import {Fragment, ReactNode} from 'react'; import {PlainRoute, RouteComponentProps} from 'react-router'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import { addErrorMessage, addSuccessMessage, clearIndicators, Indicator, } from 'sentry/actionCreators/indicator'; import {fetchOrganizationTags} from 'sentry/actionCreators/tags'; import Access from 'sentry/components/acl/access'; import AsyncComponent from 'sentry/components/asyncComponent'; import Button from 'sentry/components/button'; import {HeaderTitleLegend} from 'sentry/components/charts/styles'; import CircleIndicator from 'sentry/components/circleIndicator'; import Confirm from 'sentry/components/confirm'; import Form from 'sentry/components/forms/form'; import FormModel from 'sentry/components/forms/model'; import * as Layout from 'sentry/components/layouts/thirds'; import List from 'sentry/components/list'; import ListItem from 'sentry/components/list/listItem'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import IndicatorStore from 'sentry/stores/indicatorStore'; import space from 'sentry/styles/space'; import {EventsStats, MultiSeriesEventsStats, Organization, Project} from 'sentry/types'; import {defined} from 'sentry/utils'; import {logExperiment, metric} from 'sentry/utils/analytics'; import trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent from 'sentry/utils/analytics/trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent'; import type EventView from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView'; import {isActiveSuperuser} from 'sentry/utils/isActiveSuperuser'; import withProjects from 'sentry/utils/withProjects'; import {IncompatibleAlertQuery} from 'sentry/views/alerts/rules/metric/incompatibleAlertQuery'; import RuleNameOwnerForm from 'sentry/views/alerts/rules/metric/ruleNameOwnerForm'; import ThresholdTypeForm from 'sentry/views/alerts/rules/metric/thresholdTypeForm'; import Triggers from 'sentry/views/alerts/rules/metric/triggers'; import TriggersChart from 'sentry/views/alerts/rules/metric/triggers/chart'; import {getEventTypeFilter} from 'sentry/views/alerts/rules/metric/utils/getEventTypeFilter'; import hasThresholdValue from 'sentry/views/alerts/rules/metric/utils/hasThresholdValue'; import {AlertRuleType} from 'sentry/views/alerts/types'; import { AlertWizardAlertNames, DatasetMEPAlertQueryTypes, } from 'sentry/views/alerts/wizard/options'; import {getAlertTypeFromAggregateDataset} from 'sentry/views/alerts/wizard/utils'; import {isCrashFreeAlert} from './utils/isCrashFreeAlert'; import {addOrUpdateRule} from './actions'; import { createDefaultTrigger, DEFAULT_CHANGE_COMP_DELTA, DEFAULT_CHANGE_TIME_WINDOW, DEFAULT_COUNT_TIME_WINDOW, } from './constants'; import {Preset, PRESET_AGGREGATES, PresetContext} from './presets'; import PresetSidebar from './presetSidebar'; import RuleConditionsForm from './ruleConditionsForm'; import { AlertRuleComparisonType, AlertRuleThresholdType, AlertRuleTriggerType, Dataset, EventTypes, MetricActionTemplate, MetricRule, Trigger, UnsavedMetricRule, } from './types'; const POLLING_MAX_TIME_LIMIT = 3 * 60000; type RuleTaskResponse = { status: 'pending' | 'failed' | 'success'; alertRule?: MetricRule; error?: string; }; type Props = { organization: Organization; project: Project; projects: Project[]; routes: PlainRoute[]; rule: MetricRule; userTeamIds: string[]; disableProjectSelector?: boolean; eventView?: EventView; isCustomMetric?: boolean; isDuplicateRule?: boolean; ruleId?: string; sessionId?: string; } & RouteComponentProps<{orgId: string; projectId?: string; ruleId?: string}, {}> & { onSubmitSuccess?: Form['props']['onSubmitSuccess']; } & AsyncComponent['props']; type State = { aggregate: string; // `null` means loading availableActions: MetricActionTemplate[] | null; comparisonType: AlertRuleComparisonType; // Rule conditions form inputs // Needed for TriggersChart dataset: Dataset; environment: string | null; eventTypes: EventTypes[]; project: Project; query: string; resolveThreshold: UnsavedMetricRule['resolveThreshold']; showMEPAlertBanner: boolean; thresholdPeriod: UnsavedMetricRule['thresholdPeriod']; thresholdType: UnsavedMetricRule['thresholdType']; timeWindow: number; triggerErrors: Map; triggers: Trigger[]; comparisonDelta?: number; selectedPresetId?: string; uuid?: string; } & AsyncComponent['state']; const isEmpty = (str: unknown): boolean => str === '' || !defined(str); class RuleFormContainer extends AsyncComponent { form = new FormModel(); pollingTimeout: number | undefined = undefined; get isDuplicateRule(): boolean { return Boolean(this.props.isDuplicateRule); } get chartQuery(): string { const {query, eventTypes, dataset} = this.state; const eventTypeFilter = getEventTypeFilter(this.state.dataset, eventTypes); const queryWithTypeFilter = `${query} ${eventTypeFilter}`.trim(); return isCrashFreeAlert(dataset) ? query : queryWithTypeFilter; } componentDidMount() { const {organization} = this.props; const {project} = this.state; // SearchBar gets its tags from Reflux. fetchOrganizationTags(this.api, organization.slug, []); if (this.props.location?.query.preset) { const preset = PRESET_AGGREGATES.find( p => === this.props.location.query.preset ); if (preset) { preset .makeContext(this.api, project, this.props.organization) .then(ctx => this.setPreset(preset, ctx)); } } } componentWillUnmount() { window.clearTimeout(this.pollingTimeout); } getDefaultState(): State { const {rule, location} = this.props; const triggersClone = [...rule.triggers]; const { aggregate, eventTypes: _eventTypes, dataset, name, showMEPAlertBanner, } = location?.query ?? {}; const eventTypes = typeof _eventTypes === 'string' ? [_eventTypes] : _eventTypes; // Warning trigger is removed if it is blank when saving if (triggersClone.length !== 2) { triggersClone.push(createDefaultTrigger(AlertRuleTriggerType.WARNING)); } return { ...super.getDefaultState(), name: name ?? ?? '', aggregate: aggregate ?? rule.aggregate, dataset: dataset ?? rule.dataset, eventTypes: eventTypes ?? rule.eventTypes ?? [], query: rule.query ?? '', timeWindow: rule.timeWindow, environment: rule.environment || null, triggerErrors: new Map(), availableActions: null, triggers: triggersClone, resolveThreshold: rule.resolveThreshold, thresholdType: rule.thresholdType, thresholdPeriod: rule.thresholdPeriod ?? 1, comparisonDelta: rule.comparisonDelta ?? undefined, comparisonType: rule.comparisonDelta ? AlertRuleComparisonType.CHANGE : AlertRuleComparisonType.COUNT, project: this.props.project, owner: rule.owner, showMEPAlertBanner: showMEPAlertBanner ?? false, }; } getEndpoints(): ReturnType { const {orgId} = this.props.params; // TODO(incidents): This is temporary until new API endpoints // We should be able to just fetch the rule if exists return [ ['availableActions', `/organizations/${orgId}/alert-rules/available-actions/`], ]; } setPreset(preset: Preset, context: PresetContext) { this.form.setInitialData({ ...this.form.initialData, name:, dataset: context.dataset, eventTypes: context.eventTypes as any, aggregate: context.aggregate, comparisonDelta: context.comparisonDelta, timeWindow: context.timeWindow, query: context.query, projectId: this.form.getValue('projectId'), }); this.form.setValue('comparisonDelta', context.comparisonDelta); this.setState({ comparisonType: context.comparisonType, triggers: context.triggers, thresholdType: context.thresholdType, triggerErrors: new Map(), selectedPresetId:, }); } goBack() { const {router} = this.props; const {orgId} = this.props.params; router.push(`/organizations/${orgId}/alerts/rules/`); } resetPollingState = (loadingSlackIndicator: Indicator) => { IndicatorStore.remove(loadingSlackIndicator); this.setState({loading: false, uuid: undefined}); }; fetchStatus(model: FormModel) { const loadingSlackIndicator = IndicatorStore.addMessage( t('Looking for your slack channel (this can take a while)'), 'loading' ); // pollHandler calls itself until it gets either a success // or failed status but we don't want to poll forever so we pass // in a hard stop time of 3 minutes before we bail. const quitTime = + POLLING_MAX_TIME_LIMIT; window.clearTimeout(this.pollingTimeout); this.pollingTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => { this.pollHandler(model, quitTime, loadingSlackIndicator); }, 1000); } pollHandler = async ( model: FormModel, quitTime: number, loadingSlackIndicator: Indicator ) => { if ( > quitTime) { addErrorMessage(t('Looking for that channel took too long :(')); this.resetPollingState(loadingSlackIndicator); return; } const { organization, onSubmitSuccess, params: {ruleId}, } = this.props; const {uuid, project} = this.state; try { const response: RuleTaskResponse = await this.api.requestPromise( `/projects/${organization.slug}/${project.slug}/alert-rule-task/${uuid}/` ); const {status, alertRule, error} = response; if (status === 'pending') { window.clearTimeout(this.pollingTimeout); this.pollingTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => { this.pollHandler(model, quitTime, loadingSlackIndicator); }, 1000); return; } this.resetPollingState(loadingSlackIndicator); if (status === 'failed') { this.handleRuleSaveFailure(error); } if (alertRule) { addSuccessMessage(ruleId ? t('Updated alert rule') : t('Created alert rule')); if (onSubmitSuccess) { onSubmitSuccess(alertRule, model); } } } catch { this.handleRuleSaveFailure(t('An error occurred')); this.resetPollingState(loadingSlackIndicator); } }; /** * Checks to see if threshold is valid given target value, and state of * inverted threshold as well as the *other* threshold * * @param type The threshold type to be updated * @param value The new threshold value */ isValidTrigger = ( triggerIndex: number, trigger: Trigger, errors, resolveThreshold: number | '' | null ): boolean => { const {alertThreshold} = trigger; const {thresholdType} = this.state; // If value and/or other value is empty // then there are no checks to perform against if (!hasThresholdValue(alertThreshold) || !hasThresholdValue(resolveThreshold)) { return true; } // If this is alert threshold and not inverted, it can't be below resolve // If this is alert threshold and inverted, it can't be above resolve // If this is resolve threshold and not inverted, it can't be above resolve // If this is resolve threshold and inverted, it can't be below resolve // Since we're comparing non-inclusive thresholds here (>, <), we need // to modify the values when we compare. An example of why: // Alert > 0, resolve < 1. This means that we want to alert on values // of 1 or more, and resolve on values of 0 or less. This is valid, but // without modifying the values, this boundary case will fail. const isValid = thresholdType === AlertRuleThresholdType.BELOW ? alertThreshold - 1 < resolveThreshold + 1 : alertThreshold + 1 > resolveThreshold - 1; const otherErrors = errors.get(triggerIndex) || {}; if (isValid) { return true; } // Not valid... let's figure out an error message const isBelow = thresholdType === AlertRuleThresholdType.BELOW; let errorMessage = ''; if (typeof resolveThreshold !== 'number') { errorMessage = isBelow ? t('Resolution threshold must be greater than alert') : t('Resolution threshold must be less than alert'); } else { errorMessage = isBelow ? t('Alert threshold must be less than resolution') : t('Alert threshold must be greater than resolution'); } errors.set(triggerIndex, { ...otherErrors, alertThreshold: errorMessage, }); return false; }; validateFieldInTrigger({errors, triggerIndex, field, message, isValid}) { // If valid, reset error for fieldName if (isValid()) { const {[field]: _validatedField, ...otherErrors} = errors.get(triggerIndex) || {}; if (Object.keys(otherErrors).length > 0) { errors.set(triggerIndex, otherErrors); } else { errors.delete(triggerIndex); } return errors; } if (!errors.has(triggerIndex)) { errors.set(triggerIndex, {}); } const currentErrors = errors.get(triggerIndex); errors.set(triggerIndex, { ...currentErrors, [field]: message, }); return errors; } /** * Validate triggers * * @return Returns true if triggers are valid */ validateTriggers( triggers = this.state.triggers, thresholdType = this.state.thresholdType, resolveThreshold = this.state.resolveThreshold, changedTriggerIndex?: number ) { const {comparisonType} = this.state; const triggerErrors = new Map(); const requiredFields = ['label', 'alertThreshold']; triggers.forEach((trigger, triggerIndex) => { requiredFields.forEach(field => { // check required fields this.validateFieldInTrigger({ errors: triggerErrors, triggerIndex, isValid: (): boolean => { if (trigger.label === AlertRuleTriggerType.CRITICAL) { return !isEmpty(trigger[field]); } // If warning trigger has actions, it must have a value return trigger.actions.length === 0 || !isEmpty(trigger[field]); }, field, message: t('Field is required'), }); }); // Check thresholds this.isValidTrigger( changedTriggerIndex ?? triggerIndex, trigger, triggerErrors, resolveThreshold ); }); // If we have 2 triggers, we need to make sure that the critical and warning // alert thresholds are valid (e.g. if critical is above x, warning must be less than x) const criticalTriggerIndex = triggers.findIndex( ({label}) => label === AlertRuleTriggerType.CRITICAL ); const warningTriggerIndex = criticalTriggerIndex ^ 1; const criticalTrigger = triggers[criticalTriggerIndex]; const warningTrigger = triggers[warningTriggerIndex]; const isEmptyWarningThreshold = isEmpty(warningTrigger.alertThreshold); const warningThreshold = warningTrigger.alertThreshold ?? 0; const criticalThreshold = criticalTrigger.alertThreshold ?? 0; const hasError = thresholdType === AlertRuleThresholdType.ABOVE || comparisonType === AlertRuleComparisonType.CHANGE ? warningThreshold > criticalThreshold : warningThreshold < criticalThreshold; if (hasError && !isEmptyWarningThreshold) { [criticalTriggerIndex, warningTriggerIndex].forEach(index => { const otherErrors = triggerErrors.get(index) ?? {}; triggerErrors.set(index, { ...otherErrors, alertThreshold: thresholdType === AlertRuleThresholdType.ABOVE || comparisonType === AlertRuleComparisonType.CHANGE ? t('Warning threshold must be less than critical threshold') : t('Warning threshold must be greater than critical threshold'), }); }); } return triggerErrors; } handleFieldChange = (name: string, value: unknown) => { const {projects} = this.props; if ( [ 'aggregate', 'dataset', 'eventTypes', 'timeWindow', 'environment', 'comparisonDelta', 'projectId', ].includes(name) ) { this.setState(({project: _project}) => ({ [name]: value, project: name === 'projectId' ? projects.find(({id}) => id === value) : _project, })); } }; // We handle the filter update outside of the fieldChange handler since we // don't want to update the filter on every input change, just on blurs and // searches. handleFilterUpdate = (query: string) => { const {organization, sessionId} = this.props; trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent('alert_builder.filter', { organization, session_id: sessionId, query, }); this.setState({query}); }; handleSubmit = async ( _data: Partial, _onSubmitSuccess, _onSubmitError, _e, model: FormModel ) => { // This validates all fields *except* for Triggers const validRule = model.validateForm(); // Validate Triggers const triggerErrors = this.validateTriggers(); const validTriggers = Array.from(triggerErrors).length === 0; if (!validTriggers) { this.setState(state => ({ triggerErrors: new Map([...triggerErrors, ...state.triggerErrors]), })); } if (!validRule || !validTriggers) { const missingFields = [ !validRule && t('name'), !validRule && !validTriggers && t('and'), !validTriggers && t('critical threshold'), ].filter(x => x); addErrorMessage(t(`Alert not valid: missing %s`, missingFields.join(' '))); return; } const { organization, rule, onSubmitSuccess, location, sessionId, params: {ruleId}, } = this.props; const { project, aggregate, dataset, resolveThreshold, triggers, thresholdType, thresholdPeriod, comparisonDelta, uuid, timeWindow, eventTypes, } = this.state; // Remove empty warning trigger const sanitizedTriggers = triggers.filter( trigger => trigger.label !== AlertRuleTriggerType.WARNING || !isEmpty(trigger.alertThreshold) ); // form model has all form state data, however we use local state to keep // track of the list of triggers (and actions within triggers) const loadingIndicator = IndicatorStore.addMessage( t('Saving your alert rule, hold on...'), 'loading' ); try { const transaction = metric.startTransaction({name: 'saveAlertRule'}); transaction.setTag('type', AlertRuleType.METRIC); transaction.setTag('operation', ! ? 'create' : 'edit'); for (const trigger of sanitizedTriggers) { for (const action of trigger.actions) { if (action.type === 'slack') { transaction.setTag(action.type, true); } } } transaction.setData('actions', sanitizedTriggers); const hasMetricDataset = organization.features.includes('metrics-performance-alerts') || organization.features.includes('mep-rollout-flag'); this.setState({loading: true}); const [data, , resp] = await addOrUpdateRule( this.api, organization.slug, project.slug, { ...rule, ...model.getTransformedData(), triggers: sanitizedTriggers, resolveThreshold: isEmpty(resolveThreshold) ? null : resolveThreshold, thresholdType, thresholdPeriod, comparisonDelta: comparisonDelta ?? null, timeWindow, aggregate, ...(hasMetricDataset ? {queryType: DatasetMEPAlertQueryTypes[dataset]} : {}), // Remove eventTypes as it is no longer requred for crash free eventTypes: isCrashFreeAlert(rule.dataset) ? undefined : eventTypes, dataset, }, { duplicateRule: this.isDuplicateRule ? 'true' : 'false', wizardV3: 'true', referrer: location?.query?.referrer, sessionId, } ); // if we get a 202 back it means that we have an async task // running to lookup and verify the channel id for Slack. if (resp?.status === 202) { // if we have a uuid in state, no need to start a new polling cycle if (!uuid) { this.setState({loading: true, uuid: data.uuid}); this.fetchStatus(model); } } else { IndicatorStore.remove(loadingIndicator); this.setState({loading: false}); addSuccessMessage(ruleId ? t('Updated alert rule') : t('Created alert rule')); if (onSubmitSuccess) { onSubmitSuccess(data, model); } } } catch (err) { IndicatorStore.remove(loadingIndicator); this.setState({loading: false}); const errors = err?.responseJSON ? Array.isArray(err?.responseJSON) ? err?.responseJSON : Object.values(err?.responseJSON) : []; const apiErrors = errors.length > 0 ? `: ${errors.join(', ')}` : ''; this.handleRuleSaveFailure(t('Unable to save alert%s', apiErrors)); } }; /** * Callback for when triggers change * * Re-validate triggers on every change and reset indicators when no errors */ handleChangeTriggers = (triggers: Trigger[], triggerIndex?: number) => { this.setState(state => { let triggerErrors = state.triggerErrors; const newTriggerErrors = this.validateTriggers( triggers, state.thresholdType, state.resolveThreshold, triggerIndex ); triggerErrors = newTriggerErrors; if (Array.from(newTriggerErrors).length === 0) { clearIndicators(); } return {triggers, triggerErrors}; }); }; handleThresholdTypeChange = (thresholdType: AlertRuleThresholdType) => { const {triggers} = this.state; const triggerErrors = this.validateTriggers(triggers, thresholdType); this.setState(state => ({ thresholdType, triggerErrors: new Map([...triggerErrors, ...state.triggerErrors]), })); }; handleThresholdPeriodChange = (value: number) => { this.setState({thresholdPeriod: value}); }; handleResolveThresholdChange = ( resolveThreshold: UnsavedMetricRule['resolveThreshold'] ) => { this.setState(state => { const triggerErrors = this.validateTriggers( state.triggers, state.thresholdType, resolveThreshold ); if (Array.from(triggerErrors).length === 0) { clearIndicators(); } return {resolveThreshold, triggerErrors}; }); }; handleComparisonTypeChange = (value: AlertRuleComparisonType) => { const comparisonDelta = value === AlertRuleComparisonType.COUNT ? undefined : this.state.comparisonDelta ?? DEFAULT_CHANGE_COMP_DELTA; const timeWindow = this.state.comparisonDelta ? DEFAULT_COUNT_TIME_WINDOW : DEFAULT_CHANGE_TIME_WINDOW; this.setState({comparisonType: value, comparisonDelta, timeWindow}); }; handleDeleteRule = async () => { const {params} = this.props; const {orgId, projectId, ruleId} = params; try { await this.api.requestPromise( `/projects/${orgId}/${projectId}/alert-rules/${ruleId}/`, { method: 'DELETE', } ); this.goBack(); } catch (_err) { addErrorMessage(t('Error deleting rule')); } }; handleRuleSaveFailure = (msg: ReactNode) => { addErrorMessage(msg); metric.endTransaction({name: 'saveAlertRule'}); }; handleCancel = () => { this.goBack(); }; handleMEPAlertDataset = (data: EventsStats | MultiSeriesEventsStats | null) => { const {isMetricsData} = data ?? {}; if ( isMetricsData === undefined || !this.props.organization.features.includes('metrics-performance-alerts') ) { return; } const {dataset, showMEPAlertBanner} = this.state; if (isMetricsData && dataset === Dataset.TRANSACTIONS) { this.setState({dataset: Dataset.GENERIC_METRICS, showMEPAlertBanner: false}); } if (!isMetricsData && dataset === Dataset.GENERIC_METRICS && !showMEPAlertBanner) { this.setState({dataset: Dataset.TRANSACTIONS, showMEPAlertBanner: true}); } }; renderLoading() { return this.renderBody(); } renderBody() { const { organization, ruleId, rule, onSubmitSuccess, router, disableProjectSelector, eventView, location, } = this.props; const { name, query, project, timeWindow, triggers, aggregate, environment, thresholdType, thresholdPeriod, comparisonDelta, comparisonType, resolveThreshold, loading, eventTypes, dataset, selectedPresetId, showMEPAlertBanner, } = this.state; const chartProps = { organization, projects: [project], triggers, location, query: this.chartQuery, aggregate, dataset, newAlertOrQuery: !ruleId || query !== rule.query, handleMEPAlertDataset: this.handleMEPAlertDataset, timeWindow, environment, resolveThreshold, thresholdType, comparisonDelta, comparisonType, }; const alertType = getAlertTypeFromAggregateDataset({aggregate, dataset}); const wizardBuilderChart = ( {AlertWizardAlertNames[alertType]} {!isCrashFreeAlert(dataset) && ( {aggregate} event.type:{eventTypes?.join(',')} )} } /> ); const triggerForm = (disabled: boolean) => ( ); const ruleNameOwnerForm = (disabled: boolean) => ( ); const thresholdTypeForm = (disabled: boolean) => ( this.handleFieldChange('comparisonDelta', value) } onComparisonTypeChange={this.handleComparisonTypeChange} organization={organization} comparisonDelta={comparisonDelta} /> ); let showPresetSidebar: boolean = dataset === Dataset.TRANSACTIONS && project.firstTransactionEvent && !this.props.ruleId; if (showPresetSidebar) { logExperiment({ key: 'MetricAlertPresetExperiment', organization, }); } showPresetSidebar = showPresetSidebar && !!organization.experiments.MetricAlertPresetExperiment; return ( {({hasAccess}) => { const disabled = loading || !(isActiveSuperuser() || hasAccess); return ( {showPresetSidebar && ( { this.setPreset(preset, context); }} selectedPresetId={selectedPresetId} /> )}
{eventView && ( )}
) : null } submitLabel={t('Save Rule')} > this.handleFieldChange('comparisonDelta', value) } onTimeWindowChange={value => this.handleFieldChange('timeWindow', value) } disableProjectSelector={disableProjectSelector} showMEPAlertBanner={showMEPAlertBanner} /> {t('Set thresholds')} {thresholdTypeForm(disabled)} {triggerForm(disabled)} {ruleNameOwnerForm(disabled)}
); }}
); } } const Main = styled(Layout.Main)` padding: ${space(2)} ${space(4)}; `; const Side = styled(Layout.Side)` padding: ${space(4)} ${space(2)}; grid-row-start: 1; @media (max-width: ${p => p.theme.breakpoints.large}) { border-bottom: 1px solid ${p => p.theme.gray200}; margin-bottom: ${space(3)}; padding-bottom: 0; } @media (min-width: ${p => p.theme.breakpoints.large}) { border-left: 1px solid ${p => p.theme.gray200}; max-width: 400px; } `; const StyledListItem = styled(ListItem)` margin: ${space(2)} 0 ${space(1)} 0; font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeExtraLarge}; `; const AlertListItem = styled(StyledListItem)` margin-top: 0; `; const ChartHeader = styled('div')` padding: ${space(2)} ${space(3)} 0 ${space(3)}; margin-bottom: -${space(1.5)}; `; const AlertName = styled(HeaderTitleLegend)` position: relative; `; const AlertInfo = styled('div')` font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeSmall}; font-family: ${p =>}; font-weight: normal; color: ${p => p.theme.textColor}; `; const StyledCircleIndicator = styled(CircleIndicator)` background: ${p => p.theme.formText}; height: ${space(1)}; margin-right: ${space(0.5)}; `; const Aggregate = styled('span')` margin-right: ${space(1)}; `; export default withProjects(RuleFormContainer);