well.stories.js 635 B

  1. import React from 'react';
  2. import {storiesOf} from '@storybook/react';
  3. import {withInfo} from '@storybook/addon-info';
  4. import {withKnobs, boolean} from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
  5. import Well from 'app/components/well';
  6. const stories = storiesOf('UI|Well', module);
  7. stories.addDecorator(withKnobs);
  8. stories.add(
  9. 'default',
  10. withInfo('Well is a container that adds background and padding')(() => {
  11. const hasImage = boolean('hasImage', false);
  12. const centered = boolean('centered', false);
  13. return (
  14. <Well hasImage={hasImage} centered={centered}>
  15. <p>Some content in the well</p>
  16. </Well>
  17. );
  18. })
  19. );