spanOperationTable.spec.tsx 5.0 KB

  1. import {LocationFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/locationFixture';
  2. import {OrganizationFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/organization';
  3. import {ProjectFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/project';
  4. import {render, screen, waitFor} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary';
  5. import {useLocation} from 'sentry/utils/useLocation';
  6. import usePageFilters from 'sentry/utils/usePageFilters';
  7. import {SpanOperationTable} from 'sentry/views/insights/mobile/appStarts/components/tables/spanOperationTable';
  8. jest.mock('sentry/utils/usePageFilters');
  9. jest.mock('sentry/utils/useLocation');
  10. describe('SpanOpSelector', function () {
  11. const organization = OrganizationFixture();
  12. const project = ProjectFixture();
  13. let mockEventsRequest;
  14. jest.mocked(usePageFilters).mockReturnValue({
  15. isReady: true,
  16. desyncedFilters: new Set(),
  17. pinnedFilters: new Set(),
  18. shouldPersist: true,
  19. selection: {
  20. datetime: {
  21. period: '10d',
  22. start: null,
  23. end: null,
  24. utc: false,
  25. },
  26. environments: [],
  27. projects: [parseInt(, 10)],
  28. },
  29. });
  30. jest.mocked(useLocation).mockReturnValue(LocationFixture());
  31. beforeEach(function () {
  32. MockApiClient.clearMockResponses();
  33. mockEventsRequest = MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
  34. url: `/organizations/${organization.slug}/events/`,
  35. body: {
  36. meta: {
  37. fields: {
  38. '': 'integer',
  39. 'span.op': 'string',
  40. 'span.description': 'string',
  41. '': 'string',
  42. 'avg_if(span.self_time,release,release1)': 'duration',
  43. 'avg_compare(span.self_time,release,release1,release2)': 'percent_change',
  44. 'count()': 'integer',
  45. 'avg_if(span.self_time,release,release2)': 'duration',
  46. 'sum(span.self_time)': 'duration',
  47. },
  48. },
  49. data: [
  50. {
  51. '': parseInt(, 10),
  52. 'span.op': 'app.start.warm',
  53. 'span.description': 'Application Init',
  54. '': '7f4be68f08c0455f',
  55. 'avg_if(span.self_time,release,release1)': 22.549867,
  56. 'avg_compare(span.self_time,release,release1,release2)': 0.5,
  57. 'count()': 14,
  58. 'avg_if(span.self_time,release,release2)': 12504.931908384617,
  59. 'sum(span.self_time)': 162586.66467600001,
  60. },
  61. ],
  62. },
  63. });
  64. });
  65. it('renders data properly', async function () {
  66. render(
  67. <SpanOperationTable
  68. transaction="foo-bar"
  69. primaryRelease="release1"
  70. secondaryRelease="release2"
  71. />
  72. );
  73. expect(await screen.findByRole('link', {name: 'Operation'})).toBeInTheDocument();
  74. expect(screen.getByRole('link', {name: 'Span Description'})).toBeInTheDocument();
  75. expect(screen.getByRole('link', {name: 'Avg Duration (R1)'})).toBeInTheDocument();
  76. expect(screen.getByRole('link', {name: 'Avg Duration (R2)'})).toBeInTheDocument();
  77. expect(screen.getByRole('link', {name: 'Change'})).toBeInTheDocument();
  78. expect(await screen.findByRole('cell', {name: 'app.start.warm'})).toBeInTheDocument();
  79. expect(screen.getByRole('cell', {name: 'Application Init'})).toBeInTheDocument();
  80. expect(screen.getByRole('cell', {name: '22.55ms'})).toBeInTheDocument();
  81. expect(screen.getByRole('cell', {name: '12.50s'})).toBeInTheDocument();
  82. expect(screen.getByRole('cell', {name: '+50%'})).toBeInTheDocument();
  83. expect(screen.getByRole('link', {name: 'Application Init'})).toHaveAttribute(
  84. 'href',
  85. '/organizations/org-slug/insights/mobile/app-startup/spans/?spanDescription=Application%20Init&spanGroup=7f4be68f08c0455f&spanOp=app.start.warm&transaction=foo-bar'
  86. );
  87. });
  88. it('modifies the request to events when a span operation is selected', async function () {
  89. // Mock useLocation to simulate the span op query param
  90. jest.mocked(useLocation).mockReturnValue(
  91. LocationFixture({
  92. query: {
  93. 'span.op': 'app.start.cold',
  94. },
  95. })
  96. );
  97. MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
  98. url: `/organizations/${organization.slug}/events/`,
  99. body: {
  100. meta: {
  101. fields: {
  102. 'span.op': 'string',
  103. 'count()': 'integer',
  104. },
  105. },
  106. data: [
  107. {
  108. 'span.op': 'app.start.cold',
  109. 'count()': 1,
  110. },
  111. ],
  112. },
  113. match: [
  114. function (_url: string, options: Record<string, any>) {
  115. return options?.query?.referrer === 'api.starfish.get-span-operations';
  116. },
  117. ],
  118. });
  119. render(
  120. <SpanOperationTable
  121. transaction="foo-bar"
  122. primaryRelease="release1"
  123. secondaryRelease="release2"
  124. />
  125. );
  126. await waitFor(function () {
  127. expect(mockEventsRequest).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
  128. '/organizations/org-slug/events/',
  129. expect.objectContaining({
  130. query: expect.objectContaining({
  131. query: expect.stringContaining('span.op:app.start.cold'),
  132. }),
  133. })
  134. );
  135. });
  136. });
  137. });