import {defined} from 'sentry/utils'; import type {NetworkSpan} from 'sentry/views/replays/types'; export interface ISortConfig { asc: boolean; by: keyof NetworkSpan | string; getValue: (row: NetworkSpan) => any; } export const UNKNOWN_STATUS = 'unknown'; export function sortNetwork( network: NetworkSpan[], sortConfig: ISortConfig ): NetworkSpan[] { return [].sort((a, b) => { let valueA = sortConfig.getValue(a); let valueB = sortConfig.getValue(b); valueA = typeof valueA === 'string' ? valueA.toUpperCase() : valueA; valueB = typeof valueB === 'string' ? valueB.toUpperCase() : valueB; // if the values are not defined, we want to push them to the bottom of the list if (!defined(valueA)) { return 1; } if (!defined(valueB)) { return -1; } if (valueA === valueB) { return 0; } if (sortConfig.asc) { return valueA > valueB ? 1 : -1; } return valueB > valueA ? 1 : -1; }); } export const getResourceTypes = (networkSpans: NetworkSpan[]) => Array.from( new Set( => networkSpan.op.replace('resource.', ''))) ).sort(); export const getStatusTypes = (networkSpans: NetworkSpan[]) => Array.from( new Set( networkSpans .map(networkSpan => ?? UNKNOWN_STATUS) .map(String) ) ).sort();