mutedBox.stories.js 1.1 KB

  1. import React from 'react';
  2. import {storiesOf} from '@storybook/react';
  3. import {withInfo} from '@storybook/addon-info';
  4. import MutedBox from 'app/components/mutedBox';
  5. storiesOf('UI|Muted Box', module)
  6. .add('default', withInfo('Default')(() => <MutedBox statusDetails={{}} />))
  7. .add(
  8. 'ignoreUntil',
  9. withInfo('Ignore until timestamp')(() => (
  10. <MutedBox statusDetails={{ignoreUntil: '2017-06-21T19:45:10Z'}} />
  11. ))
  12. )
  13. .add(
  14. 'ignoreCount',
  15. withInfo('Ignore until "count"')(() => (
  16. <MutedBox statusDetails={{ignoreCount: 100}} />
  17. ))
  18. )
  19. .add(
  20. 'ignoreCount w/ ignoreWindow',
  21. withInfo('Ignore count with window')(() => (
  22. <MutedBox statusDetails={{ignoreCount: 100, ignoreWindow: 1}} />
  23. ))
  24. )
  25. .add(
  26. 'ignoreUserCount',
  27. withInfo('Ignore user count')(() => (
  28. <MutedBox statusDetails={{ignoreUserCount: 100}} />
  29. ))
  30. )
  31. .add(
  32. 'ignoreUserCount w/ ignoreUserWindow',
  33. withInfo('Ignore user count with window')(() => (
  34. <MutedBox statusDetails={{ignoreUserCount: 100, ignoreUserWindow: 1}} />
  35. ))
  36. );