import {lastOfArray} from 'sentry/utils'; import {FlamegraphFrame} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/flamegraphFrame'; import {Rect} from './gl/utils'; import {Profile} from './profile/profile'; import {makeFormatter, makeTimelineFormatter} from './units/units'; import {CallTreeNode} from './callTreeNode'; import {Frame} from './frame'; // Intermediary flamegraph data structure for rendering a profile. Constructs a list of frames from a profile // and appends them to a virtual root. Taken mostly from speedscope with a few modifications. This should get // removed as we port to our own format for profiles. The general idea is to iterate over profiles while // keeping an intermediary stack so as to resemble the execution of the program. export class Flamegraph { profile: Profile; frames: FlamegraphFrame[] = []; profileIndex: number; inverted?: boolean = false; leftHeavy?: boolean = false; depth = 0; configSpace: Rect = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); root: FlamegraphFrame = { key: -1, parent: null, frame: new Frame({...Frame.Root}), node: new CallTreeNode(new Frame({...Frame.Root}), null), depth: -1, start: 0, end: 0, children: [], }; formatter: (value: number) => string; timelineFormatter: (value: number) => string; static Empty(): Flamegraph { return new Flamegraph(Profile.Empty, 0, { inverted: false, leftHeavy: false, }); } static From(from: Flamegraph, {inverted = false, leftHeavy = false}): Flamegraph { return new Flamegraph(from.profile, from.profileIndex, {inverted, leftHeavy}); } constructor( profile: Profile, profileIndex: number, { inverted = false, leftHeavy = false, configSpace, }: {configSpace?: Rect; inverted?: boolean; leftHeavy?: boolean} = {} ) { this.inverted = inverted; this.leftHeavy = leftHeavy; // @TODO check if we can get rid of this profile reference this.profile = profile; this.profileIndex = profileIndex; // If a custom config space is provided, use it and draw the chart in it this.frames = leftHeavy ? this.buildLeftHeavyGraph(profile, configSpace ? configSpace.x : 0) : this.buildCallOrderGraph(profile, configSpace ? configSpace.x : 0); this.formatter = makeFormatter(profile.unit); this.timelineFormatter = makeTimelineFormatter(profile.unit); if (this.profile.duration > 0) { this.configSpace = new Rect( configSpace ? configSpace.x : this.profile.startedAt, 0, configSpace ? configSpace.width : this.profile.duration, this.depth ); } else { // If the profile duration is 0, set the flamegraph duration // to 1 second so we can render a placeholder grid this.configSpace = new Rect( 0, 0, this.profile.unit === 'nanoseconds' ? 1e9 : this.profile.unit === 'microseconds' ? 1e6 : this.profile.unit === 'milliseconds' ? 1e3 : 1, this.depth ); } const weight = this.root.children.reduce( (acc, frame) => acc + frame.node.totalWeight, 0 ); this.root.node.addToTotalWeight(weight); this.root.end = this.root.start + weight; this.root.frame.addToTotalWeight(weight); } buildCallOrderGraph(profile: Profile, offset: number): FlamegraphFrame[] { const frames: FlamegraphFrame[] = []; const stack: FlamegraphFrame[] = []; let idx = 0; const openFrame = (node: CallTreeNode, value: number) => { const parent = lastOfArray(stack); const frame: FlamegraphFrame = { key: idx, frame: node.frame, node, parent, children: [], depth: 0, start: offset + value, end: offset + value, }; if (parent) { parent.children.push(frame); } else { this.root.children.push(frame); } stack.push(frame); idx++; }; const closeFrame = (_: CallTreeNode, value: number) => { const stackTop = stack.pop(); if (!stackTop) { // This is unreachable because the profile importing logic already checks this throw new Error('Unbalanced stack'); } stackTop.end = offset + value; stackTop.depth = stack.length; if (stackTop.end - stackTop.start === 0) { return; } frames.unshift(stackTop); this.depth = Math.max(stackTop.depth, this.depth); }; profile.forEach(openFrame, closeFrame); return frames; } buildLeftHeavyGraph(profile: Profile, offset: number): FlamegraphFrame[] { const frames: FlamegraphFrame[] = []; const stack: FlamegraphFrame[] = []; const sortTree = (node: CallTreeNode) => { node.children.sort((a, b) => -(a.totalWeight - b.totalWeight)); node.children.forEach(c => sortTree(c)); }; sortTree(profile.appendOrderTree); const virtualRoot: FlamegraphFrame = { key: -1, frame: CallTreeNode.Root.frame, node: CallTreeNode.Root, parent: null, children: [], depth: 0, start: 0, end: 0, }; this.root = virtualRoot; let idx = 0; const openFrame = (node: CallTreeNode, value: number) => { const parent = lastOfArray(stack); const frame: FlamegraphFrame = { key: idx, frame: node.frame, node, parent, children: [], depth: 0, start: offset + value, end: offset + value, }; if (parent) { parent.children.push(frame); } else { this.root.children.push(frame); } stack.push(frame); idx++; }; const closeFrame = (_node: CallTreeNode, value: number) => { const stackTop = stack.pop(); if (!stackTop) { throw new Error('Unbalanced stack'); } stackTop.end = offset + value; stackTop.depth = stack.length; // Dont draw 0 width frames if (stackTop.end - stackTop.start === 0) { return; } frames.unshift(stackTop); this.depth = Math.max(stackTop.depth, this.depth); }; function visit(node: CallTreeNode, start: number) { if (!node.frame.isRoot()) { openFrame(node, start); } let childTime = 0; node.children.forEach(child => { visit(child, start + childTime); childTime += child.totalWeight; }); if (!node.frame.isRoot()) { closeFrame(node, start + node.totalWeight); } } visit(profile.appendOrderTree, 0); return frames; } findAllMatchingFrames( frameOrName: FlamegraphFrame | string, packageName?: string ): FlamegraphFrame[] { const matches: FlamegraphFrame[] = []; if (typeof frameOrName === 'string') { for (let i = 0; i < this.frames.length; i++) { if ( this.frames[i] === frameOrName && this.frames[i].frame.image === packageName ) { matches.push(this.frames[i]); } } } else { for (let i = 0; i < this.frames.length; i++) { if ( this.frames[i] === && this.frames[i].frame.image === frameOrName.node.frame.image ) { matches.push(this.frames[i]); } } } return matches; } setConfigSpace(configSpace: Rect): Flamegraph { this.configSpace = configSpace; return this; } }