setup.cfg 1.2 KB

  1. [tool:pytest]
  2. python_files = test*.py
  3. addopts = --tb=native -p no:doctest -p no:warnings
  4. norecursedirs = bin dist docs htmlcov script hooks node_modules .* {args}
  5. looponfailroots = src tests
  6. selenium_driver = chrome
  7. markers =
  8. snuba: mark a test as requiring snuba
  9. [flake8]
  10. ignore = F999,E501,E128,E124,E402,W503,E731,C901,B007,B306,B009,B010
  11. max-line-length = 100
  12. exclude = .venv/.git,*/south_migrations/*,node_modules/*,src/sentry/static/sentry/vendor/*,docs/*,src/south/*,examples/*
  13. [bdist_wheel]
  14. python-tag = py27
  15. [pep8]
  16. max-line-length = 100
  17. # W690 is wrong (e.g. it causes functools.reduce to be imported, which is not compat with Python 3)
  18. # E700 isnt that important
  19. # E701 isnt that important
  20. # E711 could be incorrect
  21. # E712 could be incorrect
  22. # E721 says "always use isinstance" which is not the same as type()
  23. ignore = W690,E701,E70,E711,E721
  24. aggressive = 1
  25. exclude = */south_migrations/*
  26. [coverage:run]
  27. omit =
  28. src/sentry/south_migrations/*
  29. src/sentry/migrations/*
  30. source =
  31. src
  32. tests
  33. [isort]
  34. line_length=100
  35. lines_between_sections=1
  36. multi_line_output=5
  37. known_first_party=sentry
  38. default_section=THIRDPARTY
  39. forced_separate=django.contrib,django.utils
  40. indent=' '