import {useCallback, useEffect, useRef} from 'react';

import {Client} from 'sentry/api';

type Options = {
   * An existing API client may be provided.
   * This is a continent way to re-use clients and still inherit the
   * persistInFlight configuration.
  api?: Client;
   * Enabling this option will disable clearing in-flight requests when the
   * component is unmounted.
   * This may be useful in situations where your component needs to finish up
   * somewhere the client was passed into some type of action creator and the
   * component is unmounted.
  persistInFlight?: boolean;

 * Returns an API client that will have it's requests canceled when the owning
 * React component is unmounted (may be disabled via options).
function useApi({persistInFlight, api: providedApi}: Options = {}) {
  const localApi = useRef<Client>();

  // Lazily construct the client if we weren't provided with one
  if (localApi.current === undefined && providedApi === undefined) {
    localApi.current = new Client();

  // Use the provided client if available
  const api = providedApi ?? localApi.current!;

  // Clear API calls on unmount (if persistInFlight is disabled
  const clearOnUnmount = useCallback(() => {
    if (!persistInFlight) {
  }, [api, persistInFlight]);

  useEffect(() => clearOnUnmount, [clearOnUnmount]);

  return api;

export default useApi;