import {useLayoutEffect, useRef, useState} from 'react'; import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import {mat3, vec2} from 'gl-matrix'; import type {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import type {Organization} from 'sentry/types'; import {getDuration} from 'sentry/utils/formatters'; import clamp from 'sentry/utils/number/clamp'; import type { TraceError, TracePerformanceIssue, } from 'sentry/utils/performance/quickTrace/types'; import {requestAnimationTimeout} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/hooks/useVirtualizedTree/virtualizedTreeUtils'; import {lightTheme as theme} from 'sentry/utils/theme'; import { isAutogroupedNode, isMissingInstrumentationNode, isParentAutogroupedNode, isSiblingAutogroupedNode, isSpanNode, isTraceErrorNode, isTransactionNode, } from 'sentry/views/performance/newTraceDetails/guards'; import { type TraceTree, TraceTreeNode, } from 'sentry/views/performance/newTraceDetails/traceTree'; const DIVIDER_WIDTH = 6; function easeOutSine(x: number): number { return Math.sin((x * Math.PI) / 2); } type ViewColumn = { column_nodes: TraceTreeNode[]; column_refs: (HTMLElement | undefined)[]; translate: [number, number]; width: number; }; class View { public x: number; public y: number; public width: number; public height: number; constructor(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; } static From(view: View): View { return new View(view.x, view.y, view.width, view.height); } static Empty(): View { return new View(0, 0, 1000, 1); } serialize() { return [this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height]; } between(to: View): mat3 { return mat3.fromValues( to.width / this.width, 0, 0, to.height / this.height, 0, 0, to.x - this.x * (to.width / this.width), to.y - this.y * (to.height / this.height), 1 ); } transform(mat: mat3): [number, number, number, number] { const x = this.x * mat[0] + this.y * mat[3] + mat[6]; const y = this.x * mat[1] + this.y * mat[4] + mat[7]; const width = this.width * mat[0] + this.height * mat[3]; const height = this.width * mat[1] + this.height * mat[4]; return [x, y, width, height]; } get center() { return this.x + this.width / 2; } get left() { return this.x; } get right() { return this.x + this.width; } get top() { return this.y; } get bottom() { return this.y + this.height; } } export function computeTimelineIntervals( view: View, targetInterval: number, results: (number | undefined)[] ): void { const minInterval = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log10(targetInterval))); let interval = minInterval; if (targetInterval / interval > 5) { interval *= 5; } else if (targetInterval / interval > 2) { interval *= 2; } let x = Math.ceil(view.x / interval) * interval; let idx = -1; if (x > 0) { x -= interval; } while (x <= view.right) { results[++idx] = x; x += interval; } while (idx < results.length - 1 && results[idx + 1] !== undefined) { results[++idx] = undefined; } } type ArgumentTypes = F extends (...args: infer A) => any ? A : never; type EventStore = { [K in keyof VirtualizedViewManagerEvents]: Set; }; interface VirtualizedViewManagerEvents { ['divider resize end']: (list_width: number) => void; } /** * Tracks the state of the virtualized view and manages the resizing of the columns. * Children components should call the appropriate register*Ref methods to register their * HTML elements. */ export class VirtualizedViewManager { // Represents the space of the entire trace, for example // a trace starting at 0 and ending at 1000 would have a space of [0, 1000] to_origin: number = 0; trace_space: View = View.Empty(); // The view defines what the user is currently looking at, it is a subset // of the trace space. For example, if the user is currently looking at the // trace from 500 to 1000, the view would be represented by [x, width] = [500, 500] trace_view: View = View.Empty(); // Represents the pixel space of the entire trace - this is the container // that we render to. For example, if the container is 1000px wide, the // pixel space would be [0, 1000] trace_physical_space: View = View.Empty(); container_physical_space: View = View.Empty(); events: EventStore = { ['divider resize end']: new Set(), }; row_measurer: DOMWidthMeasurer> = new DOMWidthMeasurer(); indicator_label_measurer: DOMWidthMeasurer = new DOMWidthMeasurer(); text_measurer: TextMeasurer = new TextMeasurer(); resize_observer: ResizeObserver | null = null; list: VirtualizedList | null = null; isScrolling: boolean = false; start_virtualized_index: number = 0; // HTML refs that we need to keep track of such // that rendering can be done programmatically divider: HTMLElement | null = null; container: HTMLElement | null = null; indicator_container: HTMLElement | null = null; intervals: (number | undefined)[] = []; // We want to render an indicator every 100px, but because we dont track resizing // of the container, we need to precompute the number of intervals we need to render. // We'll oversize the count by 3x, assuming no user will ever resize the window to 3x the // original size. interval_bars = new Array(Math.ceil(window.innerWidth / 100) * 3).fill(0); indicators: ({indicator: TraceTree['indicators'][0]; ref: HTMLElement} | undefined)[] = []; timeline_indicators: (HTMLElement | undefined)[] = []; span_bars: ({ref: HTMLElement; space: [number, number]} | undefined)[] = []; invisible_bars: ({ref: HTMLElement; space: [number, number]} | undefined)[] = []; span_arrows: ( | { position: 0 | 1; ref: HTMLElement; space: [number, number]; visible: boolean; } | undefined )[] = []; span_text: ({ref: HTMLElement; space: [number, number]; text: string} | undefined)[] = []; // Holds the span to px matrix so we dont keep recalculating it span_to_px: mat3 = mat3.create(); row_depth_padding: number = 22; // Column configuration columns: { list: ViewColumn; span_list: ViewColumn; }; constructor(columns: { list: Pick; span_list: Pick; }) { this.columns = { list: {...columns.list, column_nodes: [], column_refs: [], translate: [0, 0]}, span_list: { ...columns.span_list, column_nodes: [], column_refs: [], translate: [0, 0], }, }; this.onDividerMouseDown = this.onDividerMouseDown.bind(this); this.onDividerMouseUp = this.onDividerMouseUp.bind(this); this.onDividerMouseMove = this.onDividerMouseMove.bind(this); this.onSyncedScrollbarScroll = this.onSyncedScrollbarScroll.bind(this); this.onWheelZoom = this.onWheelZoom.bind(this); this.onWheelEnd = this.onWheelEnd.bind(this); this.onWheelStart = this.onWheelStart.bind(this); } on( eventName: K, cb: VirtualizedViewManagerEvents[K] ): void { const set =[eventName] as unknown as Set; if (set.has(cb)) { return; } set.add(cb); } off( eventName: K, cb: VirtualizedViewManagerEvents[K] ): void { const set =[eventName] as unknown as Set; if (set.has(cb)) { set.delete(cb); } } dispatch( event: K, ...args: ArgumentTypes ): void { for (const handler of[event]) { // @ts-expect-error handler(...args); } } initializeTraceSpace(space: [x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number]) { this.to_origin = space[0]; this.trace_space = new View(0, 0, space[2], space[3]); this.trace_view = new View(0, 0, space[2], space[3]); this.recomputeTimelineIntervals(); this.recomputeSpanToPxMatrix(); } initializePhysicalSpace(width: number, height: number) { this.container_physical_space = new View(0, 0, width, height); this.trace_physical_space = new View( 0, 0, width * this.columns.span_list.width, height ); this.recomputeTimelineIntervals(); this.recomputeSpanToPxMatrix(); } onContainerRef(container: HTMLElement | null) { if (container) { this.initialize(container); } else { this.teardown(); } } dividerScale: 1 | undefined = undefined; dividerStartVec: [number, number] | null = null; previousDividerClientVec: [number, number] | null = null; onDividerMouseDown(event: MouseEvent) { if (!this.container) { return; } this.dividerScale = this.trace_view.width === this.trace_space.width ? 1 : undefined; this.dividerStartVec = [event.clientX, event.clientY]; this.previousDividerClientVec = [event.clientX, event.clientY]; = 'none'; document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.onDividerMouseUp, {passive: true}); document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.onDividerMouseMove, { passive: true, }); } onDividerMouseUp(event: MouseEvent) { if (!this.container || !this.dividerStartVec) { return; } this.dividerScale = undefined; const distance = event.clientX - this.dividerStartVec[0]; const distancePercentage = distance / this.container_physical_space.width; this.columns.list.width = this.columns.list.width + distancePercentage; this.columns.span_list.width = this.columns.span_list.width - distancePercentage; = 'auto'; this.dividerStartVec = null; this.previousDividerClientVec = null; this.enqueueOnScrollEndOutOfBoundsCheck(); document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.onDividerMouseUp); document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.onDividerMouseMove); this.dispatch('divider resize end', this.columns.list.width); } onDividerMouseMove(event: MouseEvent) { if (!this.dividerStartVec || !this.divider || !this.previousDividerClientVec) { return; } const distance = event.clientX - this.dividerStartVec[0]; const distancePercentage = distance / this.container_physical_space.width; this.trace_physical_space.width = (this.columns.span_list.width - distancePercentage) * this.container_physical_space.width; const physical_distance = this.previousDividerClientVec[0] - event.clientX; const config_distance_pct = physical_distance / this.trace_physical_space.width; const config_distance = this.trace_view.width * config_distance_pct; if (this.dividerScale) { // just recompute the draw matrix and let the view scale itself this.recomputeSpanToPxMatrix(); } else { this.setTraceView({ x: this.trace_view.x - config_distance, width: this.trace_view.width + config_distance, }); } this.recomputeTimelineIntervals(); this.draw({ list: this.columns.list.width + distancePercentage, span_list: this.columns.span_list.width - distancePercentage, }); this.previousDividerClientVec = [event.clientX, event.clientY]; } registerList(list: VirtualizedList | null) { this.list = list; } registerIndicatorContainerRef(ref: HTMLElement | null) { if (ref) { = this.columns.span_list.width * 100 + '%'; } this.indicator_container = ref; } registerDividerRef(ref: HTMLElement | null) { if (!ref) { if (this.divider) { this.divider.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.onDividerMouseDown); } this.divider = null; return; } this.divider = ref; = `${DIVIDER_WIDTH}px`; ref.addEventListener('mousedown', this.onDividerMouseDown, {passive: true}); } registerSpanBarRef(ref: HTMLElement | null, space: [number, number], index: number) { this.span_bars[index] = ref ? {ref, space} : undefined; } registerInvisibleBarRef( ref: HTMLElement | null, space: [number, number], index: number ) { this.invisible_bars[index] = ref ? {ref, space} : undefined; } registerArrowRef(ref: HTMLElement | null, space: [number, number], index: number) { this.span_arrows[index] = ref ? {ref, space, visible: false, position: 0} : undefined; } registerSpanBarTextRef( ref: HTMLElement | null, text: string, space: [number, number], index: number ) { this.span_text[index] = ref ? {ref, text, space} : undefined; } registerColumnRef( column: string, ref: HTMLElement | null, index: number, node: TraceTreeNode ) { if (column === 'list') { const element = this.columns[column].column_refs[index]; if (ref === undefined && element) { element.removeEventListener('wheel', this.onSyncedScrollbarScroll); } else if (ref) { const scrollableElement = ref.children[0] as HTMLElement | undefined; if (scrollableElement) { = `translateX(${this.columns.list.translate[0]}px)`; this.row_measurer.enqueueMeasure(node, scrollableElement as HTMLElement); ref.addEventListener('wheel', this.onSyncedScrollbarScroll, {passive: false}); } } } if (column === 'span_list') { const element = this.columns[column].column_refs[index]; if (ref === undefined && element) { element.removeEventListener('wheel', this.onWheelZoom); } else if (ref) { ref.addEventListener('wheel', this.onWheelZoom, {passive: false}); } } this.columns[column].column_refs[index] = ref ?? undefined; this.columns[column].column_nodes[index] = node ?? undefined; } registerIndicatorRef( ref: HTMLElement | null, index: number, indicator: TraceTree['indicators'][0] ) { if (!ref) { const element = this.indicators[index]?.ref; if (element) { element.removeEventListener('wheel', this.onWheelZoom); } this.indicators[index] = undefined; } else { this.indicators[index] = {ref, indicator}; } if (ref) { const label = ref.children[0] as HTMLElement | undefined; if (label) { this.indicator_label_measurer.enqueueMeasure(indicator, label); } ref.addEventListener('wheel', this.onWheelZoom, {passive: false}); = `translateX(${this.computeTransformXFromTimestamp( indicator.start )}px)`; } } registerTimelineIndicatorRef(ref: HTMLElement | null, index: number) { if (ref) { this.timeline_indicators[index] = ref; } else { this.timeline_indicators[index] = undefined; } } getConfigSpaceCursor(cursor: {x: number; y: number}): [number, number] { const left_percentage = cursor.x / this.trace_physical_space.width; const left_view = left_percentage * this.trace_view.width; return [this.trace_view.x + left_view, 0]; } onWheelZoom(event: WheelEvent) { if (event.metaKey) { event.preventDefault(); if (!this.onWheelEndRaf) { this.onWheelStart(); } this.enqueueOnWheelEndRaf(); const scale = 1 - event.deltaY * 0.01 * -1; const configSpaceCursor = this.getConfigSpaceCursor({ x: event.offsetX, y: event.offsetY, }); const center = vec2.fromValues(configSpaceCursor[0], 0); const centerScaleMatrix = mat3.create(); mat3.fromTranslation(centerScaleMatrix, center); mat3.scale(centerScaleMatrix, centerScaleMatrix, vec2.fromValues(scale, 1)); mat3.translate( centerScaleMatrix, centerScaleMatrix, vec2.fromValues(-center[0], 0) ); const newView = this.trace_view.transform(centerScaleMatrix); this.setTraceView({ x: newView[0], width: newView[2], }); this.draw(); } else { if (!this.onWheelEndRaf) { this.onWheelStart(); } this.enqueueOnWheelEndRaf(); const scrollingHorizontally = Math.abs(event.deltaX) >= Math.abs(event.deltaY); if (event.deltaX !== 0 && event.deltaX !== -0 && scrollingHorizontally) { event.preventDefault(); } if (scrollingHorizontally) { const physical_delta_pct = event.deltaX / this.trace_physical_space.width; const view_delta = physical_delta_pct * this.trace_view.width; this.setTraceView({ x: this.trace_view.x + view_delta, }); this.draw(); } } } onBringRowIntoView(space: [number, number]) { if (this.zoomIntoSpaceRaf !== null) { window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.zoomIntoSpaceRaf); this.zoomIntoSpaceRaf = null; } if (space[0] - this.to_origin > this.trace_view.x) { this.onZoomIntoSpace([ space[0] + space[1] / 2 - this.trace_view.width / 2, this.trace_view.width, ]); } else if (space[0] - this.to_origin < this.trace_view.x) { this.onZoomIntoSpace([ space[0] + space[1] / 2 - this.trace_view.width / 2, this.trace_view.width, ]); } } animateViewTo(node_space: [number, number]) { const start = node_space[0]; const width = node_space[1] > 0 ? node_space[1] : this.trace_view.width; const margin = 0.2 * width; this.setTraceView({x: start - margin - this.to_origin, width: width + margin * 2}); this.draw(); } zoomIntoSpaceRaf: number | null = null; onZoomIntoSpace(space: [number, number]) { if (space[1] <= 0) { // @TODO implement scrolling to 0 width spaces return; } const distance_x = space[0] - this.to_origin - this.trace_view.x; const distance_width = this.trace_view.width - space[1]; const start_x = this.trace_view.x; const start_width = this.trace_view.width; const start =; const rafCallback = (now: number) => { const elapsed = now - start; const progress = elapsed / 300; const eased = easeOutSine(progress); const x = start_x + distance_x * eased; const width = start_width - distance_width * eased; this.setTraceView({x, width}); this.draw(); if (progress < 1) { this.zoomIntoSpaceRaf = window.requestAnimationFrame(rafCallback); } else { this.zoomIntoSpaceRaf = null; this.setTraceView({x: space[0] - this.to_origin, width: space[1]}); this.draw(); } }; this.zoomIntoSpaceRaf = window.requestAnimationFrame(rafCallback); } resetZoom() { this.onZoomIntoSpace([this.to_origin, this.trace_space.width]); } onWheelEndRaf: number | null = null; enqueueOnWheelEndRaf() { if (this.onWheelEndRaf !== null) { window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.onWheelEndRaf); } const start =; const rafCallback = (now: number) => { const elapsed = now - start; if (elapsed > 200) { this.onWheelEnd(); } else { this.onWheelEndRaf = window.requestAnimationFrame(rafCallback); } }; this.onWheelEndRaf = window.requestAnimationFrame(rafCallback); } onWheelStart() { for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.span_list.column_refs.length; i++) { const span_list = this.columns.span_list.column_refs[i]; if (span_list?.children?.[0]) { (span_list.children[0] as HTMLElement).style.pointerEvents = 'none'; } const span_text = this.span_text[i]; if (span_text) { = 'none'; } } for (let i = 0; i < this.indicators.length; i++) { const indicator = this.indicators[i]; if (indicator?.ref) { = 'none'; } } } onWheelEnd() { this.onWheelEndRaf = null; for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.span_list.column_refs.length; i++) { const span_list = this.columns.span_list.column_refs[i]; if (span_list?.children?.[0]) { (span_list.children[0] as HTMLElement).style.pointerEvents = 'auto'; } const span_text = this.span_text[i]; if (span_text) { = 'auto'; } } for (let i = 0; i < this.indicators.length; i++) { const indicator = this.indicators[i]; if (indicator?.ref) { = 'auto'; } } } setTraceView(view: {width?: number; x?: number}) { // In cases where a trace might have a single error, there is no concept of a timeline if (this.trace_view.width === 0) { return; } const x = view.x ?? this.trace_view.x; const width = view.width ?? this.trace_view.width; this.trace_view.x = clamp(x, 0, this.trace_space.width - width); this.trace_view.width = clamp(width, 1, this.trace_space.width - this.trace_view.x); this.recomputeTimelineIntervals(); this.recomputeSpanToPxMatrix(); } scrollSyncRaf: number | null = null; onSyncedScrollbarScroll(event: WheelEvent) { if (this.isScrolling) { return; } const scrollingHorizontally = Math.abs(event.deltaX) >= Math.abs(event.deltaY); if (event.deltaX !== 0 && event.deltaX !== -0 && scrollingHorizontally) { event.preventDefault(); } else { return; } if (this.bringRowIntoViewAnimation !== null) { window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.bringRowIntoViewAnimation); this.bringRowIntoViewAnimation = null; } this.enqueueOnScrollEndOutOfBoundsCheck(); const newTransform = this.clampRowTransform( this.columns.list.translate[0] - event.deltaX ); if (newTransform === this.columns.list.translate[0]) { return; } this.columns.list.translate[0] = newTransform; if (this.scrollSyncRaf) { window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.scrollSyncRaf); } this.scrollSyncRaf = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.list.column_refs.length; i++) { const list = this.columns.list.column_refs[i]; if (list?.children?.[0]) { (list.children[0] as HTMLElement).style.transform = `translateX(${this.columns.list.translate[0]}px)`; } } }); } clampRowTransform(transform: number): number { const columnWidth = this.columns.list.width * this.container_physical_space.width; const max = this.row_measurer.max - columnWidth + 16; if (this.row_measurer.max < columnWidth) { return 0; } // Sometimes the wheel event glitches or jumps to a very high value if (transform > 0) { return 0; } if (transform < -max) { return -max; } return transform; } scrollEndSyncRaf: number | null = null; enqueueOnScrollEndOutOfBoundsCheck() { if (this.scrollEndSyncRaf !== null) { window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.scrollEndSyncRaf); } const start =; const rafCallback = (now: number) => { const elapsed = now - start; if (elapsed > 300) { this.onScrollEndOutOfBoundsCheck(); } else { this.scrollEndSyncRaf = window.requestAnimationFrame(rafCallback); } }; this.scrollEndSyncRaf = window.requestAnimationFrame(rafCallback); } onScrollEndOutOfBoundsCheck() { this.scrollEndSyncRaf = null; const translation = this.columns.list.translate[0]; let min = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; let max = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; let innerMostNode: TraceTreeNode | undefined; for (let i = 5; i < this.columns.span_list.column_refs.length - 5; i++) { const width = this.row_measurer.cache.get(this.columns.list.column_nodes[i]); if (width === undefined) { // this is unlikely to happen, but we should trigger a sync measure event if it does continue; } min = Math.min(min, width); max = Math.max(max, width); innerMostNode = !innerMostNode || this.columns.list.column_nodes[i].depth < innerMostNode.depth ? this.columns.list.column_nodes[i] : innerMostNode; } if (innerMostNode) { if (translation + max < 0) { this.scrollRowIntoViewHorizontally(innerMostNode); } else if ( translation + innerMostNode.depth * this.row_depth_padding > this.columns.list.width * this.container_physical_space.width ) { this.scrollRowIntoViewHorizontally(innerMostNode); } } } isOutsideOfViewOnKeyDown(node: TraceTreeNode, offset_px: number): boolean { const width = this.row_measurer.cache.get(node); if (width === undefined) { // this is unlikely to happen, but we should trigger a sync measure event if it does return false; } const translation = this.columns.list.translate[0]; return ( translation + node.depth * this.row_depth_padding < 0 || translation + node.depth * this.row_depth_padding + offset_px > this.columns.list.width * this.container_physical_space.width ); } scrollRowIntoViewHorizontally( node: TraceTreeNode, duration: number = 600, offset_px: number = 0, position: 'exact' | 'measured' = 'measured' ) { const depth_px = -node.depth * this.row_depth_padding + offset_px; const newTransform = position === 'exact' ? depth_px : this.clampRowTransform(depth_px); this.animateScrollColumnTo(newTransform, duration); } bringRowIntoViewAnimation: number | null = null; animateScrollColumnTo(x: number, duration: number) { const start =; const startPosition = this.columns.list.translate[0]; const distance = x - startPosition; const animate = (now: number) => { const elapsed = now - start; const progress = duration > 0 ? elapsed / duration : 1; const eased = easeOutSine(progress); const pos = startPosition + distance * eased; for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.list.column_refs.length; i++) { const list = this.columns.list.column_refs[i]; if (list?.children?.[0]) { (list.children[0] as HTMLElement).style.transform = `translateX(${pos}px)`; } } if (progress < 1) { this.columns.list.translate[0] = pos; this.bringRowIntoViewAnimation = window.requestAnimationFrame(animate); } else { this.columns.list.translate[0] = x; } }; this.bringRowIntoViewAnimation = window.requestAnimationFrame(animate); } initialize(container: HTMLElement) { if (this.container !== container && this.resize_observer !== null) { this.teardown(); } this.container = container; this.resize_observer = new ResizeObserver(entries => { const entry = entries[0]; if (!entry) { throw new Error('ResizeObserver entry is undefined'); } this.initializePhysicalSpace(entry.contentRect.width, entry.contentRect.height); this.draw(); }); this.resize_observer.observe(container); } recomputeSpanToPxMatrix() { const traceViewToSpace = this.trace_space.between(this.trace_view); const tracePhysicalToView = this.trace_physical_space.between(this.trace_space); this.span_to_px = mat3.multiply( this.span_to_px, traceViewToSpace, tracePhysicalToView ); } computeRelativeLeftPositionFromOrigin( timestamp: number, entire_space: [number, number] ) { return (timestamp - entire_space[0]) / entire_space[1]; } recomputeTimelineIntervals() { if (this.trace_view.width === 0) { this.intervals[0] = 0; this.intervals[1] = 0; for (let i = 2; i < this.intervals.length; i++) { this.intervals[i] = undefined; } return; } const tracePhysicalToView = this.trace_physical_space.between(this.trace_view); const time_at_100 = tracePhysicalToView[0] * (100 * window.devicePixelRatio) + tracePhysicalToView[6] - this.trace_view.x; computeTimelineIntervals(this.trace_view, time_at_100, this.intervals); } readonly span_matrix: [number, number, number, number, number, number] = [ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, ]; computeSpanCSSMatrixTransform( space: [number, number] ): [number, number, number, number, number, number] { const scale = space[1] / this.trace_view.width; this.span_matrix[0] = Math.max( scale, (1 * this.span_to_px[0]) / this.trace_view.width ); this.span_matrix[3] = 1; this.span_matrix[4] = (space[0] - this.to_origin) / this.span_to_px[0] - this.trace_view.x / this.span_to_px[0]; return this.span_matrix; } scrollToEventID( eventId: string, tree: TraceTree, rerender: () => void, {api, organization}: {api: Client; organization: Organization} ): Promise<{index: number; node: TraceTreeNode} | null | null> { const node = findInTreeByEventId(tree.root, eventId); if (!node) { return Promise.resolve(null); } return this.scrollToPath(tree, node.path, rerender, {api, organization}).then( async result => { // When users are coming off an eventID link, we want to fetch the children // of the node that the eventID points to. This is because the eventID link // only points to the transaction, but we want to fetch the children of the // transaction to show the user the list of spans in that transaction if (result?.node?.canFetch) { await tree.zoomIn(result.node, true, {api, organization}).catch(_e => { Sentry.captureMessage('Failed to fetch children of eventId on mount'); }); return result; } return null; } ); } scrollToPath( tree: TraceTree, scrollQueue: TraceTree.NodePath[], rerender: () => void, {api, organization}: {api: Client; organization: Organization} ): Promise<{index: number; node: TraceTreeNode} | null | null> { const segments = [...scrollQueue]; const list = this.list; if (!list) { return Promise.resolve(null); } if (segments.length === 1 && segments[0] === 'trace:root') { rerender(); this.scrollToRow(0); return Promise.resolve({index: 0, node: tree.root.children[0]}); } // Keep parent reference as we traverse the tree so that we can only // perform searching in the current level and not the entire tree let parent: TraceTreeNode = tree.root; const scrollToRow = async (): Promise<{ index: number; node: TraceTreeNode; } | null | null> => { const path = segments.pop(); let current = findInTreeFromSegment(parent, path!); if (!current) { // Some parts of the codebase link to span:span_id, txn:event_id, where span_id is // actally stored on the txn:event_id node. Since we cant tell from the link itself // that this is happening, we will perform a final check to see if we've actually already // arrived to the node in the previous search call. if (path) { const [type, id] = path.split(':'); if ( type === 'span' && isTransactionNode(parent) && parent.value.span_id === id ) { current = parent; } } if (!current) { Sentry.captureMessage('Failed to scroll to node in trace tree'); return null; } } // Reassing the parent to the current node so that // searching narrows down to the current level // and we dont need to search the entire tree each time parent = current; if (isTransactionNode(current)) { const nextSegment = segments[segments.length - 1]; if ( nextSegment?.startsWith('span:') || nextSegment?.startsWith('ag:') || nextSegment?.startsWith('ms:') ) { await tree.zoomIn(current, true, { api, organization, }); return scrollToRow(); } } if (isAutogroupedNode(current) && segments.length > 0) { tree.expand(current, true); return scrollToRow(); } if (segments.length > 0) { return scrollToRow(); } // We are at the last path segment (the node that the user clicked on) // and we should scroll the view to this node. const index = tree.list.findIndex(node => node === current); if (index === -1) { throw new Error("Couldn't find node in list"); } rerender(); this.scrollToRow(index); return {index, node: current}; }; return scrollToRow(); } scrollToRow(index: number) { if (!this.list) { return; } this.list.scrollToRow(index); } computeTransformXFromTimestamp(timestamp: number): number { return (timestamp - this.to_origin - this.trace_view.x) / this.span_to_px[0]; } computeSpanTextPlacement(span_space: [number, number], text: string): [number, number] { const TEXT_PADDING = 2; const anchor_left = span_space[0] > this.to_origin + this.trace_space.width * 0.8; const width = this.text_measurer.measure(text); // precomput all anchor points aot, so we make the control flow more readable. // this wastes some cycles, but it's not a big deal as computers are fast when // it comes to simple arithmetic. const right_outside = this.computeTransformXFromTimestamp(span_space[0] + span_space[1]) + TEXT_PADDING; const right_inside = this.computeTransformXFromTimestamp(span_space[0] + span_space[1]) - width - TEXT_PADDING; const left_outside = this.computeTransformXFromTimestamp(span_space[0]) - TEXT_PADDING - width; const left_inside = this.computeTransformXFromTimestamp(span_space[0]) + TEXT_PADDING; const window_right = this.computeTransformXFromTimestamp( this.to_origin + this.trace_view.left + this.trace_view.width ) - width - TEXT_PADDING; const window_left = this.computeTransformXFromTimestamp(this.to_origin + this.trace_view.left) + TEXT_PADDING; const view_left = this.trace_view.x; const view_right = view_left + this.trace_view.width; const span_left = span_space[0] - this.to_origin; const span_right = span_left + span_space[1]; const space_right = view_right - span_right; const space_left = span_left - view_left; // Span is completely outside of the view on the left side if (span_right < this.trace_view.x) { return anchor_left ? [1, right_inside] : [0, right_outside]; } // Span is completely outside of the view on the right side if (span_left > this.trace_view.right) { return anchor_left ? [0, left_outside] : [1, left_inside]; } // Span "spans" the entire view if (span_left <= this.trace_view.x && span_right >= this.trace_view.right) { return anchor_left ? [1, window_left] : [1, window_right]; } const full_span_px_width = span_space[1] / this.span_to_px[0]; if (anchor_left) { // While we have space on the left, place the text there if (space_left > 0) { return [0, left_outside]; } const distance = span_right - this.trace_view.left; const visible_width = distance / this.span_to_px[0] - TEXT_PADDING; // If the text fits inside the visible portion of the span, anchor it to the left // side of the window so that it is visible while the user pans the view if (visible_width - TEXT_PADDING >= width) { return [1, window_left]; } // If the text doesnt fit inside the visible portion of the span, // anchor it to the inside right place in the span. return [1, right_inside]; } // While we have space on the right, place the text there if (space_right > 0) { return [0, right_outside]; } // If text fits inside the span if (full_span_px_width > width) { const distance = span_right - this.trace_view.right; const visible_width = (span_space[1] - distance) / this.span_to_px[0] - TEXT_PADDING; // If the text fits inside the visible portion of the span, anchor it to the right // side of the window so that it is visible while the user pans the view if (visible_width - TEXT_PADDING >= width) { return [1, window_right]; } // If the text doesnt fit inside the visible portion of the span, // anchor it to the inside left of the span return [1, left_inside]; } return [0, right_outside]; } draw(options: {list?: number; span_list?: number} = {}) { const list_width = options.list ?? this.columns.list.width; const span_list_width = options.span_list ?? this.columns.span_list.width; if (this.divider) { = `translateX(${ list_width * this.container_physical_space.width - DIVIDER_WIDTH / 2 - 1 }px)`; } if (this.indicator_container) { = span_list_width * 100 + '%'; } for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.list.column_refs.length; i++) { const list = this.columns.list.column_refs[i]; if (list) = list_width * 100 + '%'; const span = this.columns.span_list.column_refs[i]; if (span) = span_list_width * 100 + '%'; const span_bar = this.span_bars[i]; const span_arrow = this.span_arrows[i]; if (span_bar) { const span_transform = this.computeSpanCSSMatrixTransform(; = `matrix(${span_transform.join(',')}`; '--inverse-span-scale', 1 / span_transform[0] + '' ); } const span_text = this.span_text[i]; if (span_text) { const [inside, text_transform] = this.computeSpanTextPlacement(, span_text.text ); if (text_transform === null) { continue; } = inside ? 'white' : ''; = `translateX(${text_transform}px)`; if (span_arrow && span_bar) { const outside_left =[0] - this.to_origin +[1] < this.trace_view.x; const outside_right =[0] - this.to_origin > this.trace_view.right; const visible = outside_left || outside_right; if (visible !== span_arrow.visible) { span_arrow.visible = visible; span_arrow.position = outside_left ? 0 : 1; if (visible) { span_arrow.ref.className = `TraceArrow Visible ${span_arrow.position === 0 ? 'Left' : 'Right'}`; } else { span_arrow.ref.className = 'TraceArrow'; } } } } } for (let i = 0; i < this.invisible_bars.length; i++) { const invisible_bar = this.invisible_bars[i]; if (invisible_bar) { = `translateX(${this.computeTransformXFromTimestamp([0])}px)`; } } let start_indicator = 0; let end_indicator = this.indicators.length; while (start_indicator < this.indicators.length - 1) { const indicator = this.indicators[start_indicator]; if (!indicator?.indicator) { start_indicator++; continue; } if (indicator.indicator.start < this.to_origin + this.trace_view.left) { start_indicator++; continue; } break; } while (end_indicator > start_indicator) { const last_indicator = this.indicators[end_indicator - 1]; if (!last_indicator) { end_indicator--; continue; } if (last_indicator.indicator.start > this.to_origin + this.trace_view.right) { end_indicator--; continue; } break; } start_indicator = Math.max(0, start_indicator - 1); end_indicator = Math.min(this.indicators.length - 1, end_indicator); for (let i = 0; i < this.indicators.length; i++) { const entry = this.indicators[i]; if (!entry) { continue; } if (i < start_indicator || i > end_indicator) { = '0'; continue; } const transform = this.computeTransformXFromTimestamp(entry.indicator.start); const label = entry.ref.children[0] as HTMLElement | undefined; const indicator_max = this.trace_physical_space.width + 1; const indicator_min = -1; const label_width = this.indicator_label_measurer.cache.get(entry.indicator); const clamped_transform = clamp(transform, -1, indicator_max); if (label_width === undefined) { = `translate(${clamp(transform, indicator_min, indicator_max)}px, 0)`; continue; } if (label) { const PADDING = 2; const label_window_left = PADDING; const label_window_right = -label_width - PADDING; if (transform < -1) { = `translateX(${label_window_left}px)`; } else if (transform >= indicator_max) { = `translateX(${label_window_right}px)`; } else { const space_left = transform - PADDING - label_width / 2; const space_right = transform + label_width / 2; if (space_left < 0) { const left = -label_width / 2 + Math.abs(space_left); = `translateX(${left - 1}px)`; } else if (space_right > this.trace_physical_space.width) { const right = -label_width / 2 - (space_right - this.trace_physical_space.width) - 1; = `translateX(${right}px)`; } else { = `translateX(${-label_width / 2}px)`; } } } = '1'; = i === start_indicator || i === end_indicator ? '1' : '2'; = `translate(${clamped_transform}px, 0)`; } // Renders timeline indicators and labels for (let i = 0; i < this.timeline_indicators.length; i++) { const indicator = this.timeline_indicators[i]; // Special case for when the timeline is empty - we want to show the first and last // timeline indicators as 0ms instead of just a single 0ms indicator as it gives better // context to the user that start and end are both 0ms. If we were to draw a single 0ms // indicator, it leaves ambiguity for the user to think that the end might be missing if (i === 0 && this.intervals[0] === 0 && this.intervals[1] === 0) { const first = this.timeline_indicators[0]; const last = this.timeline_indicators[1]; if (first && last) { = '1'; = '1'; = `translateX(0)`; // 43 px offset is the width of a 0.00ms label, since we usually anchor the label to the right // side of the indicator, we need to offset it by the width of the label to make it look like // it is at the end of the timeline = `translateX(${this.trace_physical_space.width - 43}px)`; const firstLabel = first.children[0] as HTMLElement | undefined; if (firstLabel) { firstLabel.textContent = '0.00ms'; } const lastLabel = last.children[0] as HTMLElement | undefined; const lastLine = last.children[1] as HTMLElement | undefined; if (lastLine && lastLabel) { lastLabel.textContent = '0.00ms'; = '0'; i = 1; } continue; } } if (indicator) { const interval = this.intervals[i]; if (interval === undefined) { = '0'; continue; } const placement = this.computeTransformXFromTimestamp(this.to_origin + interval); = '1'; = `translateX(${placement}px)`; const label = indicator.children[0] as HTMLElement | undefined; const duration = getDuration(interval / 1000, 2, true); if (label && label?.textContent !== duration) { label.textContent = duration; } } } } teardown() { if (this.resize_observer) { this.resize_observer.disconnect(); } } } // The backing cache should be a proper LRU cache, // so we dont end up storing an infinite amount of elements class DOMWidthMeasurer { cache: Map = new Map(); elements: HTMLElement[] = []; queue: [T, HTMLElement][] = []; drainRaf: number | null = null; max: number = 0; constructor() { this.drain = this.drain.bind(this); } enqueueMeasure(node: T, element: HTMLElement) { if (this.cache.has(node)) { return; } this.queue.push([node, element]); if (this.drainRaf !== null) { window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.drainRaf); } this.drainRaf = window.requestAnimationFrame(this.drain); } drain() { for (const [node, element] of this.queue) { this.measure(node, element); } } measure(node: T, element: HTMLElement): number { const cache = this.cache.get(node); if (cache !== undefined) { return cache; } const width = element.getBoundingClientRect().width; if (width > this.max) { this.max = width; } this.cache.set(node, width); return width; } } // The backing cache should be a proper LRU cache, // so we dont end up storing an infinite amount of elements class TextMeasurer { queue: string[] = []; drainRaf: number | null = null; cache: Map = new Map(); ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; number: number = 0; dot: number = 0; duration: Record = {}; constructor() { this.drain = this.drain.bind(this); const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); if (!ctx) { throw new Error('Canvas 2d context is not available'); } canvas.width = 50 * window.devicePixelRatio ?? 1; canvas.height = 50 * window.devicePixelRatio ?? 1; this.ctx = ctx; ctx.font = '11px' +; = this.ctx.measureText('.').width; for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { const measurement = this.ctx.measureText(i.toString()); this.number = Math.max(this.number, measurement.width); } for (const duration of ['ns', 'ms', 's', 'm', 'h', 'd']) { this.duration[duration] = this.ctx.measureText(duration).width; } } drain() { for (const string of this.queue) { this.measure(string); } } computeStringLength(string: string): number { let width = 0; for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { switch (string[i]) { case '.': width +=; break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': width += this.number; break; default: const remaining = string.slice(i); if (this.duration[remaining]) { width += this.duration[remaining]; return width; } } } return width; } measure(string: string): number { const cached_width = this.cache.get(string); if (cached_width !== undefined) { return cached_width; } const width = this.computeStringLength(string); this.cache.set(string, width); return width; } } export class VirtualizedList { container: HTMLElement | null = null; scrollHeight: number = 0; scrollTop: number = 0; scrollToRow(index: number, anchor?: 'top') { if (!this.container) { return; } if (anchor === 'top') { this.container.scrollTop = index * 24; return; } const position = index * 24; const top = this.container.scrollTop; const height = this.scrollHeight; if (position < top) { // Row is above the view this.container.scrollTop = index * 24; } else if (position > top + height) { // Row is under the view this.container.scrollTop = index * 24 - height + 24; } else { return; } } } interface UseVirtualizedListProps { container: HTMLElement | null; items: ReadonlyArray>; manager: VirtualizedViewManager; render: (item: VirtualizedRow) => React.ReactNode; } interface UseVirtualizedListResult { list: VirtualizedList; rendered: React.ReactNode[]; virtualized: VirtualizedRow[]; } export const useVirtualizedList = ( props: UseVirtualizedListProps ): UseVirtualizedListResult => { const list = useRef(); const scrollTopRef = useRef(0); const scrollHeightRef = useRef(0); const scrollContainerRef = useRef(null); const renderCache = useRef>(); const styleCache = useRef>(); const resizeObserverRef = useRef(null); if (!styleCache.current) { styleCache.current = new Map(); } if (!renderCache.current) { renderCache.current = new Map(); } const [items, setItems] = useState<{ rendered: React.ReactNode[]; virtualized: VirtualizedRow[]; }>({rendered: [], virtualized: []}); if (!list.current) { list.current = new VirtualizedList(); props.manager.registerList(list.current); } const renderRef = useRef<(item: VirtualizedRow) => React.ReactNode>(props.render); renderRef.current = props.render; const itemsRef = useRef>>(props.items); itemsRef.current = props.items; const managerRef = useRef(props.manager); managerRef.current = props.manager; useLayoutEffect(() => { if (!props.container) { return; } const scrollContainer = props.container.children[0] as HTMLElement | null; if (!scrollContainer) { throw new Error( 'Virtualized list container has to render a scroll container as its first child.' ); } }, [props.container, props.items.length]); useLayoutEffect(() => { if (!props.container || !list.current) { return; } list.current.container = props.container; if (resizeObserverRef.current) { resizeObserverRef.current.disconnect(); } const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(elements => { // We only care about changes to the height of the scroll container, // if it has not changed then do not update the scroll height. styleCache.current?.clear(); renderCache.current?.clear(); scrollHeightRef.current = elements[0].contentRect.height; if (list.current) { list.current.scrollHeight = scrollHeightRef.current; } const recomputedItems = findRenderedItems({ scrollTop: scrollTopRef.current, items: itemsRef.current, overscroll: 5, rowHeight: 24, scrollHeight: scrollHeightRef.current, styleCache: styleCache.current!, renderCache: renderCache.current!, render: renderRef.current, manager: managerRef.current, }); setItems(recomputedItems); }); resizeObserver.observe(props.container); resizeObserverRef.current = resizeObserver; }, [props.container]); const rafId = useRef(null); const pointerEventsRaf = useRef<{id: number} | null>(null); useLayoutEffect(() => { if (!list.current || !props.container) { return undefined; } if (props.container && !scrollContainerRef.current) { scrollContainerRef.current = props.container.children[0] as HTMLElement | null; } = '100%'; = 'auto'; = 'relative'; = 'transform'; = 'none'; scrollContainerRef.current!.style.overflow = 'hidden'; scrollContainerRef.current!.style.position = 'relative'; scrollContainerRef.current!.style.willChange = 'transform'; scrollContainerRef.current!.style.height = `${props.items.length * 24}px`; const onScroll = event => { if (!list.current) { return; } if (rafId.current !== null) { window.cancelAnimationFrame(rafId.current); } managerRef.current.isScrolling = true; managerRef.current.enqueueOnScrollEndOutOfBoundsCheck(); rafId.current = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { scrollTopRef.current = Math.max(0, ?? 0); const recomputedItems = findRenderedItems({ scrollTop: scrollTopRef.current, items: props.items, overscroll: 5, rowHeight: 24, scrollHeight: scrollHeightRef.current, styleCache: styleCache.current!, renderCache: renderCache.current!, render: renderRef.current, manager: managerRef.current, }); setItems(recomputedItems); }); if (!pointerEventsRaf.current && scrollContainerRef.current) { = 'none'; } if (pointerEventsRaf.current) { window.cancelAnimationFrame(; } pointerEventsRaf.current = requestAnimationTimeout(() => { styleCache.current?.clear(); renderCache.current?.clear(); managerRef.current.isScrolling = false; const recomputedItems = findRenderedItems({ scrollTop: scrollTopRef.current, items: props.items, overscroll: 5, rowHeight: 24, scrollHeight: scrollHeightRef.current, styleCache: styleCache.current!, renderCache: renderCache.current!, render: renderRef.current, manager: managerRef.current, }); setItems(recomputedItems); if (list.current && scrollContainerRef.current) { = 'auto'; pointerEventsRaf.current = null; } }, 50); }; props.container.addEventListener('scroll', onScroll, {passive: true}); return () => { props.container?.removeEventListener('scroll', onScroll); }; }, [props.container, props.items, props.items.length]); useLayoutEffect(() => { if (!list.current || !styleCache.current || !renderCache.current) { return; } styleCache.current.clear(); renderCache.current.clear(); const recomputedItems = findRenderedItems({ scrollTop: scrollTopRef.current, items: props.items, overscroll: 5, rowHeight: 24, scrollHeight: scrollHeightRef.current, styleCache: styleCache.current!, renderCache: renderCache.current, render: renderRef.current, manager: managerRef.current, }); setItems(recomputedItems); }, [props.items, props.items.length, props.render]); return { virtualized: items.virtualized, rendered: items.rendered, list: list.current!, }; }; export interface VirtualizedRow { index: number; item: TraceTreeNode; key: number; style: React.CSSProperties; } function findRenderedItems({ items, overscroll, rowHeight, scrollHeight, scrollTop, styleCache, renderCache, render, manager, }: { items: ReadonlyArray>; manager: VirtualizedViewManager; overscroll: number; render: (arg: VirtualizedRow) => React.ReactNode; renderCache: Map; rowHeight: number; scrollHeight: number; scrollTop: number; styleCache: Map; }): {rendered: React.ReactNode[]; virtualized: VirtualizedRow[]} { // This is overscroll height for single direction, when computing the total, // we need to multiply this by 2 because we overscroll in both directions. const OVERSCROLL_HEIGHT = overscroll * rowHeight; const virtualized: VirtualizedRow[] = []; const rendered: React.ReactNode[] = []; // Clamp viewport to scrollHeight bounds [0, length * rowHeight] because some browsers may fire // scrollTop with negative values when the user scrolls up past the top of the list (overscroll behavior) const viewport = { top: Math.max(scrollTop - OVERSCROLL_HEIGHT, 0), bottom: Math.min( scrollTop + scrollHeight + OVERSCROLL_HEIGHT, items.length * rowHeight ), }; // Points to the position inside the visible array let visibleItemIndex = 0; // Points to the currently iterated item let indexPointer = findOptimisticStartIndex({ items, viewport, scrollTop, rowHeight, overscroll, }); manager.start_virtualized_index = indexPointer; // Max number of visible items in our list const MAX_VISIBLE_ITEMS = Math.ceil((scrollHeight + OVERSCROLL_HEIGHT * 2) / rowHeight); const ALL_ITEMS = items.length; // While number of visible items is less than max visible items, and we haven't reached the end of the list while (visibleItemIndex < MAX_VISIBLE_ITEMS && indexPointer < ALL_ITEMS) { const elementTop = indexPointer * rowHeight; const elementBottom = elementTop + rowHeight; // An element is inside a viewport if the top of the element is below the top of the viewport // and the bottom of the element is above the bottom of the viewport if (elementTop >= && elementBottom <= viewport.bottom) { let style = styleCache.get(indexPointer); if (!style) { style = {position: 'absolute', top: elementTop}; styleCache.set(indexPointer, style); } const virtualizedRow: VirtualizedRow = { key: indexPointer, style, index: indexPointer, item: items[indexPointer], }; virtualized[visibleItemIndex] = virtualizedRow; const renderedRow = renderCache.get(indexPointer) || render(virtualizedRow); rendered[visibleItemIndex] = renderedRow; renderCache.set(indexPointer, renderedRow); visibleItemIndex++; } indexPointer++; } return {rendered, virtualized}; } export function findOptimisticStartIndex({ items, overscroll, rowHeight, scrollTop, viewport, }: { items: ReadonlyArray>; overscroll: number; rowHeight: number; scrollTop: number; viewport: {bottom: number; top: number}; }): number { if (!items.length || === 0) { return 0; } return Math.max(Math.floor(scrollTop / rowHeight) - overscroll, 0); } function findInTreeFromSegment( start: TraceTreeNode, segment: TraceTree.NodePath ): TraceTreeNode | null { const [type, id] = segment.split(':'); if (!type || !id) { throw new TypeError('Node path must be in the format of `type:id`'); } return TraceTreeNode.Find(start, node => { if (type === 'txn' && isTransactionNode(node)) { return node.value.event_id === id; } if (type === 'span' && isSpanNode(node)) { return node.value.span_id === id; } if (type === 'ag' && isAutogroupedNode(node)) { if (isParentAutogroupedNode(node)) { return node.head.value.span_id === id || node.tail.value.span_id === id; } if (isSiblingAutogroupedNode(node)) { const child = node.children[0]; if (isSpanNode(child)) { return child.value.span_id === id; } } } if (type === 'ms' && isMissingInstrumentationNode(node)) { return node.previous.value.span_id === id || === id; } if (type === 'error' && isTraceErrorNode(node)) { return node.value.event_id === id; } return false; }); } function hasEventWithEventId( node: TraceTreeNode, eventId: string ): boolean { // Search in errors const errors: TraceError[] = isAutogroupedNode(node) ? node.errors : node.value && 'errors' in node.value && Array.isArray(node.value.errors) ? node.value.errors : []; if (errors.length > 0) { for (const e of errors) { if (e.event_id === eventId) { return true; } } } // Search in performance issues const performance_issues: TracePerformanceIssue[] = isAutogroupedNode(node) ? node.performance_issues : node.value && 'performance_issues' in node.value && Array.isArray(node.value.performance_issues) ? node.value.performance_issues : []; if (performance_issues.length > 0) { for (const p of performance_issues) { if (p.event_id === eventId) { return true; } } } // Check if we are maybe looking for the profile_id if (node.value && 'profile_id' in node.value && node.value.profile_id === eventId) { return true; } return false; } function findInTreeByEventId(start: TraceTreeNode, eventId: string) { return TraceTreeNode.Find(start, node => { if (isTransactionNode(node)) { if (node.value.event_id === eventId) { return true; } } else if (isSpanNode(node)) { return node.value.span_id === eventId; } else if (isTraceErrorNode(node)) { return node.value.event_id === eventId; } return hasEventWithEventId(node, eventId); }); }