123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116 |
- import {Fragment} from 'react';
- import {render, screen} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary';
- import {formatMongoDBQuery} from 'sentry/views/insights/database/utils/formatMongoDBQuery';
- describe('formatMongoDBQuery', function () {
- it('correctly formats MongoDB JSON strings and can handle all primitive types', function () {
- const query =
- '{"stringKey":"test","insert":"my_collection","numericKey":7,"booleanKey":true,"nullKey":null}';
- const tokenizedQuery = formatMongoDBQuery(query, 'insert');
- render(<Fragment>{tokenizedQuery}</Fragment>);
- const boldedText = screen.getByText(/"insert": "my_collection"/i);
- expect(boldedText).toBeInTheDocument();
- // It should be bolded and correctly spaced
- expect(boldedText).toContainHTML('<b>"insert": "my_collection"</b>');
- // Get the other tokens and confirm they are not bolded
- const stringToken = screen.getByText(/"stringkey": "test"/i);
- const numericToken = screen.getByText(/"numerickey": 7/i);
- const booleanToken = screen.getByText(/"booleankey": true/i);
- const nullToken = screen.getByText(/"nullkey": null/i);
- expect(stringToken).toContainHTML('<span>"stringKey": "test"</span>');
- expect(numericToken).toContainHTML('<span>"numericKey": 7</span>');
- expect(booleanToken).toContainHTML('<span>"booleanKey": true</span>');
- expect(nullToken).toContainHTML('<span>"nullKey": null</span>');
- });
- it('correctly formats MongoDB JSON strings that includes nested objects', function () {
- const query =
- '{"objectKey":{"nestedObject":{"deeplyNested":{}}},"somethingElse":100,"find":"my_collection"}';
- const tokenizedQuery = formatMongoDBQuery(query, 'find');
- render(<Fragment>{tokenizedQuery}</Fragment>);
- const boldedText = screen.getByText(/"find": "my_collection"/i);
- expect(boldedText).toBeInTheDocument();
- // It should be bolded and correctly spaced
- expect(boldedText).toContainHTML('<b>"find": "my_collection"</b>');
- const objToken = screen.getByText(/"objectkey": \{/i);
- expect(objToken).toContainHTML(
- '<span>"objectKey": { "nestedObject": { "deeplyNested": {} } }</span>'
- );
- });
- it('correctly formats MongoDB JSON strings that include arrays', function () {
- const query =
- '{"arrayKey":[1,2,{"objInArray":{"objInObjInArray":{}}},3,4],"somethingElse":100,"delete":"my_collection"}';
- const tokenizedQuery = formatMongoDBQuery(query, 'delete');
- render(<Fragment>{tokenizedQuery}</Fragment>);
- const boldedText = screen.getByText(/"delete": "my_collection"/i);
- expect(boldedText).toBeInTheDocument();
- // It should be bolded and correctly spaced
- expect(boldedText).toContainHTML('<b>"delete": "my_collection"</b>');
- const arrayToken = screen.getByText(/"arraykey": \[/i);
- expect(arrayToken).toContainHTML(
- '<span>"arrayKey": [1, 2, { "objInArray": { "objInObjInArray": {} } }, 3, 4]</span>'
- );
- });
- it('correctly formats MongoDB JSON strings that include nested arrays', function () {
- const query =
- '{"deeplyNestedArrayWithObjects":[1,2,3,[1,2,[null,true,[{},{},{"test":[[1,2],[3,4]]},{}]]],4],"findOneAndDelete":"my_collection"}';
- const tokenizedQuery = formatMongoDBQuery(query, 'findOneAndDelete');
- render(<Fragment>{tokenizedQuery}</Fragment>);
- const boldedText = screen.getByText(/"findOneAndDelete": "my_collection"/i);
- expect(boldedText).toBeInTheDocument();
- // It should be bolded and correctly spaced
- expect(boldedText).toContainHTML('<b>"findOneAndDelete": "my_collection"</b>');
- const clusterFudgeToken = screen.getByText(
- /"deeplynestedarraywithobjects": \[1, 2, 3, \[1, 2, \[null, true, \[\{\}, \{\}, \{ "test": \[\[1, 2\], \[3, 4\]\] \}, \{\}\]\]\], 4\]/i
- );
- expect(clusterFudgeToken).toContainHTML(
- '<span>"deeplyNestedArrayWithObjects": [1, 2, 3, [1, 2, [null, true, [{}, {}, { "test": [[1, 2], [3, 4]] }, {}]]], 4]</span>'
- );
- });
- it('handles truncated MongoDB query strings by repairing the JSON', function () {
- const query = `{"_id":{},"test":"?","insert":"some_collection","address":"?","details":{"email":"?","nam*`;
- const tokenizedQuery = formatMongoDBQuery(query, 'insert');
- render(<Fragment>{tokenizedQuery}</Fragment>);
- const boldedText = screen.getByText(/"insert": "some_collection"/i);
- expect(boldedText).toContainHTML('<b>"insert": "some_collection"</b>');
- // The last entry in this case will be repaired by assigning a null value to the incomplete key
- const truncatedEntry = screen.getByText(
- /"details": \{ "email": "\?", "nam\*": null \}/i
- );
- expect(truncatedEntry).toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- it('properly handles formatting MongoDB queries when the operation entry is the last entry', function () {
- const query = `{"first_key":"first_value","second_key":"second_value","findOne":"my_collection"}`;
- const tokenizedQuery = formatMongoDBQuery(query, 'findOne');
- render(<Fragment>{tokenizedQuery}</Fragment>);
- const boldedText = screen.getByText(/"findOne": "my_collection"/i);
- expect(boldedText).toContainHTML('<b>"findOne": "my_collection"</b>');
- const commaTokens = screen.getAllByText(',');
- expect(commaTokens).toHaveLength(2);
- });
- });