access token.
- """
- if not verifier:
- raise ApiError("Missing OAuth token verifier")
- auth = OAuth1(
- client_key=self.consumer_key,
- resource_owner_key=request_token["oauth_token"],
- resource_owner_secret=request_token["oauth_token_secret"],
- verifier=verifier,
- rsa_key=self.private_key,
- signature_method=SIGNATURE_RSA,
- signature_type="auth_header",
- decoding=None,
- )
- url = self.access_token_url.format(self.base_url)
- resp = self.post(url, auth=auth, allow_text=True)
- return dict(parse_qsl(resp.text))
- def create_issue_webhook(self, external_id, secret, credentials):
- auth = OAuth1(
- client_key=credentials["consumer_key"],
- rsa_key=credentials["private_key"],
- resource_owner_key=credentials["access_token"],
- resource_owner_secret=credentials["access_token_secret"],
- signature_method=SIGNATURE_RSA,
- signature_type="auth_header",
- decoding=None,
- )
- # Create a JWT token that we can add to the webhook URL
- # so we can locate the matching integration later.
- token = jwt.encode({"id": external_id}, secret)
- path = reverse("sentry-extensions-jiraserver-issue-updated", kwargs={"token": token})
- data = {
- "name": "Sentry Issue Sync",
- "url": absolute_uri(path),
- "events": ["jira:issue_created", "jira:issue_updated"],
- }
- return self.post("/rest/webhooks/1.0/webhook", auth=auth, data=data)
- def request(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Add OAuth1 RSA signatures.
- """
- if "auth" not in kwargs:
- kwargs["auth"] = OAuth1(
- client_key=self.consumer_key,
- rsa_key=self.private_key,
- signature_method=SIGNATURE_RSA,
- signature_type="auth_header",
- decoding=None,
- )
- return self._request(*args, **kwargs)