1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859 |
- [build-system]
- requires = ["setuptools>=40.2.0", "wheel"]
- build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
- [tool.black]
- line-length=100
- target-version=['py38']
- [tool.isort]
- profile = "black"
- line_length = 100
- lines_between_sections = 1
- known_first_party = "sentry"
- skip = "migrations"
- [tool.pytest.ini_options]
- addopts = "-ra --tb=short --strict-markers -p no:celery"
- markers = [
- "snuba: mark a test as requiring snuba",
- "itunes: test requires iTunes interaction, skipped unless --itunes is provided",
- "getsentryllc: test requires credentials for the GetSentry LLC organisation in Apple App Store Connect",
- ]
- selenium_driver = "chrome"
- filterwarnings = [
- "error",
- "ignore:Unknown config option.*looponfailroots:pytest.PytestConfigWarning",
- "ignore::django.utils.deprecation.RemovedInDjango30Warning",
- "ignore::DeprecationWarning",
- "error:Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections':DeprecationWarning",
- "ignore:The `channel` argument is deprecated; use `transport` instead.:PendingDeprecationWarning:google.cloud.bigtable*",
- "ignore:DateTimeField.*naive datetime:RuntimeWarning",
- "ignore:.*sentry.digests.backends.dummy.DummyBackend.*:sentry.utils.warnings.UnsupportedBackend",
- ]
- looponfailroots = ["src", "tests"]